63 S wl th said bid. -~ The above order being read, it was moved Dy Coamtis si oner Yoore and eeooaded by Coffil saioner F. A. Berger, that the same do pnea; th arenpon, the gnesti oa being oallad for, the follow ing voted lYE: Commiasi Quern F, 1, Barger, Virgil Storms, gym, Barger, and T. J. Moore, and NONE voted N0. P13SED AND APPROPED, this, the 10th day of February, 19 ffi, ATTEST: o'~L"~erT', e~ou~, Tezea. Coua'~~j midge, • Qua etas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 165, ALLOWAIWE OF CLAIMS AND 1000UNTS. Thin 10th day of February, A. D. 1931, Dame on to be considered Dy the Court the various of aims and woo Dante filed egai nst Barr CouIItg and its reepeotive Commisaloaera~ Precinota winos lent term of this Court, eDloh elaime wad eo aouata wars appr ~~ad and ordered paid by the County Clerk in amour to and out of respective funds, ea shown in 901. 6, pages lE9 and 130, of the Minutes of laooua is plowed for Barr County, Which 1^ made a part hereof. o-o-o-m-o+.0-0.0 No. 166, APPA07AL OF CO. do DIET. CLERB'S QUIRTSHLY HBPOHT. Th1e.~lOth day of February, 1931, Dame oa W be oonaidsred the quarterly report of Bohn R. Leaven, Co. k Distriot Clerk for quarter ending Tamiary 31st, 1931, of fines imposed exd col leoted and judgments rendered e~ eolleeted, whieh report was found aorreot and is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 167, APPACVAL OF COUNTY CLERB'S QUIRTERLY TABULAR STATEMENT. Thip 10th day of January, 1831, Dame oa to be azamined the quarterly tahular statement filed by Toha R. Leaven, County Clerk covering the indebted assn, ezpenditu rea, end reoeipte ai Barr County for quarter ending January 31st, 1931, said report having been found oorreot, is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o Y No. 1d8, APP80VAL OF HEPORT AND FEES OF JUSTIOE OF THE PEACE QF PRECINCT N0. ONE. Thin 10th day of February, 1951, Dame on to be Donal dsrad by the Court the rep on of E. H.~Turnar, Juatioe of the Peaoe of Preoinot No. 1 of Barr County, Tezea, for the month of January, 1931, of oriminal oases flied, and fines, judgments sad jury Saes Doll eeted, totaling $114.95, entitling him to $89.00 in fees, and it appearing that osid report is true and oorreot, servo is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is di rented to dasue two vouehera in payment of said fees in favor of E. H. Turner, one for $14.50 out of R. & B. fund and the other Yor $72.50 out of Ad Pal Dram fund. o-o-o-o.•o-o-o bTo;. 189 ACCEPTANCE OF J1N. RSPOHT OF HOME DEMONSTRATION !GENT. This 10th day of Feb., 1931, came oa to be heard the report of H1 ea Veta Culpepper, Cpµnty,$gpe llemonatration Agent, for the montpof January, 1931, whieh report is hereby aeeepted Eby the Oaut wad tho Clerk is direoted to file name. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 170, TElQPOAAAAY ALLOWANCE TO PARTIES IN FINANCIAL DI STRESS. Thin 10th day of February, 1931, it is or~ered by the Court that eaoh of the follow- ing named parties be and is hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Ad Valorem fund of Barr County, set opposite his or her name, for eaoh of the months deaigaeted, to-wiL: