~3 ~ ~ No. 1~4, _ ~~ COD'RT*S RECE99. This 10th day of FaDraary, I931, 1t appearing to the Court that certain bueinasa now before the Court cannot be attended to until the ooming Saturday, it is hereby ordered by the Court that the Court recess oast until 9 O~olook A. SH. Saturday, February 14th, 1931, for the purpose of finlahing all business before the Court. No- 174, COURT RE-CONVENED. This 14th day of February, 1931, the Commis si onera' Court of %err County, Tease, with all members thereof pie sent, reo onvened at the Cour thouae in Kerrville, Tezea, pursuant to reoo ae taken Dy the Com•t on Febrnary 10th inst., and the following prooeedinga were had, to-tit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 176, ORDK9 FISCNG COUNTY JUDGE'S AND COUNTY S'CAOOL SUPERINTENDENT'S SALARIES. Thin 14th day of February, 1931, it 1~,ordoredDy~..the Coutt'~~ShtL the calariea of the County Judge end County Sohool Superi ntaades4'ef $err Oounty De and a3e hereby Hzed in and aL the following amounts for the yearp,. 1951~aIId 19EE, via; As County Judge, the sum ~ $1,300.00 par aaa~, and As eaofficio County Sahool Superintendent, the sum of $400.00 per annum, plus a stamp allowance for eaah offi of al of $20.00 per annum. It is further ordered affi deoreed by the Court thmt acid aggregate salary of $1720,00 per annum be paid by the Couatq Clerk out of the Ld Valorem fund in monthly installments of $143.33 eaah, payable on or after the first day of eaah calendar month, and onus eaoh year 1/4th of such County Judge's salary shall be transferred to the Ad Valorem fund from the general Road & Bridge fund of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 177, ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLERK'S SALARY. Thin 14th flay of February, 1981, St is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the Die tract Clerk of Kerr County be and is hs reby fized at and is the sum of $900.00 per annum for the years, 1931 and 1932, whi ah salary shall be payable in 12 monthly installments of $73.00 eaah, to be paid by the County Clork by proper you ohera drawn against the Ad Valorem 2tinfl. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 178, ORDER FIXING COUNTY CLERK'S SALARY. On this, 14th day of February, 1931, it ie ordered by the Court that the County Clark shall be allowed to pay out for Mpnties out of the fees of his office, the sum r of $3,300.00 per anrum during the years 1931 and 1932, and it i• further ordered and deoreed Dy the Court that the annual salary of the County Clerk of Karr County be sad is hereby fized at an aggregate sam of $2,000,00 for each of said two yearn, as follows: $1,850,00 per annum ae County Clerk, $250.00 per annum for keeping the flnam e ledger and $100.00 per antrum for indezing, Same to be/$166.66 on Feb, let, 1931 and in quarterly installmeate of $500.00 eaoh on the first days of May, Luguat and November of 1931, and on the rir st days of Feb., May., August and November, 1932, and another inn to llment for two months salary emoun ti ng to $333.34 oa J'sn. 1st, 1933, Same to be paid to the County Clerk out of the Ad Valorem fund oa dates mentloaed by proper vouohera~ The annual salary of $2,000.00 per annum is hereby allowed and shall be paid to She County Clerk in addition to all fees of offioe b. ma~entitled to retain above said