~3 9 ~ xo. 1-a. coaRT's RECESS. Thi^ 10th day of February, T931, it appearing to the Court that oertaia business nor before tku Court cannot be attended to until the ooming Saturday, it is hereby ordered by the Court that the Court recess over uat11 8 O'olook A. M. Saturday, February 14th, 1931, for the purpose of finishing all business before the Court. ' No- 193, COURT RE-CONVEN%D. This 14th day of February, 1931, the Commis ai onera' Court of %err County, Tezsa, rich ell members thereof present, reo onvened at the Courthouse in %errv111e, Tezsa, pursuant to reaeas taken Dy the Court on February 10th inst., end the following prooeedinga sere ,I had, to-sit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 176, ORDER FI~NG COUNTY JIIDGE'S AbID COUNTY SCROOL 30PERINTEDIDENT'S SALARIES. This 14th day a2 February, 1931, St 1',ordsrgd Dy~.the CoufY thdt the salaries of p the County Tudge and County Soho of Superi ntamde~t~ef Kerr County be and are hereby Sized in and at the following amounts far the ysarg, 1951 tad 1938, v1 c; As County Judge, the sum of $1,300.00 per anmm, and Aa eaoffioio County Sahool Superintendent, the sum of $400.00 per annum, plus a stamp allowance for nosh official of $20.00 per annum. It is further ordered affi deoreed by the Court thnt said aggregate salary of $1720,00 per annum be paid by the County Clerk ouL of the Ad Valorem fund in monthly instal lme nta of $143.33 eaoh, payable on or after the first day of eaoh oalendar month, and oaoe sash year 1/4th of au eh County Judge's salary shall be transferred to the Ad Valorem fund from the general Road & Bridge fund of %err County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 177, ORDER FI%ING DISTRICT CLERK'S SALARY. This 14th day of February, 1981, it is ordered Dy the Court that the annual salary of the Dietriot Clerk of %orr County be and is txe raby Sized at sad in the sum of $900.00 per annum for the years, 1931 sad 1932, ahioh salary shall be payabls in 12 monthly Installments of $75.00 eaoh, to ba paid by the County Clerk Dy proper you Ohara drawn against tho Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-O-o-o-o Ro. 178, ORDER FI%ING COUNTY CLERK'S SALARY. On this, 14th day of February, 1931, it ie ordered by the Court that the County Clerk shall be allowed to pay out for deputies out of the fees of his office, the sum 4 . of $3,300.00 per anaam during the years 1931 and 1932, and it 1^ further ordered sad deoreed by the Court that the annual salary of the County Clerk of Kerr County be and is hereby Sized at as aggregate sum of $2,000.00 for eaoh of said two years, sa follows: $1,880.00 per annum u County Clerk, $250.00 per annum for keeping the finam e ledger and $100.00 per annum for indezi.ng. Same to be/$166.68 on Feb. la t, 1931, and in quarterly inatallmeats of $500.00 eaoh on the first days of Ma9, August and November of 1931, and on the first days of Feb., May„ August and November, 1932, and another ins to llment for Lao months salary amounting to $333.34 on Jan. 1st, 1933, Same to be paid to the County Clerk out of the Ad Valorem fund on dates mead oned by proper vouoh m's The annual salary of $2,000.00 per annum is 1nreDy /,a~~llow ad and shall De paid to the County Clerk in addition to sll tees of office he may1 antitlod to retain above said