53.1 X183, APPORTIONMENT OF ,000.00 R. & B. FUfIDS. This 14th dap of February, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that the sum of $29,000.00 now to the oradit of Lhe R. & B. Fund of Eerr County, be and is hereby apportloaed among it's Co~issionera' Pracl nets as follows: 50~ or $14,500.00 thereof to R. k B. fund of Preolnet No. 1, 11'6 or $ 3,190.00 thereof to R. & B. Sued of Precinot No. 2, 09'6 or $ 2,610.00 thereof to R. & B, fund of Preainot Ro. 3, and 30¢ or $ 8,700.00 thereof to R. k H. fiord of Precinot Ro. 4. Said amounts to be oredi tad to their reap eative prat snots by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X185, RE: ASSESSED VALUATION OF CONMZ SSIONERS' PREGINCT3 NOS. 1 and 4. This 14th day of Fabrnary, 1931, it Sa ordered by the Court that W. G. Peterson, County Taz Assessor and A. L. Starkey, County Surveyor aaoertaia tho ezaet eabeabed valvatioa of all property in Caa~isai oners' Praoinots Nos. 1 and 4 of %srr County as shows by the 1930 tea rolls, and report their findings to thla Court at itb nszt regular term. ow-o-o-e-o-o #159, MATTER OF RELOCATING ROAD THROIIGA C&NTSB POIN3. This 14th day of February, 1931, same on to be heard both aides or faotiona for and agai net the ohaagi ng of the publi oroad or highway through the town of Center Paint, Tsaas, gnd the Court agreed to i~peot the proposed routes and deoide on proper loastioa of said road on Monday, Feb. 16th, 1931, the Court to ba •o oomp8nled and assisted by resident state engineer, Mr. Jowera. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~ X186, TARTS FEH OF $16,000.00 from Proeeeda of Road Bonds ao ld to R. & B. $3 fund. This 14th day of February, 1931, it appearing to the Court Shat Ccomilasio~ ra' Precinet No. 3 is entitled to receive and nee Yor the improvement of its roads the anm of $15,000.00 out of the proceeds of the tale of $250,000,00 Boad Boada reoen tly sold Dy Serr County, it is therefore ordered and decreed that the enm of $15,000.00 be Dy the County Treasurer transferred from sold •v811abie Bond Bond Fund to the R. & 8. fund e2 Commlaelowre' Preai mt No. 3, and a like soffi of $15,000.00 shall be transferred from the $40,000.00 Schreiner Donation to dsffisis$s3ers3 ReadiBe#d Msa~'. dsrs std four as a pert of their allotment out of said road bond proeaeds to be used for the impreve- meat of~l8teral roads. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pagan 627 to 539 hereof inclusive, were read 1n open Court, and sound correct, and the same ere hereby in all respects approved by the CourC, this the loth day of lebruary, A. D. 1931. Attest: ~ p oua `fir cT~` By.a~~~~~~ Deputy. ., e gs 0-0-0-0»0-0-0