53~ t X183, APPORTI OSBfiENT OF $29,000.00 R. A B. FUbIDS. This 14th day of February, 1931, St is ordered by Lhs Court that the sum of $29,000.00 sow to the eredit of the R. & H. Fund of %err County, be and is hereby apportioned among it's Comvdasioners' Precincts as follows: 50~ or $14,500.00 thereof to R. &, B. fund of Preoinot No. 1, 11',G or $ 3,190.00 thereof to R. & B. Sand of Pr eninat No. 2, 09~ or $ 2,610.00 thereof to R. & B. fund of Preoinot Ro. 3, and 30'~ or $ 8,700.00 thereof to R. k B. fund of Preoinot Ao. 4. Said amounts to be credited to their teepee tive precinots by the, County Clark. X185, RE: ASSESSED VALUATION OF o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' PRECZNCT9 N03. 1 and 4. This 14th day of February, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that ~7. G. Peterson, County Taz Assessor and A. 1. Starkey, County Surveyor eaoertein the ezaet as6eabed• valuation of all property in Commisai oasts' Preainete Noe. 1 and 4 of %err County as shown by the 1930 taz rolls, and report their findings to this Court at its nezt regular term. o-o-o-ow-o-o X189, MATSER OF RELOCATING ROAD THROUGR CENTER POINT. This 14th day of February, 1931, oame on to be heard both sides or fao Lions for and agal net the changi ag of the publi o-road or highway through the town o1 Center Point, Tszae, and the Court agreed to inepeot the proposed routes and decide on proper to oatlon of said road on Monday, Feb. 16th, 1931, the Court to bs eo oompanied and assi aced by resident state engineer, Mr. Jowere. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 7186, TRAIS FER of $18,000.00 from Prooeeds of Road Bonds sold to R. & B. ~3 fund. This 14th day of February, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Commiasiois rs' Preoinot No. 3 ie entitled to receive affi nee for the improvement of its roads the sum of $18,000.00 out of the proo eels of Lhe sale of $250,000.00 Road Benda reoen tly sold by Sera County, it is therefore ordered and deozaed that the sum of $15,000.00 be Dy the County Treasurer Iran aferred from sand Available Boed Bond Fend to the R. & B. hind of Comouesionere' Preoimt No. 8, and-a iiks evm of $18,000,00 shall be transferred from th• $40,000.00 Schreiner Donation to Oenitsed',ba~a3 Rra8111eid $NG dais and tour as a psr~ of their ellotme nL out of said road bond proceeds to b® used for Lhe imyreve- meat of lateral roads. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 827 to 839 hereof inclusive, were read in open Court, and found correoL, and the same ere hereby in all respects approved by the CourE, Chia the utb day of lebruary, A. D. 1931. Attest: /~ ~ p Q oun By _ Deputy. (~ i -°'aun'~ ge 0-0-0-0~0-0-0