p No. 195, APPROVAL OF REPORT AivD FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT No. ONE. N S Y L This 9th day oP March, 1931, came on to ba considered by the Court the report of E, H. Turner, Tustioe of the Peace of Precinct No. 1 0}' $err County, Tessa, for the month of February, 1931, of ariminatl eases filed, and Pines, judgments and jury fees collected, totaling $122.25, entitling him to $90.00 in lees, and it appearing that said report ie true and correct, same is hereby approved, and the County Clark is directed to issue two vouchers in payment of said fees in favor of E. H. Turner, one Por $67.50 out of Ad Valorem fund and the other Por $22.50 out of Road & Bridge fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 19B, QUALIFICATION OF W. K. COWDEN A3 JOSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. 2, This 9th day of March, 1931, Demo on to be considered the official bond of W, K. Cowden as Justice of the Peace of Justice's PreoinOt No. 2 of Kerr County, under appointment of this Court at it's last Tanuary term, and it appearing that said W. K. Cowden has taken hie official oath as prescribed by law and that his bond is good and sufficient, it 1s hereby ordered that said bond be approved in open Court and that same be recorded by the County Clerk Sn the Official Bond Record of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 197, ALLONIANCE OF FIRST ESTIMATE OF WORK DONE ON INGRAM-RIINT PAVED ROAD. Thia 9th day of March, 1931, Dame on to be audited and ezamined by the Court the first estimate or account of Brown & Root, Inc. aoa$ractora, covering work performed, materiel, gas, oil, etc. Furnished and used and rentals on machinery and equipment, on the construction of the Ingram-Hunt Paved road during the period from Feb. 4th to Fab.RB, 1931, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $3,979.01, and it appearing to the Court that said estimate or account iE correct, same be and is hereby approved and elloxed and the County ClerK is directed to issue s voucher in said sum of $3979.01 out oP the Ingram-Runt Road Fund in favor of Brown & Root, Inc., 1n payment of said claim. o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TESAS, COUNTY OF KERR. On this, the 10th day oY Mar oh, 1931, the Commissionars* Court of Kerr County, Tams, being in regular session at a regular term of said Court, the following members thereof being prevent, namely: Chas. Real, County Tudge, F. A. Kargar, Commissioner Precinct No. 1, Virgil Storms, Commissioner Precinct No. 2, Wm. Kargar, Commiasioner Preoinat No. 3, T. J. Moore, Commiasioner Precinct No. 4, Tno. R, Leavall, County Clark, the following prooeedinga, among others, rare had, to-wit: WHEREAS, heretofore on the 12th day of January, 1931, the Comtgisaioners' Court of Kerr County, Tazae, psased an order authorizing the issuance of $40,000.00 KERB COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE REFUNDING WARRANTS OF 1931, for the purpose of refunding an equal. amount of scrip or rarrants duly and legally iasuad against the Road and Bridge Fund of said County, which order is recorded in Book H, page 511, et, seq. of the MinYltae pf said Court, WHEREAS, in pursu~ce of said order, certain scrip or warrants have been issued against the Road and Bridge Fund of said County of Kerr, Tame, in payms nt oY clalma which were duly audited and allowed by the Commissioners' Court of said County, prior to the iasuano• of saifl warrants, which are valid, subsisting end binding obligations against said