5f~ 3 ~' ROAD AIW1 BRIDGE F01`ID. Number Date To Whom Issued purpose AmORAt 5408 3-9-31 Henry Eckstein Labor So..Fk.Rd.Week ending Feb. 21st ~BB3.y^~ 5409 3-9-31 Henry Eekatela Labor So. Fk.Rd.Week ending Feb. 28th 719.09 5410 3-9-31 Henry Eckstein Labor So. Fk.Rd.Week ending Moh. 7th 941.04 5412 3-9-31 Chas. Schreiner Co. Materigl,tools,equip.do groceries So.Fk.Rd. 717.55 5413 3-9-31 Chas. Sohreiner Co. Cement ~961.14,Stee1 & Equip.$77.76, Labor $1,504. b1, 2,543.61 5425 3-9-31 W. I3. Furr, Labor North Fork Road, 91.39 5316 2-14-31 Henry Eckstein LaDOr & provisions for South Fork Road 257.13 5317 2-14-31 Aoy Littlefield Labor on S. Fork Rd. 564.4E 5326 2-14-31 Chas. Schreiner Co. Cement $430.11; Labor,Materials, Equip- went fi Supplies on South Fork Rd. 2,098.33 5327 2-14-31 Peterson's Auto Co. 1/2 of New Chevrolet Truok, 404.38 $9,000.00 Aggregating the sum of $9,000.00, all of vdii oh eorip or warrants ere held and owned by Van H. Howard Company, San Antonio, Tema, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Commisaioaers+ Court of SArr County, Teens, that the said original scalp or wawa ffia agai sat the $oad and Bridge Ttnd of said County, herein listed, be anfl the same are hereby in all things validated and held and declared to be valid, subsisting and binding and unsatisiisd obligati one against Serr County, Teas, and the acts of the County Offiaere in the issuates of said warrants are b heraDy in ell things ratisi fed and confirmed. IT IS FURTFIEA ORDERED, that in conformity with the said warrant order passed on the 12th day of January, 1831, that KERR COIINTY ROAD AND BRIDGE REFUNDING WA$RA2D:S of 1931, in the nmouat of X9,000.00 being Warrauts Nos. 19, 20, 28, 32, and 38 to 40, inolunive, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, dated January 15th, 1931, bearing interest at the rate of 8~ per annum, be eaeouted sad delivered to Van H. Howard Company, San Antonio, Teaas, the owner and holder of the ort gtasl eorip or warrants. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the County Judge at Eerr County, Tezas, be and he is hereby ordered, authorized std directed t0 do liver said $afuad ing Warrants Nos. 19, 20, 28, 32, and 56 te42, inolueive, to Van H. Howard Company, San Ant mio, Tazea, whey the original warrants herein listed hnve been surrendered to him and asnoel la d, said Refunding Warrants to be delivered in lieu of sad in full eatiafae ti on of original eorip or warrants, PASSED BY TAE UNANIMOUS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS COMPOSING THE C ®9rtISSI0IERS+ COURT OF KERR COUNTY, TEZAS, th1 s, the 10th day of March, 1931, At#46t: /J /Z ovyty Clerk, Lerr County,-Teas. nun y ge, arT oun y, saes. No. 199, APPROVAL OF TWO COUNTY DEPOSITORY BONDS AGGREGATING $300,000.00. This 10th day of Mara h, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the personal bond of Charles Sohreiner Bank, (Unincorporated) for x`50,000.00 as County Depository, signed Yt Dy nix substantial sureties hoe been approved by the State Comptroller, and it app ~ariag to the Court that said Dond Por x`50,000.00 together with the addl ti onal County Depository+s bond in the sum of $250,000.00 made by said Charles Sohreiner Bank on March 7th, 1931, by reason of receiving the proc ee da of the sale of $250,000.00 Eerr County Road Bonds, are both good and suificie nt bonds, it ie therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that ea}d Donda and eaah of them, be and arc hareDy app mvefl Dy the Court and said Charles s~~ Sohreinm•Baak is hereby designated as the County Depository of Eerr County for the years eooo riling to law, and it is Pu rther ordered that the Clark of this Court record said in the Offielsl Boad.Reoord of &err County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 200, ADVADtCE ON 1931 COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S COI$dQSSI OILS. This 10th day of Yarah, 1931, Dame on to be heard the application of 77. G. Peterson, County Taz Aseesaor for nn advanoe of X300.00 on hie 1931 County TeX Assessor's. ao~isalons, and it appearing to the Court Shat he is entitled to rime, it ie ordered that the County Clerk issue and deliver unto him three warraxGa for $100.00 esah, one eaoh out of the Ad Valorem, Court Rouse & Jail Sinking and Road and Bridge Sunda. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No.. 159, COURTS LOCATION OF PAVED LOOP THROUGH TBg TOwN OF CENTER POINT. This 10th day of Yaroh, 1931, aem~ oa to be oonaidered by the Court the matter of permtnentlp boating the paved loop through the town of Center Point, the two pmpoeed routes or locations for said loop having been properly surveyed by Resident State Engineer, ~'. Sowers and estimates of the oonatruetion of eaoh paved loop along either of said routeg having been submitted to the Court by said Engi seer, sad said proposed routes and locations were ezamined and inspoated on the ground by the Court on February 16, 1931, and it appearing to the Court that St ie to the beat iatereat oil Eerr County and the maSJority of the oitizena of the Center Point eommzaity that said loop be built along the routs hereinafter mentioned. TFiEAEFORE, upon motion of~Commissloner Storms, aeoonded by Commissioner Wm, Eerger that and unanimously adopted , it ie ordered, adJudgsd and devreed by the Coart/the CeIIter point Paved Loop be and is hereby loaate8 along the following route as survoyod by Bngine~r Jowera, commencing at pr opoaed highway No. 29 near the Centm~ point depot; thence So uth •aaroas the Guadalupe River into San Antonia Street, a new, bridge to be located phout 1200 feet east of present bridge, Thanes South along San Antonio Street to it's intareet•°with Chige.Stre at. Thence Eeat with China Street and along present State Highway X27 to the Government crossing or lower bridge. The nos across said bridge and continuing in a N. E. 8irecti on as surveyed by Engineer Jowera interaeoting propo aed now Rlghway No. 27. It is further ordered and decreed that the width along San Antonio Street of Bald loop be topped with asphalt from curb to curb 45 feat in width, and the right of way of all other parts of said loop or road to be SO Peet wide, and that all sharp corners be eliminated Provided however, the right of way for, and along sai8 loop or road is scoured by %err County free of oherge. ao-o-o-o-o-o 4 No. 201, APPROVAL OF JAR. ! FYH. REPORTS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS' OFFI GE E%PENSE. This 10th day of Marsh, 1931, came on to be Done idered the reports for the mon the of January and February of Jno. A. Loavel 1, County Clerk, A. A. Hartmann, Di atriot Clerk, W. D. C. Jones, County Attorney and E. fI. Turner, Justice of the Pee oe, covering their of fief expenses for said two months, all of which reports were found aorreot by the Colirtand hereby npprovsd by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 540 to 544, inclusive were read is open Court, and Sou correct, and the same are he raby in all reapeats approved by the Court, this the 10th day of Yaroh, A. D. 1931. Attest: C sty Clerk ~~ Deputy. Dun ge.