S~ y Sohrei ner~ Sank la hereby designated as the County Depository oP %err County for the neat two years aeco riling to law, and it is Further ordered that the Clerk of this Court record said boy in the Official Bond.Reoord of %err County. _ i, o-o-o-o-O-o-o-0~0 No. 200, ADpANCE ON 1931 COUNTY TA% ASSESSOR'S COLa6ffSSI02S5. This 10th day of March, 1931, Dame on to be heard the application of W, G. Peterson, County Taz Assessor Por an advanoe of $300.00 on his 1931 County Taa Assessor's commissions, and it appearing to the Court that he is entitled to same, it is ordered that the County Clerk issue and deliver unto him three warrardce for $100.00 eaoh, one each out of the Ad Valorem, Court House & Jail Sinking and Road and Bridge funds. ', o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 159, COCRT'S LOCATION OF PAVED LOOP TNHOIIGR TH6 TOWN OF CENTER POINT. This 10th day of March, 1931, Dame on to be aoneidered by the Court the matter oY ~ permanently boating the paved loop through the town of Center Point, the two pmpoaed routes i or locations for said loop having been properly surveyed by Reci dent State Engineer, ~. Jowers ¢nd estimates of t17e oonatrue Lion of sash paved loop along either of Bald rou tee ~, having bees submitted to the Court by said Bngi na er, and said proposed routes and locations ~'~, were ezamined and inspected on the ground by the Court on February 16, 1931, and it appearing ~~ ~~~ to the Court that it ie to the Dest interest of Ken County and themat jori ty of the oltl zena~ of the Center Point eommuai ty that said loop be built along the route hereinafter mentioned, TIIEREFORE, upon motion of Commissioner Stores, eeoonded by Commiselonsr Wm, Karger ~ that i and unanimously adopted , it Se ordered, adjudged and chore ed by the Court/the Center Po1aS ~ I Paved Loop be and is hereby boated along the fallowing route as surveyed by Engineer Jowera,~ commenoi ng at proposed hlghwap No, 29 near the Center poi n$ depot; th sues So uth .aoroas the f I ~~. Guadalupe River into San Antonia Street, a new. bridge to be located gbout 1200 feet east of present bridge. Thence South along San Aatonlo Street to it's int ereet~'aith ChigL Street. Thence East with China Street and aiong pr eaeat State Highway X27 to the Government Dressing or lower bridge. Theme across said bridge sad continuing in s N. E. direction ae surveyed i ~ by Engineer Jowers interaeating proposed new Highway No. 27, ail It is further ordered and decreed that the width along San Antonio Street of said ~I loop be topped with asphalt from aurD to ourb 95 feet in width, and the right of way oP all other parts of said loop or road to be BO Peet wide, and that all sharp Dorn era be eliminated Provided however, the right of way Por, and along said loop or road is seou red my pp Barr County free of oherge. 9 YY~ 0-0-0-0.0-0-0 _ ~ No. 201, APPROVAL OF 71H, b F88. REPORTS OF COIINTY OFFICIALS' OFFI GE E%PENSE. -~ ~ This 10th day of March, 1931, came oa to ba Dons idered the reports for the menthe of ~44I January and February of Jno. R. Leavel 1, County C1ar k, A. A. Hartmann, Dl atrial Clerk, W, D, .yl~, C, Tones, Cquaty Attorney and E. H. Turner, Suatice of the Peaoe, ooveri ng their oYfioO ip eapanaes for said two months, all of which reports were Pound oorreot by the Court and hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing miautea on pages 540 to 544, inclusive were read in open Court, and Soua~ oorreat, and the same are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 10th day of ~, Maroh, A. D. 1931. ~ ~!, Attest: _ C ntp Clerk ~~ Deputy. oua e. 0-0-0-0-0-0.0-0 19