Sy y Sohrel ner~8ank is hereby designated as years according to lnw, and it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Court record said in the OPfioiel Bond.Reoord of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 200, ADVANCE ON 1931 COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S COP.M~fLSSI OISS. This 10th day of Maroh, 1931, same on to be heard the applipati on of W. G. Pet ersoa, County Taz Assessor for ea advano• of $300.00 on his 1931 County Taz Assessor's aommisaiona, and it appearing to the Court Shat he is untitled to same, it i• ordered Shat the County Clerk issue and deliver unto him three warraalte for $100.00 eaoh, one each out of the Ad Valorem, Court House & Jail Sinking and Road and Sri dge iUnda. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 159, COURTS LOCATION OF PAYED LOOP TH'HOIIGH TBg TOWN OF CENTER POINT. This 10th day of Maroh, 1931, eem~ on to be apnsidered by the Court the matter of permltaently locating the paved loop through the town of Center Point, the two proposed routes !i~ or locations for said loop having Dean properly surveyed by Reei dent State Engineer, $, Jowere and estimates of the eonstruc ti oa of eaoh paved loop along either of said rou tee having been submitted to the Court by said Engineer, and said p¢opoaed routes and locations II were ezamined and inapeoted on the ground by the Court on February 16, 1931, and it appearing, to the Court that it ie to the beet interest at Kerr County and themat~ori ty of the oiti zena of the Center Point eommuaity that said loop be built along the route hereinafter mentioned. TIIEREFORE, upon motion ~' Commie si oner Storm, aeoonded by Commisaioner Wm, Karger ~ that and unanimously adopted , St Se ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court/the Center point I Paved Loop be and is hereby loaate6 along the Yellowing route as surveyed by Shgi near Jowara, commencing at pr opoeed highway No. 24 near the Center Point depot; th sues So uth ~earoae the II Guadalupe River into San Antonia StraeL, a new, bridge to be located gbout 1200 feet east ~ of present bridge. Theno• South along 9en Antonio Street to it's intareeb°with Ch101.Streat. ~~ Thenoe Eaet with China Street and along pr eaent State Highway X27 to the Government orosaing or lower bridge. The nee across said bridge and continuing in a N. E. direati on ae surveyed ~ by Engineer Jowere intereaating proposed new Highway No, 27. It is further ordered sad deoreed that the width along San Antonio Street of said loop be topped with asphalt from curb to curb 45 feet in wl dth, and the right of way of all other parts oP said loop or road to be 60 feet wide, and that all sharp Dorn era be Provided however, the right of ray for, and along said loop or road is seou red by Kerr County free of oharge. - ,, o_o-o-o-o-o~o V No. 201, APPROVAL OF TAH. k FSB. REPORTS OF CODN17 OFFICIALS' OFFICE EXPENSE. - This 10th day of March, 1931, Dame on m be Dona idered the reports for the months of January sad February of Jno. R. Leavel 1, County C1ar k, A. A. Hartmann, Dl etriot Clark, W. D, C. Jonas, County Attorney and E. H. Turner, Justice of the Peaoe, ooveri ng their of fio• ezpansea for said two mon the, all of which reports were found oorreat by the Godrt and hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing mlautes on pages 540 to 544, inclusive were read in open Court, and oorreat, and the same are hereby ih all reepeats approved by the Court, this the 10th day of Yaroh, A. D. 1931. Attest: C nky Clert Deputy. 0-0-0-0-0-0.0-0 Dun ge.