Shy ' 0 Sohrel nor Bsak is hereby designated as the County Depository of nett County rot sue nezs cwo I years according to law, and it is further ordered that the Clerk oP this Court taco rd said b in the Offioial Bond Record of 3arr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e No. 200, ADVANCE ON 1931 COIIN'1R TAX ASSESSOR'S COTdAiISSI ONS. Thin 10th flay of Baroh, 1931, Dame qn to be hoard the application of W. G. Petersmn, County Taz Assessor for an advance of #300.00 on his 1931 County Tax Asaessor~s aommiasiona, and it appearing to the Court that he is entitled to same, it is ordered that the County Clerk issue an8 deliver unto him three warrants for $100.00 anon, one each out oP trio Ad Valorem, Court House & Jail Sinking and Hoad and Hridgo funds. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 359, COURTS LOCATION OF PAVED LOOP THHOIIGH THg TORN OF CENTER POI N3. This 10th day of March, 1931, Dame on to be ooneidered by the Court the matter of permanently boating the paved loop through the town of Center Point, the Lwo proposed routes~~~ or locations for said loop having been properly surveyed by Real dent State $ngine er, 34•. ~~ i Dowers and estimates of the oonatruo ti on of such paved loop along either oP said routep having been submitted to the Court by said Engineer, and said isopoaed routes and locations were examined and inapeotod on the ground by the Court on February 16, 1931, cad it appearing ~~~ to the Court that it ie to the best interest of Kerr County and themat~ori ty oP the eiti zenali oP the Center Point sommusi ty that said loop be built along the route hereinafter mentioned. '~ THEREFORE, upon motion of Cowni sai oner Storms, aeoonded by Comm1^ai oner Wm, Enrger 'i that and unanimously adopted , 1t Se ordered, adJudged and deoread by the Court/the Center Po1at ' Paved Loop be and is hereby boated along the Following route as surveyed by Engineer Jowera, aommeaoi ng at proposed highway No. 29 near the Center Point depot; thence So uth •soros• the Guadalupe River into San Antonls Street, a new bridge to be boated about 1200 seat seat of present bridge. Thdne• South along San Antonio Street to it's lntareet~°with Chi`a.Street. Thence E9at with China Street cad along pr anent State Highway #27 to the Government ore wing or lower bridge. Them a across said bridge and continuing in a N. E. 8ireo ti on as su rveye8 by Engineer Dowers interaeoting proposed now Highway No. 27. It is further ordered and deoread that the width along Sea Antonio Street of said loop be topped with asphalt from curb to curb 45 feat in wl dth, and the right of wa7 oP all other parts oP said loop or road to be 60 Peet wide, and that all sharp Dorn era be eliminat Provided however, the right oP way for, and along said loop or road is seou red by %err bounty free of charge. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Y No. 201, APPROVAL OF JAB. k ~. REPORTS OF COIINTY OFFICIALS OFEIGE EXPENSE. Thin 10th day of March, 1931, coma oa to be ooneidered the reports for the menthe of Janusry and February of Jno, R. Leavel 1, County Clerk, A. A. Hartmann, Di strict Clerk, W, D, C. Jones, County Attorney and E. Ii. Turner, Justice of the Pea oe, covering their of fioi expenses for said two menthe, ell of which reports were found oorreot by the Cotirt and hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 540 to 544, inclusive were isad in open Court, end four oorreot, and the same are hereby in all reapeota approved by the Court, this the 10th day of March, A. D. 1931, Attest: ~-v.;5~.~,CSuaCy Clerk Deputy. Dun y e. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0