I~ So. 204, ]tatter oP boating Cherry Creek Hoed aeroaa the lend oP RT1ts Spanrath. j Sy-{~ This 13th day of Epril, 1931, Dams ~ to ba heard the applioabion of Chae. $oLmidt and 17 others asking that the Cherry Cssek Hoed be eo looatsd ae to rpa dlrewtly aeros# the lead and field o2 Irit# Spsnrath, and it appearing to the Court that it is to the beet lnteres4 of the County to dsYSr the Court's notion is the matter until the nezt term o! bha Court, said matter be and is hereby passed over to the nazi term of the Court Por esttlementr o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o State oP Tezas, ~ In Commieeioners' Court, gsrr County, Tezaa. #PAb County of gsrr. Yegular xprii lea, *, 9, 1931. On this 14th daq of 1,pri1, 1981, Dame on to bs ooneidered the matter of laying out, setabliehing and opening a first olaea publio road, one hundred Peet wide, beginaix~ at Kendall County lien in or neas the present Highway !o, $7 and oonaNtiag with the lower end oP the ys~smaat below gerrrille, along the ronta enrvsyed by the State Highway Depsrt- meat hereinafter eat out, and Dame en to be further eanaidared the matter oY laying oat, wide eetabliehing and opening a first Dines publio road 4b to 60 !sets {co bs known ae tba Center Point Paved Loop oonaseting above and below Genter Point with said 100 Poot road Piret mentioned, along the routs for asifl loop hereinafter net nut, and the Court being of the opinion Lhat the publio interest will be vitally aubservel by the opening oY said road and loop, end in Paot imperatively repuiree the laying out and opening thereof, end deeming the same neeeasaxy, does now on its own motion order that said publio road be laid out, setabllshed and opened along the following routr. ~ Beginning at the Bendel] & gsrr County line at a point apprpaimately is the Deafer of the present road between Comfort and gerrvills. Thenoe S. 60. 83' M. 16b9 Pest through property of Yudolph Heinen. Thenoe S. 60. 83' w. 1333 Pest through the property of D, Heinen to a ourve to left. Thenoe b9b feet in a southwesterly dirsotion with the aro of a 8. 00' eurve to the left to the sad of the D. Hsinon property. Thenoe oontinning with the are oY a $• 00' curve is s ^outhwaeterly flireotioa 386 feet. Thenoe S. 46• $b' W. 1098 feet to the end of the Peter 9Demath property, a total flletanoe oP 143$ fast through said 9penrath'e property. Thenoe S. 46• $b* W. $189 feet through property oP 8. w. Psokham. Thenoe S. 46• $b' A. through property of Haute 87$ feet to beginning of a onrva, to the right and with the aro of E' 00' curve to right, 417 Pest to the end oP the Haute property. Thenoe in a eonthwestarly dirsation with the aro oP a 8. 00' ourvs to the right, 704 feat, thanes S. 49' 49' W. 98 Yeat, a total distanoa oP 808 feet through property oP Charles Apelt. Thenoe S. 69. 49' w. 1889 Peet through, property of Yaz Biarmnnn. Thenoe S. 69° 48' M. 367 Pest to the beginning of curve to right. Thenoe with the aro of a 1. 00' ourve right in a eouthwsaterly dixvotion, 1037 Pset to the and oP ovrve. Thenoe 8. 80. 11' w. 193 Pest, a total dietam a of 1.597 feet through the property oP Frita', and Herman Biermsan. i Thenoe S. 80. 11' w. 3400 feet through property oP grits Speraath. Thanes S. 80. 11' W. 1818 fast through property of Yrs. Charles Bisrmann. Thus S. 80. 11' W. 344 feet to beginning oP ourve to the right, thenos with the E1ro of s 8. 00' eurve to the right in a westerly direotioa, 883 Peat, s total diatoms oP 1147 feet through property oP Frita 8pemath, Thenoe continuing with the are of a E° 00' curve to the r18ht, 318 fast to the _ end of carve, thence $. 77. 00' A. 1166 feet, a total diet anoe of 1b04 feet through the property of Gottfrie6 Bohnert. Thsaos $. 77. 00' W. 1841 feet through pro Be rty of doe Bohnert. Thenoe $. 77. 00' W. 964 feet through property of George lpelt. 4hsms $. 97. 00' W. 177 feet to the beginning of none to the left, theme with the arc of a 1. 30' curve to the left, 994 Pest, theme 3. 88. Ob' W. 160 feet, a total diwtame of 1331 feet through property of ID, Barger. Theme 3. 88' OS' W. 1388 foot Lhr ough the property of J. T. Moors. Ni Thenoe 9. 88. 06' W. 4188 feet through property of Gso rge P. Walker. Thence 8. 88. 06' W. 188 feat to the beglxming of Dune to the right, theme with the use of a 8' 4S' our-s right is a westerly direction 1800 feet to the cad of curve. Thenoe $. 68• bb' W. 1414 feet, a total dletama of 8748 feet thravgh property Of Lira, DeWitt Burney. Thanes $. 88• bb' W. 386 feat to the beginning of a curve to the lest, thence with the are of a 1' 00' curve left, 670 feat, thence H. 66• i7' W. lib feat, a total dlWtama o! 1711 feet through property o1 Y. 0. Talley. Thsms H. i6• i7' W. 1971 seat to the bKinnia8 og a curve to the left, flume with the arc et a 8. 00' curve to the leff 890 fast, a total diatanae at 8161 feet through 9 property of J. W. Denton. 6NIk 2b.eaoe oo~la+Ltng with the are of a 8. 00' Otins to the left 7i8 iNt to the cad 04 carve. Theme $. 89• i6' W. 1,888 fast, a total diatettea of 8,480 feat through property ei Willlsm Leigh. Theme H. 89. 86' W. 751 feet through property of S. 7. Council. Thenoe $. 89. 86' W. 668 test through property of 8. L. Look. Theme $. 89' 86' W. 448 feet through property of Yrs. fieo. P. Walker. P Thenoe $. 89. 8b' W. 638 felt through proyerty of Harvey and Les Yoety. Theme $. 89' 86' M. 1487 feet through prep a;ty of Yra. 0. &. Battsrooa. Theme H, 89• Sb' W. iii feet to the beginning of a euavs to the :fight, theme with the aza ai a 8' 00' anres to the right 930 feet, theme H. 71' SS' W. 1876 Sect, a total diatame of 6791 feet through the pro party of Yre. $. 0. (~11ea) Moore. Theme $. 71. 83' M. 1680 Yest through the property of J. 8. Tbomaaon. Thenoe H. 71. 83' W. 1091 feet through the property of lire. Heal Coldwsll. Thenoe with the arc of a $' 00' curve to the right, 810 feet, theme $. 46. 4b' W. 1348 feet, a total dlstam • of 6168 feet through property of G. A. Duerlsr. Theme N, 46. 46' W. 8749 feet through property of 2>rneet Wellborn. 7hems B. 46. 4S` W. 1397 feet to the begiumi~ of s curve to the loft. Thenoe with the are of a 1. 00' curve to the left S48 fast, to the cad of eons. Thenoe $. 68• 14' W. 677 feet, s total diatom s of 8888 test through property of Richard Boerner. Thenoe $. b8' 14' W. 3789 feet to the DeBlnning of a curve to the right. Thsms with the arc of a 8. 00' curve to the right, 668 feat to the end of curve, thence $. 38• SE' W. 1881 feat, a total dietanoe of 6,E78 fast through property of tlbsrt Pseohsl. Theme $. 88• b8' W. 143 feet to the beginning of a Duna io the right, thence with the arc ei a i• 00' curve to the right, 1166 feet to the end of curve. Theme $. lb° 34' 488 feet, s total diatoms of 1771 feet through property of Yra. Hattie Morris. Thenoe H, 1S• 34' W. 1988 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, theme with the arc of a E° 00' curve to the right, 868 feet. 'Dhems $. 10° 13' W. 1436 toot to the beginning of ourrs to right. Thence with the arc of a 1' 00' curve to the right 41b loaf, thence N, 6' 04' B. 1075 feet to beginning of curve to left. Theno• with the arc of a E' 00' curve to left 1846 test, a total dietane• 01 6,486 feet through property of Herman Sohnlse, intereeoting the cad of present pavement below tom of Kerrville. And the Court dose further on its om motion now order that said public road or loop be laid out, established and opapefl along the following routs through the topn of Center Point elo sail ng or near the ~13il~ea-rout• ae surveyed by Engineer Jowsra, opmmeaeing at proposed highway No. E9 near the Center Point flepot. sheao• South across the Ouadalpye fiver into San Antonio Street, a new briQ$e to b• located abo~ Ss00 teat east of present bridge. Thence South along Ban Antonio Street to its intereeotipn with China Street. Theme East with Ch1aa Street sad along present State Highway Ho. 89 to She Government eroeeing or lower Dridge. 'Aheno• aeres• sail brl~ge sea eontlauing Sn a H. E. dlrsotioA as aur-eysd by Sngineer Jonre intereeeting nail proposed new Highway $o. $7 on property of George P. walker. It ie further ordered that Oeear Nowlin, d, J. Sublett, Z. H. Kensing, genet Lich aafl Cleveland Griffin, five freeholders of this County, bs and are hereby appoints! a Jury of view, a majority of whom may, after taking the prewribsi oath befars a prppealy authorised person, prooeal to aees~p damage9, if aqy, are alalmed, anfl with A. L, Starkey, and Loop the County Surveyor, to lay out, survs~ ana deeorlb• sash Itoad,/to the greatest advantage Lo the public, so that the name oaa b• traeed with oestainty, and the field aete• of spelt and Loop survey and deserlptlon si the xoad,~tppther with @ statement of the damages aueaeed, if any, shall bs iaeludsl In the report at th• jpry; and, it adeyted, shall De reoor5led SA the Yinutee of the Commieedonere Court, dad it Se further ordered, that the sell jury make a report in this eause at the next regalar seating of this Court. o-o-o-o-•-o-o-o /tGS„ CANVess op SCHOOL T&IISTEE NL>aC TIODT 8ETl78DT9. Thip 14th day of April, 1931, Dame on to be oamapped eafl tabulated the retnsns of the County School Traetee Election hall in Kerr Coanty, large, on Apr. 4, 1931, shioh rsturn^ were canvassed and tabulated ae ahom in vol. 8, pages 99 and 98, of the >Zeoord of Election 8eturae oY Kerr County, and it is ordered by the Court that each of the pltiaera holding avid slsotioa bs and ie hereby ellawed the sum of One Dollar out of the Ad valerem fund of Kerr County to be paid by proper vouchers issued by the County Clerk. o-o-0-o-0-O-0 f307, ALLOiANCE OB CLANS AHD ACCOUNTS. Oa the 13th and 14th days of April, 1931, came on is b• aonaidered by the Court the various alaima and accounts tiled against Kerr County sad its raepeotive Commissioners' Precinot• since last Corm of this Court, which claims am aeeounts were apyrovsd and ordered pall by the County Clerk in emount• and out of :eapaotiv funds, ae shown in vol. 6, pages 138 to 141, inolueiva, of the Minutes of Aoeounte Allowed for KeM County, which are pads a part O! thi^ grdsr. o-O-o-o-O-O-o #$08, YANCH HEPOH! OT C0FH1'Y HOPE DNYtTNSlBATION IBSNT. This 14th day of April, 1931, came oa to be heard the report pt Nis^ vote Culpepper, Home Deaonetratioa Agent for Kerr County, covering her work for the month of lfawoh, 1931, which report was accepted by the Court and ordered filed Dy the Clerk. sr~ a o-o-o-o-o-o-e