SS3 with said Clerk by the reporter. o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o No. E15, Temporeay Allowanoe to Parties in Pinanoial Distress. Th1e 11th day of May, A. D. 1931, it 1s orflerefl by the Court that eaoh o2 the following named parties be and Se hereby allowed the sum of money out oY the Ad Valorem fund of Rerr County, set opposite hie or her name, for eaoh oY the months deeigaat ed, to-wit: Mre. A. J, Reynolds, $30.00 per month for lay, June and July, 1931, pay. Sn semi-mo. payments J. B. Clement, $10.00 per month for May, June and July, 1931, Jim Tuttle, sum of $4.00 per month for May, dune sad July, 1931, G. W. Moo Qy, sum of X8.00 per month for eaoh of said three months, Etta Moody, sam at $5.00 per month for eaoh ai said three months, John Yates, sum oY X6.00 per month for eaoh of said three months, Mra. Marvin Hughes enm of $1b .00 yar month for eaoh oY said three months, 1/2 of her MF7 sllowanoe to bs paid Jao. 8. Leavell and remaining i7.b0 to her. Dr. Wm, Lee 9eoor, sum of ffi4.00 for eaoh of said throe months, oovering house rent for G. W. sad Stta.Moody. All oY said allowanoe^ to be paid by proper vouchers Sa eu ed by She County Clark against the Ad Valorem Yund sash month. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. E19, TRANSPORTATION ALIONANCE F08 MRS. B. P. POBCELL TO REBTIICRY. This 11th day oP May, 1831, St appearing to the Court that Mrs. B. F. Purcell is a very sick lady sad without funds end her husband ie unable to make more than a living, sad that she wishes to return to her home in Louiavill e, Rentuoky overland in their oar, in order that ehs may obtain Yinanoial and medical std from her folks and friends, it is therefore ordered that the sum of 50.00 be allowed Mr. 6 Mre. Purcell with which to make the trip bank home, same to be Held by voucher drawn by the County Clerk egainet the Ad Valorem Pund of Rerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. EEO, QUABTERLY REPORTS OF JNO. 8. LEAPPSI. AND 4. A. HABTMANH. This 11th day of May, 1931, came on to be eaminel Dy the Court the quarterly repo rt• far queater ending Apr. 30, 1931, oY County Clerk, Jao. 8. Leavell and District Clerk, A. A. Hartmann of fines imyosea, judgments rendered and jury toes oolleoted, xhloh reports appearing oorreot were approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-a-o No. EE1, Approval oY Report and ieea of Justios oP the Peaoe of Precinct Ho. ans. This 11th day of May, 1931, came on to be aoasiderad Dy the Court the report of E. 8. Turnea, Juetloe of the Peaoe of Preo snot Ho. 1 of Rerr County, Tema, for the month of April, 1931, of orimiael oases tiled, end fines, judgments end jury Yees oollooted, totaling $109.50, entitling him to $75.00 is ieea, and St appearing that said report is true and oorreot, same Ss hereby approved, sad the County Clerk is direotad to Sasus two vouchers in payment of said Yees in favor of E. H. Turner, one Yor ~ib,00 out of R. b B. hind and the other for X63.00 out of Ad valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-e-o No. 2EE, APPROVAL OF APRIL REPORT9 OF COUNTY OFFICIAL'S EZPENSE. This 11th day of May, 1931, name on to be ooneidsred the repo rte of W. D. C. Ioase~ County Attorney and Inc. B. Leavell, County Clerk, covering their office szp ensea for the month of April, 1931, which reports ware Yound oorreot and are hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o