sra with Bald Clerk by the reporter. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. E15, Temporary Allowanoe to Parties in Finanoial Dletreas. This 11th day of May, A. D. 1931, it is oxderad by the Court that eaoh of the following named part iae be and Sa hereby allowed the eam oY money out of the Ad Valorem fund of gerr County, net opposite hie or her name, for eaoh of the months deelgaated, to-wit Mrs. 6. J, Reynolds, $30.00 per month for Iey, Tune and July, 1931, pay. Sn semi-mo. payment J. B. Clement, $10.00 per month for May, dune and duly, 1931, JSm Tuttle, nom of $4.00 per month for May, duns and duly, 1931, G. W. Moody, enm of $8.00 per month for eaoh of said three months, Etta Moody, ems of $5.00 per month Yor •soh of said three months, Bohn Yates, sum of $5.00 par month Yor eaoh of asid three months, Mrs. Marvln Hnghes sum of $16.00 per month for eaoh oY said three months, 1/8 of her MaT sllowaaoe to be pall Jno. H. Leavell and remaining $7.60 to her. Dr. 47m. Lee Seoor, sum of $4.00 Yor eaoh of said throe months, eovering house rent Yor C. W. and Etta Moody. All of said ellowano es to be gait by proper vouohers Se eu ed by the County Olerk against the Ad Valorem Yuad eaoh month. o-o-o-o-a-e-o Ho. 219, TRANSPORT9TION ALLOWANCE F08 MHS. B. P. P(JBCEI.I. TO gEHTIICgY. this 11th day of May, 1931, St appearing to the Court that Mre. B. F. Parnell is a vary sink la4V sad without funds sad her husband Se unable to make more than a living, and that she wishes to return to her Lome in Loviaville, gentuoky overland in their oar, in order that she may obtain finanalal and madioal aid Yrom her Yolks sad friends, it is therefore ordered that the snm of $50.00 be allowed Mr. b 11're. Purnell with whioh to make the trip bank home, same to be paid by vouoher drawn by the County Clerk against the Ad Valorem fund oY gerr County. o-o-o-o-o-.o-o No. 2E0, w^UARTERLY 8EP08RS OF JNO. B. LEAVELI. APID A. A. HAHTMLHH. This lltri dsy of May, 1931, name on to bs eramined by the Court the quarterly repo rt^ Yor quarter ending Apr. 30, 1931, of County Clerk, Jno; 8. Lsa~ell and Diatriot Clerk, A. A. Hartmann of fines lmpoead, iud.~ent• rendered and fury fees oollsoted, whloh rsporis appearing oorreot were approved by the Comet. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. EE1, A-proval of Report and Yeea oY duatios eY tho Peaoe of Preolnot Bo. One. Thin 11th day of May, 1931, name on to be oonaidered Dy the Court the report oY E. H. Tureen, Justine oY the Peaoe oY Preo snot Ho. 1 of gerr County, Sezaa, for the month of April, 1931, of oriminal oaaee filed, and fines, judgments sad jury Yeea oolleoted, totaling $109.60, entitling him to $78.00 in fees, and it aypsariag that said report is true and oorreat, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is dirootrod to faros two vouohere in payment of asid Yeea in favor of E. H. Ruraer, one for $18.00 out of R. b B. food and the other for $63.00 out oY IQ Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-e-o No. EEE, APPROVAL OF APRIL REPO8T9 OF COS7NTY OFFICIAL'S E7CPEliSE. This 11th day of Hay, 1931, name on to be oonaidpred the reports of F. D. C. Jonss~ County Attorney and dno. H. Leavell, County Clark, ooraring their oYYio• ezpeneea for the month et April, 1931, whioh reports wore found oorreot and are hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o