No. E23, APRIL REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH NORSE. This 11th Cay of May, 1931, acme on to be heard the report of Miss Ruth Bans Moore, County Health Nurse oovering her work for month of April, 1931, whioh report was acoepted by the Court and orderefl YSled by the Clark. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 886. $500,00 SECOND ADVANCE ON 1931 COUNTY TAK A33SSSOH'S COMMISSIONS. This lEth day of i[ayy, 1931, it appearing to the Court that W. G. Peterson, Paz Assessor of Kerr County is sntitlad to a ^acond advane• of $500.00 on hie 1931 County Taz Aeseesor'o oommiaelons, the County Clerk 1e therefore authorised and direoted to Sesue and deliver unto said assessor three vouch are, via: one for $300.00 agai net Ad Yelorsm fund, one for $100,00 against C. H, b d. Sinking fund and one for $100,00 against H. B, B. Fend. ON-o-O-O-O-O-O No. 225. IPPROYAL OF CONTHAOTOH'9 THIRD MONTHLY ESTIMATE OH INGHAM-HUNTED PAYSD ROAD. On this, the 12th day of May, 1931, came on to be ezamined and audited the third monthly sooouat or estimate of work done, material used, rental paid on sgaipment sad contractor's supervision on the Ingram-Hunt Paving project, aggzegating $5,bE4.19 payable to Brown & Root, Inc. Attar deducting $1B03.Ob being 10]6 on all eoeounte paid Brown & Root, Ino. to data ineluding the account aforesaid, St 1• ordered anfl dsareed by the Court that the County Clerk shall issue a voucher Yor $3,T1E.14 is Yavor of Brown and Hoot, Ino. in payme~ of said estimate or claim, said amount of $1803.Ob hereby retained by the County to b• paid to acid Brown Bc Hoot Ino. if sad when Bald oonetruotion project has been Yiniehed aooo rding to their contract with the County. It also appearing to the Court tDat Kerr County 1e e~itlad to a credit of $104,6b plan sll gas taz b.eretoYOre or hereaYter oollaoted Dy Brown 8 Hoot on gasoline used is constructing Bald road, said $104.65 credit to De deduoted from nezt estimate and the gas tax to be deduoted Yrom future estimates or accounts as collected. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 2E4, PAYMENT OF LAMAGES FOB YOYING BACK GARAGE & STOHS BUILDING OWNED HY d. J. YAKR'SLL. This lEth day of May, 1931, it appearing to the Court that desas d. Maxwell has moved bank his garage and store building in Ingram, Texas, providing a 70 foot right of way I! Yor Highway No. 27 at that location, in aaco rdeaos with his agreement wiyh the Court, the County Clerk ie therefore authorised and directed to issue and deliver a voucher for $31b.00 against the Lateral Road EVafl of Kerr County unto said Mszwall SII i1Y11 payment Of ~~I!~~I hie claim Yor damages against Ksrr County by reason oY mozing baoY hie building, said Maxwsl~' Sn open Court agreeing to ezooute and deliver a deed to Kerr County oa demand to the Strip J of land necessary to be donated by him in order to make said highway 70 feet wide along hie V property. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 2E7, PART LII. PAYMENT OF DAMAGES SUFFERED BY I. -. ZUMWALT IN INGHAM, TEYA3. This lEth day of May, 1931, it appearing to the Coiat that I. W, Zumwalt 1s entitled to an advance or partial payment of $1,000.00 on hie olsim Yor damages as allowed by this Court at it's Special April '31 term, incurred by reason of having to tear down and rebuild hie garage sad store ]gilding and residence in the town of Ingram, Tems, in order to mske the required width of Highway No. E7 80 feat at that point, said Zumwalt having performed better than oas-third of said moving project, it ie thereto ro orderel by the Court that said Zumwalt be and Se hereby allowed the snm of $1000.00 on hie said damage ola im aio reaaid ss~