to be paid by the County Clark out oY the Lateral Hoed Fcmd of Barr County by proper vouohar 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 No. 228, RE: OONSTRUCTIOft OF CSNTER POINT LOOP. Thin lath day of May, 1931, it appearing to the Court that eonetruotion of the Cantor Point Pavafl Loop and bridge thereon soroae the Guadalupe River should begin without delay. IIpon motion oY Commieeioner 9torme, eeaonded by Commlealoaer Yoors and voted Yor by Commissioners Storms, Moors and Wm. Barger, said Commissioner Storms of Commlaeionere' Preelnot ®hall be authors $efl by the Court to do the Qirt and gravel xork oa the Center Point Loop by day labor ae long ae he banQlse the xork to the anti efsation of the Court, and that the bridge and topping of said road shall be built by oontraot. No. 229, ORDER RESCIHDIHG ORDER REFERRING TO CONSTRUCTION OF CHBTER POIRT LOOP. This 12th day et 1[qv, 1931, St appearing to tho Court that it x311 be to the boat Sntereat of Barr County and the oltisena oY the Center Point eommuaity that the Ceatsr Paint paved hoop together with the bridge on vamp soross the Guadalupe A17e! De Dullt entirely under oontraot to be axardsd to the larest responsible biddercer bidders attar legal advertiaemsat for bide theretor is had, it i^ therefore ordsrsd and Qsoreed by the Court upon notion of Cosmi.eaia~ner Ta.•~Ear~ar;.esaoaa by Coeaiesioner Yoors and uneai- moual.y adopted, that the order this day paseei by thin Coact and lest above xrlttsa authorising the Commlaeionar of Preeinot Ho. R to to the dirt and gravel xork on said road or loop, be and is hereby is all respeets resoinded and ansalled. Ho. 230, ADYEHTI9~dE1PT POR BIDS FOR CONSTHUCTIGR OF CEHTEH POMP PIPED LOOP AHD BRIDGE. This, the 12th day of Mau, 1931, it appearing to the Govrt that the ooastruotioa of the Genter Point Paved Loop and Bridge soroae the Guadalupe River on said loop or road, should be aommoaned without delay, therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Storms, asooaded by Commissioner Moore and uaanimoae7y adopted, it Se ordered and deoraed Dy the Court that legal advertisement for reoeipt. of bide Yor said work and the lettSng oY separate oontraeta Yor dirt, grading, graveling and topping xork an4 bridge and oulvarta, be inserted in the aezt Your Saeue^ oY the Kerrville Mountain Sna in order that euoh bide may be raesived by the Court at it's nezt regular term SR Juno at xhinh time oontreate Yor said work shall be let by the Court LY eatleYaatory bids therefor are reoeivsd. Said advertisement or notioe Ito oontraotors to be signed by the County Judge and to be 1a the following wording: •ROTICE TO CORTHACTORS For Road and Bridge Conetrmtlon. Sepnrste setled bide x311 be reoelved by the Commissioners Court oY Kerr County on June 8th, 1081, a O'olook P. Y., sad will be publioly opened. Plane and epeolYioations oovering these proaeote cosy be ineyaoted at the oYYlos of Chan. Heal, Co. Judge, Barr Co. These pro,eots are boated on the proposed paved loop through Ceatsr Point, Tessa. The following quantities are tenatlve only and subieot to rsoleioa. GBADIHG. Roadway Eocoavatioa Fine Gradlz~g and Shouldsra, Gravel enrfaeing in plaes, Water for sprinkling, Bolling, Hoek Sayhalt Svrfaeing, Grouted Hip Hap BRIDGES ARD CULPERT3, Bridge Ezo. oommoa, Bridge Em. rook, Conorste Claee A 1-2-4 YSx. 21,326 Cu. Yds. 47.,000 3q. Yds. 9,444 Cu. Yds. 880 Y. Gels. aoo bourn. 81,849 Sq. The. 218 3q. Yds. 21b Cu. Yds. 160 • • 80b.79 Cu. Yds.