to be pa1A by the County Clark out oY the Lateral Hoed Fetid of gerr County by proper voucher 3 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ho. 228, R&: CONSTRUCTION OF C&RTIIi POINT 7AOP. Thie 12th day of May, 1931, St appearing to the Court that aonetruotioa of the Center Point Paved Loot' Bald Dridgs thereon aoroee the Guadalupe River should Dagin without delay. Upon motion of Commissioner 9torme, seconded by Commissioner Moore and voted for Dy Commieeionare Storms, Moore and Wm~. Barger, said Cwom].aeioner Storms of Commaasionere' Praoiaot shall be authorised by the Court to do the dirt and gravel work on the Center Point Loop by day labor ae long ae he handles the work to the eatiefaotion oY the Court, sad that the bridge an8 topging of said road shall De built by aontraot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 2E9, 0$DSR RNSCIHDIPI6 ORDRH REFNRRING TO CONSTRUCTION OF CHHTER POINT LOOP. This 18th day ei May, 1931, St appearing to the Court that it will be to the Dsat interest of gerr bounty and the oltisane of the Center Point eommuaity that the Center Point Paved Loop together with the bridge on same soroes the 6uadaluye RS's! De built entirely under oaatraat to be awardeA to the lowest responsible bi AAerEer bidders alter legal advertiaeme~ for bide therefor le haA, It is thersiore orders6 and leoree6 Dy the Court uyon motion oY Co®issioner wa°:Lartezi auond by Coaueieeloaar Moore and unani- mously adopted, that the order this day passed by this Court and last above written autho riaing the Commissioner of Preoinot Ho. H to Ao the dirt and gravel work on said road or loop, De and is hereby in all respaeta reeolndeA anA anaalleA. o-o-o-o-oro-o-o Ho. 230, 6DFHRRI9NDiF,NT FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CffiTER POINP POFED LOOP 1HD BRIDGE. Thie, the 1Hth day of May, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the oonstruatioa oY the Center Point Paved Loop and Bridge aoroaa the Guadalupe River on said loot' or road, should be oommenoed without delay, thereYOre, upon motion of Commissioner Stoame, seoonded by Commissioner Moor• and unanimously adopted, it is ordered an4 fleoresd by the Court that legal advertiaament for reoeipt- of Difle Yor said work an8 the letting of separate oontraote for dirt, grading, graveling end topying work and brl dge and oulverta, bs inserted in the nett lour Se sues of the gerrvSlle Mountain Sun in order that suoh bi da may be rea saved by the Court at it's nazi regular term Sa June at whinh time oontraote for said work shall be let by the Court it satlaiaotory bide therefor are reoslvsd. Said aflvsrtieemeat or notioe Ito oontraetors to bo signed by the County Judge and to De in the following wording: ^NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS For Hoed and Bridge Conetruetioa. Beperate eeAled bide will ba reoeived by the Commiseloners Court of Barr County oa Juan gth, 1931, H O~oloek P. Y., and mill be yublioly opened. Plana and apealYioationa oovering these Hro,eote any ba Snaysotad at the oYYioe of Chas. Real, Co. Judge, gerr Co. Thews yro'eots are boated on the yroposed paved loop through Csntsr Point, Te=ae. The following quantities are teaativs only and aub~eot to revision. 6HADING. Roadway mcoavatioa Fine Gradi~ and Shoulders, Gravel enrfaoing in plao e, Water Yor aprlnkling, Rolling, Hoak 9ayhalt Surieoiag, Grouted Rip Yap BRIDGN3 6ND CULVF$T3. Bridge $zo. oommon, Bridge &w. reek, Conersta Claee • 1-2-4 Yiz. 21,38b Cu. Yda. 41,000 9q. Yda. 9,444 Cu. Yds. 880 M. Gala. 800 hours. 31,b47 Sq. Yda. 218 Sq. Yda. Elb Cu. Yds. 160 ^ BOb.79 Cu. Yde.