3~3 f to be paid by the County Clerk out of the Lateral Boed Fund of Kerr Oounty by proper 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 No, 228, HE: CONSTRUCTION OF CESTER POINT LOOP. j Thia 12th day of Maq, 1931, it appa9ri~ to the Court that oonetruotioa of the Canter Point Paved Loop and bridge thereon eorosa the Guadalupe River ahoul6 bsBin without delay. IIpon motion of Commieaioner Storms, aeooadefl by Commiealoner Ho ore and voted for by Commiaelonere Storms, Moore and Plm. Karger. said Commieei oner Storms of Comml aeionere' Preolnoi shall be authorised by the Court to do the dirt and gravel work on the Canter 'p Point Loop Dy day labor as long se he hanQlsa the work to the sati sfaotion of the Court, and that the bridge and topying of said road shall De Dailt Dy oontraot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o No, 229, ORDER RESCIND IN6 ORDER REFERRING TO CONSTRUCTION OF CERTER POINT LOOP. Thin 12th day of btay, 1931, St appearing to the Court that it will be to the Dsat i interoat oP Kerr County and the eitlasna of the Center Point oommunity that the Center ~', Point Bavsd hoop together with the bridge on game sorou the 6uadaluye River be built entirely under oontraot to be atrarda6 to the lowest responsible biddestor bidders after legal advertiaeme at Yor bide therefor is hat, it is therefore osderd an6 deoraed by the Court upon motion of Commiesianer 6a. Lamer;-. assomd by Comaisaioner Yoor• and naani- ~~', mouely adopted, that the order this day passed by this Caart an6 lest aDOVe written ~~ authorising the Commissioner of Preoinot No. 2 to io the disc and gravel work oa said e road or loop, be and is hereby in all reapeoba reeoinde6 and anaulUl. 4 E o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 230, ADYEHTI9 ED4:RT POR BIDB FOR CONBTRUCTIOR OF CEOTTER POINT P~FED LOOP 6ND BRIDGE. ~ This, the 12th day of 1[ey, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the oonetrmtioa v ~! of the Center Point Paved Loop and Bridge aoroae the Guadalupe River on said loop or road, ahoul4 be oommenoefl without delay, therefore, upon motion of Commleeioner Stoame, aeaoaded by Commissioner Moore and unan.imou sly adopted, it le orderefl and daoreed by the Court ~~ that legal advertlesmeat Yor reaelpt. of bide for acid work an8 the letting of separate ~. oontrao to for dirt, grading, graveling and topying work and bridge and oulverte, be '. inserted Sn the nett four ie sues of the Kerrville Yount sin Snn in order that euoh bids ~~ may be raoely ad by the Court at it's nszt regular term Sn dune at whioh time oontraate IV, for said work shall be let by the Court lY aatlafaotory bide therefor are reoelvsd. ,,~ Said advertisement or notioe~to oontraotore to be signed by the County Judge and to be is h the Yollowiag wording: ^NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS For Road and Bridge Conetroation. Separate eeal.e6 bide will be reoeiv ad by the Cammieaionera Court of Karr County on June 8th, 1931, 2 O'olook P, Y., and will be publioly opened. Plane and speoifioationa oovering theee projeote may be inepeotad at the offioe of Chas. Real, Co. Judge, Kerr Co. Thsee pro'eota are looatad on the yroyoeed yawed loop through Csntsr Point, Te=en, The following quart itiee are tenative only and sub~eot to revision. 6HADINO. Roadway EmavatioA FSne Grading an6 9houldsie, Gravel enrfeaing in plao e, YPatar for sprinkling, Rolling, Rook Saphalt Surfaoi~, Grouted Rip Rap BRID0E3 AND CULPERTB, Bridge Em . oommoa, Bridge Ezo. rook, Conorete Claee a 1-2-4 Yix. 21,32b Cu. Yde. 41,000 9q. Yda. 9,444 Cu. Yds. S80 B. Oele. 200 hours. 31,847 bq. 7de. 218 Sq. Yds. 21b Cu. Yde. 160 ° ^ Bob. 79 Cu. Yde. . Relnforoing 9tee1, 78,071 yDs. ~ - Corrugates Yetal Galy. Pip• 18" 180 yin. lt. Time for oomyl etlon to be 90 working dg7s. All Dids shall bs sooompanisd by a certified cheek foy $$ of the bid yrloe, sad made , payable to the COnnty Juflge, Yirr Comty. The Court rsesr-es the right to re~sot cry EsE all bide anfl waives all tsohaiaa9ffiiee.IIq~I • . - (Signed) Ohs-. Real W Co. Jnflgs, Serr Oo." d ow-o-o-o-o-a-o-e-o i~ Bo. 281, EYAMINATZOR OF TAY IBPffifTORIES OF 6SSBS3118BTS M TAffi BY TH8 COIIBTY TAY ASSRS80R FOR 1981. ry Th1e 12th day of Yay, 1931, after •aeh .ember of the Court having taken the oath 4i u requirsfl by law, same oa to bs eamined by the Court el tting ae a boars et •quslisabioa, the iaventoriea of uens^eata wde ~t• sad taken IC' t, 0. Peterson, County Taz Lsesner for the onrrsnt year, all of which aesessuata wsrsfonal sati daetory sad are hsreDy aseept efl by the Court, wlth exception et a tow rsnll6iame, wh Soh tae payers are to De intarviewsfl ~, In person b8 their rsepeotlvs oomdssionsre, and should any ai said taz payers sail •r reMssli, to afl~aet their aeweemsnte in line with the market value of their respsotlve pmpertiee, i then the ClerY upon retnest of the Commiuioner shall notify such tax p~ere to appear before the CousHt at Sts next regular aNting and show oaue• why their aeseasmeate should not be inesenui. OHO-e-9-O-0-0-0-.OW-O " Ro. 288, APPROOAL OB Q"(TARTSRLY RBpOBT OF THE COOFfY THRlBIIHRR. This 13th bay of Yay, 1931, Dams an to be audited and samined the report of Ssrr Conatg's reoelHts end aisbnree^erte for gaartsr sndixgq Alan 30th, 1931, filed Dy A. B. w111famson, Countg Treasures, sad it appearing 40 the Covr4 that ae16 report 1D oorrset with emseytloa of two Stone whlsh are to be ad3nsted Dstwssn the ihnde at interest by the Court, St Se ordered Dy the Court that said report be and 1s hereby approved in open Gouri and shall De rsooraed la the miaatas of this Court Dy the Oownty Clerk. Beyort of 1. B. wiliiemson, County Treaeuer of gsrr County, Texas, of Bsoelyt• eaa ~cpenflitures from February 1, 1931 to 0pr it 30th, 1931, lminsiv e: JURY FOBD, let Class Balans• last Report. 4188.03 To Amount reaoivsd .Enos lest Report, 1888.dt By Amount yaia out slues last Report, Sx. "i", 1028,00 8y 2 per neat Commission on amount reoslvefl, 84.98 & E per Dent Commission on amount pall out, 20,66 Aunt to Balams, 4884.21 6!89.70 6467,70. Balsaee ~ =4884.81 ROAD ARD BRIDGE BURY. 2l Olen Salaaoe last Report, 880,87 To Amount seoelved alnoe last 8eporL, 7f6,322.85~ To Amount transferred from other Fsnfls, since last report18,000,00 By Amount paid out siae• Teat Report, Rx, "I,", 10,416.87 By A^ouat transferred to other Bvnfls, sines last Report, 8,888.18 Ry 2 per cant Commission oa amount reoaived, 990.88 yY 2 yer neat Cosm~lselast on awoant paid nut, 208.88 Amount to Bslanee, 38,714.18 spa