j~ I CC Ho. Z35, TRAHSFffit OF $bb.00 FROH R. & B. FIIHD TO AD PALORE3c FRHD. II Th1s 13th day of ]fay, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Henry Sokatein*s semi-mon4hly salary as gradermea of Preoinot Ho. 1 amounting to $bb.00 was paifl out of j'. Ad Palorom Ynnd by mlaGaka on F'eb. 2, 1931, by Pouoher Ho. b237, it ie therefore ordered ~ I" by the Court that the County Treaeuer transfer said sam of $5b .00 from the B. & B. fund ~ •, - li' to the Ad Ysloram fund, uyon Qellvery to him by the Clerk of a vauehsr in favor of 4d ~_ f valorem rived against R. & B. ¢1 innfl for ssld amount. f o-o-o-o-o-o-o i, State of Rezas, ~ In Commle aioners' Court, %arr County, TOSSa, ~ Ho. 236 ~'~. County oY %arr. 4 Hay Tartu, •.D. 1931. Oa this, the 13th day of Hay, A. D. 19~, at a regular term of this Courk, a ~' iuil board being prey ant and partioipating, the Court prOOeeded to levy County Tazas for ~~ • '~ the year, 1931, as follows: Ad Palorom taz of 8b oanta on eaoh $100,00 valuation, ' Road and $ridga taz of lb Dents on eaoh $100,00 vainetioa, Yor road and bridge Pund and .~-' !. Sinking land for road and bridge fnndixlg warrarts, t "~ ! Permanent Improvement fund 8 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, I~'. Court House sad sail fend"13 emote on aaoh $100.00 valuation, for sinking fund, ' Jury taz 2 oanta on aaoh $100.00 valvatioA, '7, taz o{ %arr County Bo ad Bond fun6,,,00 Dente on Dash $100.00 valuation, for sinking fund, ~l Road Diatriot Ho. 1, taz of 30 Dante on eaoh $100,00 valuation, for sinking iund, i u Hoad Diatriot Ho. 8 Yor sinking Yuad, tez oY 16 a vets as sash $100.00 valuation, Hoad Diatriot Ho. 3 for slaking fund, te: of 84 Dents set aaoh $100,00 valuation, ~~ Dietrint Sohool 8, taz of Z5 Dente oa oaoh 100.00 valuation, bond Hullding fund, P District Sohool 8, tax of 60 Dents on eaoh 00.00 valuation, maSht sneaoa. Diatriot Soboo~. 3, tax of 75 Dents on snob $100.00 valuation, ma iat ea.ano e, ' Diatriot Sohool 4, tax of 60 Dents oa eaoh $100.00 valuation, maint anenoa, 1 ',~' Diatriot Sohool 5, tax of 61 Dente on eaoh 100.00 v;].aation, maint enaaoe, Metriet Sohool b, taz of 39 Dents on 9eoh 100.00 valuation, bond building Lund. • ~,~ Diatriot Sohool 7, tax of 16 Dents on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maim enaans, ,. ~ Diatriot Sohool 8, tax of 30 Dente on eaoh $7.OO.DO valuation, maintenanoe, Diatriot Sohool 8, taz oi20 Dents on sash 00.00 valvatSoa, bond banding fund. ~'~ Diatriot Sohool 9, taz of 20 eanis on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maiat enano e, 4 Dietrint Sohool 10, taz of b0 Dents on sash $100.00 valuation, ma]ntananoe, p Diatriot Sohool 11, taz of 15 Dente on oeoh $100.00 valuation, maintemanoe, r Diatriot Sohool 12, taz of 15 Dents oa oeoh $100.00 valuation, ma intenano s, Diatriot Sohool 13, tax of 10 Dente on oeoh $100.00 valuation., mainteasnoe, ~ryryry~ Diatriot Sohool 14, taz of"15 Dente on eaoh $lOD.00 valuation, malnt manna, N Diatriot Sohool 16, tax of b0 Dante on eanh $100.00 valuation, maintenanoe, G Diatriot Sohool 17, tan oY 35 Dents oa eaoh $100.00 valuation, bond building fund. District Sohool 18, tea of 10 Dente on eaoh $100,00 valuation,~maintenanoe, Diatriot Sohool 19, tea of 50 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maintensaos, Diatriot Sohool 80, tax of 50 seats on eaoh $100,00 valuatlon, maintonano s, DLatYint Sohool 26, tea of 30 Dente oa eaoh $100,00 valuation, maiateneaoe, k Diatriot Sohool 27 (Haby), taz of 16 Dente on eaoh $100,00 valuation, maintenaaoa. N ConYedarata Penalon, tae oY 7 Dante oa eaoh $100.00 valuation. Oooupation Taz, one half of that oharged and Doll voted by the State of Tezae, ~, County Poll Taz of 25 Dents on eaoh male and female. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o n