Ho. E37, RECESS. ~~ ,$(s ,Z This 13th day oY May, 1931, it ie orflered by the Court that this Court take a reoeae ~' over to Saturday, May 16th, 1931, at ens O'oleok P, M. to take sere oY unfinished business to oome before the oonrt at this term. o-o-o-o-o a ft0. E38. COURT HE-GOH9EHSD. of 1 O'olook P. M. thle 16th day of ltay, 1931, the Comsdeeionere' Court rewoonvened pursuant to reoeee taken on May 13th, 1931, rith Co. Judgs Heal preeifling an6 Commiesionere ~„ of Pr eoinote Hoe. 1, E & 3 present, ..anfl the following business was had, to-wit: 'li Ao. E39, EY-MIAATIOH OT REPORT OF dUH7 OF.iIBi OR HIO$W1Y B0. E7. i Oa this, the 16th day of key, 1931, acme on to be ooasidered the report oY the Jury !; oY Viaw, oompoaed of Yeaere. A'net LSoh, Oeoar Aowlia, J. J. Sublett, Cleveland Griifla ~~ sad E. H. Keaeing, appoint efl at the lest term oY this Court, to lay out the propo eed nsw li ji Highway Ao. 27 Yrom the R. R. crossing on the pavement below Kerrville to the Kendall ~ County line and assess the damages thereon, an6 it appearing to the Court that work of sai6 Q΅~Y Iw'~itl oompleted, said aurora be and are Lereby di sobs rged, and the County Clerk ie di reotsd~ j to pay said wrora the following per diem and extra expenses out oY the Lateral Road Yund, I vis: Oscar Aowlin $43.00, Ernst Lioh $42.7b, E. H. Kenaing ~4b.?b and J. J, 8ublett aad Clsveland 6rlfYin eaoh 39.00. It is further ordered and adjudged by the Court that the report oY said fury of vier De and ie hereby passed over to the nett regular term of this Court for Yiasl lotion thereon.. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutn on pages S6E to 6iE, inolueive, were rsafl Sn open Court, sad i found Oorreot, and the sams ar• hereby in ail rsapeata approved by the Court, this the 16th ~. day of Ifey, A D. 1931. Attest: _~ i - ~i~ ~ ~_ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ~~~' THE STATE OP TEKAB, ~ County of Kerr. ~ EE IT REME1dHEBED, that on this, the 26th day of Ysy, •, D. 1931, there was begun and holden a special term oY the Commisaionere' Court of Kerr County, Tezae, ~~ at the Coart House thereof, in the town oY Kerrville, Tezae, OFFI CEHS YHHBE.NT r Chas. Heal, - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ .. County Judge, F. •, Karger, - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissioner, Preoinot fto. 1, Virgil 9torme, - - - - - - _ _ _ Commie eionar, Preoinot Ho. 2, Am. Karger, - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ Commissioner, Preoinot Ao, 3, (Not eeent) T. J. Yoor e, - - - -~ - - _ _ _ Commies ions r, Preoinot Ao, 4, absent. t. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. H, Yeavell, County Olerk, and the Court having regularly opened, the following prooeeedinge were had, to-wit: 1f 139 Thie 2bth day o3 May, 1931, oome on to be oonsidered the matter of purohaeing the right of wsy fox the proposed Highway No. 27 between the H. E. or oaeing on pavema at below Kerrville sad the Kendall County line as surveyed by the State Hi ghwny Departure rt, and the settlement of the damage ofaima oY the property owaera along said route, and it appearing to the Court that it would be to the beat irRereet oY the Homty end the property owners ooa- oerned that the Court visit eaoh of said owners on their re~pootive plaoes over and soroas S(o 3 6 whioh said highway rune for the purpose of reaohing a settlement with eaoh_ot said Dun ere h' and olaimanta, thereupon. the Court immediately prooeaded to viaiL .eunh ow nets. X240, HTdCNASE OF A 7 FOOT 5T&IP OF SAND FH616 N. H. wH1TH FOH USS OF J. B. PDWEI.L. This 26th day of May, 1931, Dame on to be ooneidered the dead ezeon tad by N. H. White oonveying unto J. B. Powell a strip of land 7 Peet Sn w18th throughout DPP oP the South aide oP said N. H. Whit e'e property in Center point, Tezea, Pro nt ing on east aide `' oP San Antonio Street and ad~oining the J. B. Pow all Filling Station property in said '~. tows, whioh pleos oY property Kerr County agreed to puroha6e in order that said J. B. Powell would have auPPioSeut spade to move his Pilling etatioa beak for the purpose oP widening the denier Point Loop or i?oad at hie oorner, and it appearing to the Court ~I;. that said deed ie properly drawn and ezaouted, same be and is hereby aaoegted by the r. ., Court, and the Cotwty Clerk ie hereby authorised and direoted to paY unto said N. H. ~j~, Whits the Done ideration of y100.00 by vouaher drawn against the Canter Point 3o ad Fnad. o-o-o-a-o-o-o i~241, ADVANCE TO M85. MATTIE MOB$IS ON YA$T OF HE$ LiND TO B$ IISED FO$ HIGHWAY ~27.and $.$ i This 28th day of May, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Mrs. Pattie Morrla at her reque at, ie entitled to an advanoe oP $E00.00 on the purohaee pride of the land and liailroad right oP way, ~` to be seed ae right oP way oP the propbead now Highway Ho. E7~bslov the City oP Kerrville, ' her request is therefore granted by the Court and the County Clerk is hereby direoted •' to pay unto said Mrs. ]Battle Morrie the sum of X200.00 by vouaher drawn against the a F Kerr County Lateral $oad Lund, same to apply ea part oP the purohaea money Por that f ' part oP her land inolsided and embraoed in the right oP way of said highway No. 27.and i the right oP way of the ilailr oad. ~ - - - o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o ~~ No. 242, ADVANCE TO HEALi. SCHOZZE OH PAST 08 HI8 LAND TO BE USED FO$ HIGHWAY #27. ~~ This 28th day oP May, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Herm. Sohulse at hie request. Se @ntitled to an advance oP y'150.00 on the purohaea pride oP t1}a land to be need ea right of way oP the proposed sew $ighway No. 27 betvesn hie property and the ,, Kendall Connty line, hie request be and Se hereby granted by the Court and the Connty i Clerk ie hereby direoted to pay auto said Yerm. Sohulse the anm of i~1b0.Q0 by vouoher '~ drawn against the Kerr County Lateral $oad Fund, same to apply ae yeti o~ the puroheae money Por that part oP hie property embraoed and used in the right oP way oP said new highway. ' o-o-o-o-o-o ' The Pos egoing minutes on pages 562 and 563 hereof, were read in open Court, and found oorreot, and the same are hereby in all reepeata approved by the Court, this the ~', 29th day of May, A. D. 193 Attest: 7~ lA~+-~~ . o ~-_ - - - onn y n ge. I By uty. '' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0