THE" STATE OF TESAS, I S ~ y 1 COUNTY OF KEBR. 1 BE IT $a~MEt.03ERED, that on this, the 8th day o3 June, A. D. 1981, there was begun and holden a regular teem of the Commissioners' Court of Ksrr County, Tezae,, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezee, OFFICESS PRESENT: Chas. Real, - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Karger, - _ _ Commiaeioner, Precinct No. 1, Yirgil Storms, - - - -Commie ei oner, Precinct No, 2, Wm, Karger, - - - - - Commieeioner, Precinct Ao, 3, T. d. Moore, - - - - -Commiaeioner, Precinct Ho. `, A. B. Moore, Sheriff and dao. R, Leavell, County Olerk, and the Oonrt having bean regularly opened, the following proaeedinga were had, to-wit: No. 243. N6W BODID OF CHAS. A. RODG$RS, CONSTABLE OF JUSTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 4. This 8th day of June, 1931, came on to De oonsi dared the application of J. J. Sublett for release as surety on the bond of Chas. A. Rodgers, Constable of Justice's Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County, Tezas, and it appearing to the Cou rt that proper notiaa has been served by the sheriff in the matter, said ap plioation be and is therefore granted as prayed for, and it is ordered by the Court that the new bond of said Constable is hereby approved in open Court which new bond shall ba recorded in the proper record by the County Clerk. It is ~~~ Further ordered and decreed by the Court that the old bond of said Constable agd on which said J. J. Sub le tt was one of the sureties, be and is hereby in all things oanaelled and shall Da held of no further force and effect from this date. ', o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 244. UPENIIdG OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE ON CENTER POINT PAVED LOOP. This 8th day of Juna, 1931, came on to bs opened and tabulated the bide for the con strua ti on of n bridge over and sore sa the Guadalupe River on the proposed Center Point Paved Loop, as follows: 1. Nueaes Construction Co., Corpus Christi, $13,818,58, 2. Brown & Root, Inc., Austin, 13,844.85, ' 3, E. W, Hable, Corsoio ens, 13,893.63, ~! 4, Word & Worrell, Itasca, 15,003.86, 5. Austin Bridge Co., Dallas, 15,398.72, 6. Dozier Construction Co. Austin 15,608,48, 7, Colglazier & Hoft, San An~onio, 15,609,11, 8, Standifer Bros., Big Wells, 15,768.28, ' 9. C. W. Eilfillan, Austin, 16,253.75, 10, 0. A, Fogelberg, McAllen, 16,786,69, 11, R. W. Speaoe, Hondo, 18,556,84, 12, Monarch Engineering Co. San Antonio, 18,768.23, 13, Bruno Schott, Kerrville, 19,634,20, ~. 14, P. M, Wright, Kerrville, 20,150,00, 16, Wile on & Seward, Kerrville, 21,940.96. i And it appearing to the Court that Serr County map have sufficient funds to construct a high water bridge in lieu of the 10~ aonarete bridge advertised, each and all of said bide eaaept those voluntarily withdrawn are hereby kept by thin Court until Tuesday, June 16, 1931, at 2 O'alook P. M., at which time the Court will receive bide on a highwatar bridge at said location, 35 feet high, 18 feet wide with a aerrying load of 15 or more tone. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 245. OPENING OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PAVID LOOP THROUGH CEPP1'ER POINT. This 8th day of June, 1931, came on to be opened and tabulatefl the bids received by the Court for the construe tl on of the Canter Point Paved Loop, as follows: 1, Nueces Construction Co., Corpus Christi, $19,746.51, 2, Standifer Bros. Big Eplis,,~., 20,373,21, 3. Brown & Root, Austin, 20,413,26, 4. Colglazier & Hoff, San Antonio, 20,486.67, 5. Dozier Construe Lion Co. Austin, 20,935.08,