THE STATE OF TEAS, ( ~ 5 G ~/ ( COUNTY OF KERR. 1 BE IT R~~~FRED, that on this, the 8th day of Jnna, A. D. 1831, there was begun and holden a regular term of the Commieeionera' Court oP Ksrr County, Tezas,,. at the Court Houee theraoi, in the town of Kerrville, Tezea, OFFICERS PRESENT: Chao. Real, - - - - - County Judge, F. A, Karger, - - - Commissioner, Preainat No. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - -Commissioner, Precinct No, 2, Wm, Karger, - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No, 3, ~' T. d. Moore, - - - - -Commissioner, PreolaQt So. 4, A. !. Moore, SheriPP and Jno. R. Lsavell, Ooaaty Olerk, and the Oonrt having been regularly opened, the following yrooeedinga were had, to-wit: No. 243, NEW BOND OF CHAS. A, RODGERS, CONSTABLE OP JUSTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 4. This 8th day of June, 1831, came on to be oonsi dared the application of J. J. Sublett for release as surety on the bond of Chas. A.ROdgera, Constable of Justice's Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County, Tezas, and it appearing to the Cou rt that proper notice hsa been served by ~. the Cheriff in the matter, said ap pliaetioa be and ie therefore granted as prayed for, and it is ordered by the Court that the new bonfl of said Constable is hereby approved in open Court which new bond shall be recorded in the proper record by the County Clerk. It is Purth er ordered and decreed by the Court that the old bond of said Con at able ar;d on which said J. J. Sublett was one of the auretiea, be and is hereby in all things cancelled and shall ba held of no further force and affect from this data. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 244. UPENI:SG OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE ON CENTER POINT PAVED LOOP. ' This 8th day of June, 1931, as» on to ba opened and tabulated the bide for the aonstructioa of a bridge over and across the Guadalupe Aiver on the proposed Center Point Paved Loop, as follows: 1, Nueoea Conatruation Co., Corpus Christi, $13,818,58, 2, Brown & Root, Inc., Austin, 13,844.85, 3. E. W. Hable, Corsoio ana, 13,893,63, 4. Word & Worrell, Itasca, 15,003,86, 5, Austin Bridge Co., Dallas, 15,398.72, 6, Dozier Conatruetlon Co. Austin 15,608.48, 7, Colglaziar & Hoft, San An~onio, 15,609.11, 8, Standifer Bros., Big Wells, 15,768.22, 9. C. W. Gilfillan, Auatln, 18,253.75, ', 10, 0. A. Fogelberg, McAllen, 16,786.69, I. 11. R. W, Speeoe, Hondo, 18,556,84, ', 12, Monareh Engineering Co. San Antonio, 18,768.23, ~, 13, Bruno Schott, Kerrville, 19,634,20, _., 14. P. M. Wright, Kerrville, 20,150,00, 16, Wile on & Seward, Kerrville, 21,840,96. i And it appearing to the Court that Serr County may have sufficient funds to construct e high water bridge in lieu of the 10~ concrete bridge advertised, each and all of said bide ' ~I eacept those voluntarily withdrawn are hereby kept by Chia Court until Tuesday, June 16, ~, 1931, at 2 O'clock P. M., at which time the Court will receive bide on a highwater bridge '~ at said location, 35 feet high, 18 feet wide with n carrying load of 15 or more tone. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 245. OPENING OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PAVID LOOP THROUGH CENTER POINP. This 8th day of June, 1931, came on to be opened and tabulated the bide received by ~~ the Court for the aonstruation of the Center Point Paved Loop, as follows: 1, Nueoea Construction Co., Corpus Christi, $19,746,51, 2. Standifer Bros. Big Epllt,.-, 20,373,21, ' 3. Brown & Root, Austin, 20,413.28, ' 4, Colglazier & Hoff, San Antonio, 20,486,67, 5, Dozier Construction Co. Aust ln, 20,935.08, Sa S 6. G. E, Brown, Luling, $28,083.19, 7, Word &Worrell, Stenos, $22,905,51, B, Tidewater Conatruc ti6n Co. Corpus Christi, 24,680,31, 9, Powell & MoElroy, Ce ffier Poi at, 26,238:62, 10. Kelly Construe tl on Co., San Antonio, 26,454.06. And with the oonsent of .each and all of said bidders, all of Baia bids except those volua- tarily withdrawn be and hereby retained by the Cotmt until 2 O~cl ook P. M, on June 16th, 1931, to await the award of the c~tract for the bridge ovor the Guadalupe Aiver on said loop, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 246. PAYBRENT OF' CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. Oa these 9th and 10th days of Juno, A, D, 1931, came on to be examined the various claims and acs oun to filed against Kerr County and its respective Commi saioner e~ Precias to since last term of this Court, all of veii eh claims and eooounts were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts sad out of respective fun da, as shown in Pol, 8, pages 148 to 151, inolusive, of the Minutes of Acoounts Allowed for Kerr County, Texan, which are made a pert of this order. - o-.o.o-o.o-o-o-e No. 247. PARTIAL PAYMENT. OF DAiSAGEB SUFFERED BY I. W, ZUMWALT IN INGAAM, TESA.9. • This 9th day of June, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Z. W. Zumwalt is entitled to a. second advance or partial payment of $1,900x00 on~hie olaim for flamagea sllowefl by this Court at it~a Speoisl April X31 term, incurred by reason•of having to tsar down and rebuild his gasage and ato ra building and xe sidenoe 1n the town, of Ingram, Texas, is order to pronae the required width for Righway No. 27, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Clerk pay unto said Zumwalt the s~ of $1,000,00 out of the Lateral Road Fund of Kerr County by proper voucher. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o /{248. THE STATE OF TEZAS, COUNTI[ OF KERB. On this, the 9th day of June, 1931, the Commissionera~ Court o1 %err Coanty, Texas, being in regular sassi oa at a regular term of said Court, the following members thereof being present, namely: Chas. Real,. County Judge, F. •, Karger, Commle$ioaer Precinct No, 1, Virgil Storms, Commissioner Preni not No. 2, Wm. Karger, Commi.saioner Precinct No. 3, T. J. Moore, Commix si oner Preoinet No. 4, Jno, R. Laeval 1, County Clark, r the Sollowing proceedings, among others, were had, toywit: WHERE~B, heretofore on the 12th day of Tanuary, 1931, the Commiasi onera~ Court of Parr County, Texan, passed as order authorizing the issuance of $40,000,00 KERB COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE REFUNDING WARRA NCS OF 1831, for the purpose of rafundi ng an equal amount of scrip or warrants duly sad legally issued against the Roed and Bridge Fund of said County, whioh order is recorded is Book B, page 511, et, eeq „ of the Minutes of said Court. WHEREAS, in pursuance of said order, certain scrip hoe been issued against the Road and Bridge~bhad of said County of %err, Texas, do payment of cl alma whioh were duly audited and alloyed by the Commieaion~e~ Court of acid County, prior to the issuance of said warrants, ffiiieh are valid, anDaieting and binding oDligatioas against said County, and being described ae follois; :,