• $ 6 S 6. G. E. BPOwa, Luling, $22,083,19, 7, Word & Worrell, Ztaeoe, $22,905,51, ~ 8, Tidewater Conatrua tl6n Co. Corpna Christi, 24,680.31, _ 9, Powell & McElroy, Ca afar Point, 26,230.62, 10. Kelly Conetruetl on Co., San Antonio, 26,454.06. And wiffi the oonsent of .sash and all of said bidders, all of Baia bids eacept those volun- tarily wl thdrawn be and hereby retained by the Coia•t until 2 0'al ook P. M. on June 16th, 1931, to await the aweFr•d of the contraot for the briflge over the Guadalupe River on said loop. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 24i. PAYMENT 08r CLCIMS AND ACCOUNTS. On these 9thand 10th days of June, A, D, 1931, name on to be ezemi nod the various claims and aco oun is filed against Kerr County and its reapeative Commissioners' Precine is since lest term of this Court, all of vdii eh olaima and aooounta were approved for payment by the County Clerk is amouata and out of respective funds, as shows is Pol. B, pages 148 to 151, inoluaive, of the Minutes of Aooounts Allowed for Kerr County, Tease, whioh are made a part of this order. - -- o-o.o-o.o-o-o-o No. 247. PARTIAL PAYMENT. OF DAMAGES SUFFERED HY I. W. ZUMWALT IN INGRAM, TEZAS. • This 9th day of June, 1931, it appearing to the Court that I. F. Zumwalt is entitled to a. second advance or partial payment of $1,000.OO~oa his olaim for damages sllowefl by this Court at it's Special April '31 term, incurred by renaon•of having to-teat down and rebuild hie gs$age and etc re building sad residence in the town, o! Ingram, Tezss, in order to provlfle the required width for Highway No, 87, it is therefowe ordered by the Court that the County Clerk pay unto said Zumwalt the stmt of $1,000;oO ouf of the Lateral Road Fund of Kerr County by proper vouo her. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o (~24H. THE STATE OF TEZAS, ~' COUNTY OF %ERR. On this, the 9th day of Tune, 1931, tho Commisaionera~ Court of %err County, Tessa, being in regular aeasi oa at a regular term of said Court, the folloring members thereof being present, namely: Chas. Heal,. County Judge, F. •, Barges, Go~isaioner Precinct No, 1, Virgil Storms, Co~iaaioaer Praainot No. 2, Wm. Barger, Commissioner Precinct No. 3, T, J. Moore, Co~leaioner Precinct No. 4, Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, _ w ~ the following proceedings, among others, ware had, toywit: ~~ WHEHWAB, heretofore on the 12th defy of January, 1931, the Co~isai oast a' Court of Karr Caaaty, Tease, passed an order authori Zl ng the Yaenanca of $40,000,00 KERR COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE REFUNDING WAHRA NfS OF 1931, for the purpose of refunding ea equal amount of scrip or warrants duly sad legally issued agai net the Road and Bridge Fund of said - County, whioh order is recorded in Book H, page 511, art, esq., of the Minutes of said Court, WHEREAS, in purauame of said order, certain scrip has been issued against the Road and Bridge. Fund of said County of Kerr, Tema, 1n payment of of alms whioh were duly audited sad allowed Dy the Commleal oast e' Gourt of acid County, prior to the iasuanae of said warrants, 'ehioh are valid, auDeiati ng aid binding oDligatioaa against said County, and being described as follows: - ROAD. AND BRIDGE FUND. NUtdBER DATE TO WHOM ISSUED Amount parried forward from last installment; PURP08E AMOUNT 133,41, 5507 4-14-31 Kerrville Lumber Company, Lumber and Materiel for ~i concrete wk. on S, Fork Rd,146.83 Y 5617 5-11-31 Chas. Soka~einer Co. I T A Sawyer~a oonerete pay- ii roll on So, Plc, Rd, for 4 wka. ending 5-9-31. 1000.88 !~ 5818 5-11-31 Chas. Schreiner Co. Groceries for Eokatain II Rd. Camp on S. Fork 60.23 5619 5-11-31 Chas, Schreiner Ca. Camant, Steel & Groceries it by T W sawyer for oonorete l l ~ work So. Fk, Rd, $06,23 i l 5726 6-9.-31 w. H, Furr, Work oa N. Fork Rfl, 31.00 ~ 5757 8-8-31 Henry Eckstein, Labor, gas 8 eZploeivse ~~ on 30. Fork Rd, for Beek ending 4-18-31.; 528.13 5728 8-8-31 Henry Eokstein Rd, work ending week 4-25-31 356.88 5729 8~9-31 Haar! Eokstela Rd, work ending weak 6-2-31, 130.69 5730 6-9-31 Hax¢y Eokstein Rd. Work for week ending 5-9-31 202,01 l 5731 6-9-31 Henry Eokateln Rd, Work for week ending .5-18-31, 114.08 l 5735 6-9-31 Chen. Schreiner Co, Groceries & Camp supplies l Pre. ~1 58.08 i i 5717 6-9..31 Chas, Schreiner Co. IIagorate payroll & steel & lumber on oonorete slab work on So. Fk, Rd, week ~I ending 5-15-31, groceries ~ & Hdware, 381,97 ~ 5718 B-9-il Cone Car Co. Gas & 011, 12,75 ~~ 5719 8-9-31 Dr, Jno. D. Jaokson Services for R. S, Lowrance 6p~00 j aggrega ting the cum of $4,001.09, all of which scrip 1s held and owned by Van H. Howard ij Company, San Antonio, Texas, THEREFORE, ilk BE IT ORDERED, ii ADJUDGED AND DECREER by the Commisaloners~ Court of Kerr County, Texas, i that the safe original scrip against the 8oad and Bridge Fund of said County, hereln 11sLed, 'I be and the same is hereby in all things validated and bald and declared to be valid,;'I aubsiat ing and binding and unsatisfied obligatlona against Kerr County, Texas, and the acts j of the County Officers in the iseuanoa of said warrants are hereby in all things ratified I and oonfirmed. IT IS FUATHF~R ORDERED, that in oonformity with the said warrant order passed oa the 12th day of Jarntary, 1931, that KERR COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE REFUNDING WARRANPS OF 1931, in the amount of X4,000.00 being Warrant Nos, 1 to 4, inclusive, in the denomination of $1000.00 each, dated Janumq 15th, 1931, bearing interest at the rate of 6,~ per annum, be executed and delivered to Van H. Howard Company, San Antonio, Teems, the owner and holder of the original scrip. IT IS FURTHER OHDERBD that the County Judge of Karr County, Tazas, be and he is hereby ordered, authorized and direatefl to deliver said Refunding Warrants Nos. 1 to 4, inclusive, to Yan H. Howard, San dntonio, Texas, when the original warrants herein listed have been surrendered to him, affi aenoelled, said Refunding Warrants to be delivered in lieu of and in full,satiafaetion aQ' orlglnel scrip; and, that the balanoe of One and 07/100 Dollars ($1.07) of aorip herein listed shall be parried fortrard until another refunding of additional scrip is had, P6SSID BY THE UNANIMOUS AFFIHIvfATIVE YOTE OF THE ME[~EHS PRESENT COMPOSING THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF KEiiR COUI3TX, TEEAS~, this, th 9th day oY June, A. D, 1931, :.. ~ u l~,t~- .. ATTESTi County Clerk, Karr County, 't ~ r Judge, Kerr County, Texas. eti ' /r '~ -.,,.- - :..v a T - •rtt ~...-...,•. s~ , _._ __~