X67 No. 249, APPHOVAL OF REPORT A2O) FEES GF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. ONE. This 9th day of Tune, 1931, acme on to be done idered by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Justice of the Peaoe of. Praoi nat No. 1 of Esrr Connty, Tama, for the month of May, 1931, of criminal oases filed, and fines, judgment and fury tees oolleoted, totaling $88.50, entitling him to $57.00 in ieea, and it appearing that said rnport is true and oorreot, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is directed to issue two vouchers in paym ont of said fees in favor of E. H. Turner; one for $7,60 out of R. & B. Hind and the other for $49.40 out of Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 250, APPROVAL OF CGUNTY CLERK'S TABULAR REPORT OR STATE110;NNT. This 9th day o1 dune, 1931, name as to be ezemiaed the tabular statement of indebtedneae, ezp endit~res sad receipts for quarter enuing April 30th, 1931 of Kerr County, whioh report appearing oorreot is hereby appr wed by the Dourt, o-o-o..o-o..o No. 251. TEMPORARY ALLOWANCE FOR MR3, W. M. S1HTH AF INGRAM, TSZ/W. This 9th Jag of dune, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Mra, W. M. Smith is is Pinanoial distress and unable to make a living, it is therefore ordered that she De and is hereby sllmwed the cum of $10.00 per month out a? the Ad Valorem tun8 of Serr County for the months of Tune and July, 1931, to be paid by the County ClerB to her eon-in-law, Roy %ey for her benefit by pmperlq drawn vouohera. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 258, PURCHASE OF 80 FOOT STRIP OF LAND FROM MRS T. F. ALI$IIP FOR CENTER POINT L00P. This 9th day at June, 1931, it appears to the oourt that it is naoessary to pvrahase e 20 foot strip of lava off of the south aide of Mrs. T. F. Alleup'e land in Center Point to be used in wldening the pmpoaed Center Point Loop, and it further appearing that the pride of $50.00 for such strip is just and reasonable, it ie tharaPore ordered by the Court that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorised and di ieeted to pay unto said .Mrs. T. F, Allsup said $50.00 out oP the Center Point Hoad Fund Ay properly draws war- rant, upon delivery to him of properly signs$ dee$ to %err County together with partial release releasing said strip of lanfl from the lien now resting on her property.. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Y No. 263. THIRD AVANCE OF $1,000,OO,TO I. W, ZUMilALT.. This 10th day of dune ,. 1931, it appearing to the Court that I. W. Zumwalt is entitled to a third advance or partial payment of $1,000.00 on his damage claim allowed by this Court at its Special April X31 term by reason of having to tear down affi move hie garage and store building and reside m e in Ingram, Tama, for the purpose of widening Highway No. 87, it is therefore ordered by. the Court that the County Clerk pay unto said Zumwalt the sum of $1,000.00 out of the Lateral Read Fund of Kerr County by proper voucher, and the. Dalano• of $363,25 or ao much thereof ae was required to oomple to his job, shall be paid unto him upon pre aentation of scorn itemised aoaount ehowing all work, labor and materials used in the matter of wrecking and rebuilding eai fl. buildin gs, and further, tle delivery of proper deed to tho State of Texas covering the scrip of land donated, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 85b, COUN27 HE1LTf;'NCRSE*9 REPORT. This 10th day of 1SUne, 1931, dame on to ba heard the report of Miss Ruth Tane Moore, County I~elth Nuree for May, whioh report wee aaoeptad and ordered filed, o-o-c,o-o-o