No. 256. MATTER OF RENEWING HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK IN KBRR COUNPY. Thie 10th day of dune, 1931, upon motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commis- aioner Wm. Karger, and osrrie$ by vote of Commissioners F. A. Karger, Wm. Karger and T. J, Moore, be and it is hereby ordered and docrsed that this Court*a order diacontimiing the home demonstration Bork 1n;KSrr County pesaed at the May term, stand ea entered in the , minutes, affirsaid work is hereby permanently discontinued. O-O-D-O-OnO-A No. 257, 4TH MONTHLY ESTIMATE OF BROWN & ROOT, INC. ON INGRAM-AUNT PA4ED RAAD. This 10th day of June, 1931, come an to be_ooneiderod affi audited the 4th monthly estimate or acoount of Hrowp & $oot, Inc., covering materials, labor affi equipment used. for month ending May 31st, 1931, amounting to $6,.861,9d, which acoount having been found correct ie hereby allowed affi approved for paymsut by the County Clerk out of the Ingram- Hunt Road Fund for a sum of $S,73b.75, the Court retaining lOJ of said acoount as provided by the contract until said project is complete8. 0-0-0-0-Or0-p No. 258. NEW HIGFjWA`1. NO,. 27. REPORT OF JURY OF 7IEW ON RIGHT OF WAY. Thie 10th day of dune, 1031, dt~.da:ordersi that the report of the jury of view on Highway No, 27 between Kerrville affi the Kendall County line be and is hereby passed for further consideration. o,-o-o-o-o-o No. 259, ORDER FI%ING TIME FOR HOLDING COUTTd7GC0URT. ~~ This 10th deg of June, 1932, it is orderod{a,nd adjudged }~y,the Court that the time for holding Oounty Court in Karr County for civil end criminal business, be and is hereby fined to co~enae the first Mpndays in February, May, August end November of eeah year, each of said terms to aontinue until nezt term in order or until the business before the Court may bo disposed of. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 260, EMpLOYMSNT OF A. M. MCNEEL AS COUNTY ENGINEER ON C. P. LOOP & BRIDGE AND DTHER WORK. Thie 10th dap of June, 1931, came on to be considered by the Court the matter of employing a County Engineer in connection with the conatruotion of the Conter Point Loop. and Bridge and other contemplated county work, sad-it appearing to the Court that A. M. McNeal is qualified to perform the duties of such County.Enginear, he 1s therefore employed ae _ County Engineer of KaFr County by the Court at a salary ot..~250,00 per month beginning June 15, 1937., same to be paid unto him at the anti of such month out of the Center Point $oait Fund or other fund or funds liable therefor. Rental of necessary equipment to be used by said angittaer and apeoial labor required,.bt* Kerr County upon the filing of a sworn itamizod acoount of auah ezpanaea with the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 261. PAYytEN$ OF DAMAGE6 TO BAKE $OPSDER Aim MRS. M. A, GREEN ON 86SER4ATION ROAD. Thie 10th day of June, 1931, the Clerk i& authorized and directed to pay Jake Roeder $25,00 and Mrs. M. A,. Cream $50.00 out of the R. & D. ~/# fund as damages allowed for 16 foot strip oS land for $eaervation Road right of way and fencing, according to the.CourtJe order 1n 401. H (this book), on pages 337-338-339, Miautea of this Court. o-o-o-o-o NO,, 262: EEECUTION OF CONTRACT COVERIIiG MOOING OF RAIL$OAD. TRACKH;~LOW K79RR4ILL&. This 10th day of June 1931, Dame on to be oonaidarad the contract between Kerr. County sad the Tesae k New Or~.eana R. R. Co. covering the moving. of tra4k over lame of Mrs, Mattis Morris sad Albert Pesahel and using ppaarrt of old R. R, right of way for proposed new highway No. 29, Am0._"Oouniy.Jhdge, Chas. &@a1 9~ sal ha ie hereby authorized and directed to ~ezput~ Raid contrast for and on behalf of Kerr County_ 5v