S 73 By ~~~ I ~.. Oommiesioner - Preoiaot ~.,°. gy Oo~isaionar - Preoinot ~!. o-e-e-e-o-a-o-o-o No. E85. PAYlOiNT OF OLAIMS AND lCCOIINTS. On these 18th dnd 19th days of Juns, 1931, oame on to b1 ezamined the various k olaime affi maounta filed against Serr Oounty mad its seepeotive Oommisaionen' preaiaote siaae lest term a1 this Oourt, all of 'rhleh elalms and moouats were approved for peymect by the penaty Clerk is amounts and out of respsotias funds, u shore is Pol. 8, page 151, of the Minutes of Aooounte Allowed for Serr Ootmty, rezae, whieh are made a past of this order. a-o-O-o-a-O-o-e No. 888. TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE FOR MRS. MANVIN HIIGHES. Thi• 17th day of Jura, 1931, it appeasing to the Ooust that John R. Leavsll edveaoed the sum of $10.00 to Mrs. Mervla Hughes for tra~portatloa from gerrv111e to Brady, ibZae, at request oS Commissioner $sSggr, MOs. Mervin Hughes intending to reside there. It is therefore ordered by the Court that John R. Leaven Do reimbursed for sueh advsaoe and the County Clerk is hereby anthorlfsd sal dlreoted to dslivmr unto him a vonehar for the sum of X10.00 against the Ad Valorem Sued. o-o-o-e-e-o-o-o-o No. 887, AWARD OF OONTAACT FOR HIGH WATER BRIDGE POR CENTER POINT PA,VBp LOOP. Thew 18th and 17th days sS June, 19$1, oema oa to be opened, tabulated affi oonsi dared the bids submitted for the oonatruotion of a high water bridge saross the Guadalupe $ive: on the proposed Oanter Point Paved Loop, na oalled for by the Oourt on Juae 0th with permission of all interested bidders on the former proposed low water bridge on said Loop. Bids opened and tabulated at 8 O'oloek P. M. on Juae 18th, 1931, being ea follows, to-wit: Name of BSdder: Plan or Type of Bridge: Amount Bid: R. W. Spesos, Hondo, Plea ~1 6"LOSSeei Open bridge, wood !lose, #07,950.00, " " " " Plaa 8 8 100 foot Spaa bridge, Mood floor, E0,000.00, " * « « Plaa Bimllas to Plea ~8, _ D6,300.00, n " " e plan 898' h160' Span Dridgs, wood Sloor, 89,000.00, 60' Eztaadoa as bridge of either plea' ' Eztendsd es per SPeeitisetiona 4, #1850.00, n « * • B, 1100.00, " " « " 0, 1600.00. Austin Bridge Company, 760' 9-100' Span bridge 29,101.03, Dallas. Asphalt top en rood floor, ~ 931.65. Brown & Root, Ito. 10 span Oonorete bridge, 38,000.00, Austin, 18 " " " 34,600.00, 1S « " " 33,000.00. Naeoes 8onstrsotion Co. 750+ 2-100+ Open, wood floor bridge, 86,000.00, Oolpus Ohriati. 750+ 8-100' Span, eoasretefloor bridge, 87,500.00, 760+ 2-100' span oonorete floor bridge ~ ~ 89,600.00. Adding 8 additional 100' 1!/ISS, wend.f~oor, S1,b00,00, 5-100' span Dridgo, eoaorete floor, 53,600.00• After seareful inepeotioa end ezaminatioa aS the plane and epeoifiaationa of the DrlBgee offered with the aasistano• of Oauaty 8ngiaesr, McHsel, it appears to the Court that the bid of R. W. Opeeee to eonetruot a 878' 4-150' epee bridge eoeording to flocs hi^ plea j14 with a 3«z 4+ laminateaaeither pine or fir, is the Dest bid offered. It is ffiersfore orderod sad adjudged by the Court tact the Did of said R. W. Spseoe to aonatzuot a 696' 81gh water bridge riving 4 150* olsar spans wits laminated 3? z 4« wood floor Looording to the plea end speoifioationa filed, far-the islet_ot $89,000.00, be and is hereby aooepted by tae Court. Thereupon proper aontraet oover ing raid projeet was signed