is open Court by D(r. Spaeoe and all the members of this Coast, and Mr. Spesoe 1• to make bond for the full amount of his bid is a wesponsible inauraaoe oompaay, gueraatesing '', the oompletioa of said bridge aoooraing to plans and speoifieations. Cheoka_belonging to ell unsuooesaful bidders were returned to them is apes Coast. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a Ne. 268, AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DTRT WOR%, TOPPING AND SMOLL DRAINA08 BTRIIOTQR88 ON C. P. L04F, This 17th day d June, 1931, after the oantsast ter the oonetrnetisa of a high water!„ bridge on the proposed Castes Point Paved Loop having bean awarded by the Oonst to R. W. Speeoe, Dams on to be re-eonaidered by the Oourt the bids reoeived sad tabulated by this Court sn Jkae 8th, 1951 ae sot ~t on page lS66 sf this minute book, sat St appearing t• the Court that the bid of Nuooss Ooastraerion Oamipa~ for X19,946.61 is the lowest and best bib reoeived for the oonstxverion of said poto~sat, •+hieh bid be affi is lursby aosspted by the Court end all other bids are hereby rajcetsd ant the oheoks were returned Ls the unsuoossa- ful bidders. Aad it is erdsred by the Coast that sat` Nueess:Construarion Company male ' Dond in the sum of X20, 000.00 to a good and responsible insurance oompany guar9ateoing ants Kerr Conaty She faithful oonstruetioa o! Bait ysy}aet aooordind to pleas sad epeoiflca- tlons, and it is further ordered that parop~ oonstsast oovering t1U ooastsuotioa sf eels pro~set be ezeouted by and between said Nusoes~Coaetsaotioa Cempaay eat this Cotat i~neQlately. o-o-o-a-o-o-s $o. 869, FINAL ~ wITR 2. !. ZD3~AI$ FOR TS/tRING DOWN AND MOYING BIIILDIN09 IN INGRAY.,~i I. Thi• i7th defy a! Jane, 1951, same on to -e szamined the itemised taseuat submitted to the Court ly i. W. Zum•alt oovering all labor, eQuipmant rental, lumber, cement ens sthor building materiels used is wreaking, moving baok end rsbnilling his garage end storc end reaidenoe buildings in Ingram, Tezas, for the purpose of widening Highway No. 89, aggregate total of which aooount being X3,886.51, sad it appearing to the Court that said aooouat is ~!i oorreet and that oledmant, I. W. Znm.alt in span Coast agrees to ezaoute a deed is the Btatc of Texas to the strip of land denated tar widoning said htghxgy Not. 87 whenever a deeoriptio~ of said strip of lend is furnished by the Resident State Engineer, and it further appoasiag `il that said 0umwalt was allowed sot to s7ueed the eon of ~3365.L6 foe wraekiag apt rsbull,diag ,, his said buildings, affi that Eerr Oounty has heretofore in three separate payments paid h1m the sum d #5,000.00 out of the Lateral Road Bead sf Serr Qovaty, it is therefore orasrod ~!~~ that the balance of ~56$.SS to which hs is entitled bs and 1s hereby allowed by the Court ~~ and shall be paid unto him by the Oounty Clssk Dy vouoher draws against the Serr Conaty Lateral Road Fund. 0-~-e-a-O-e-e The_toragoing minutes oa pages 691 to 6Td, inolusiva hereof, were read la open Court, sad found oorreot, and the same are hereby is all respeots appravsd >9y ttu Court, ibis t1M 17th iay of ,June, •. D. 19a1. Attest: ~~-~~ _-- lurk R putt'. , sea p. 0..0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 57 `f