J9s' q TBE sTATa of Taws, ~~~, COII1Pp7 OF ffi2R. ~ BS TT RSEC~®SRSD, that sn this, the 297 6sy of June, A. D.1981, '~ there Rae begun and holden a apeoiel term of the Commieeionere~ Oourt sf Borr County, Teza e j!. at the Conr6 House thereof, in the fawn aS Eerrville, Tezas, i ~. OFFIOERB PASBBRf: ~ Chas. Real, - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Berger, - - - - - - - - - Cemmieaioner, Ptaoinot~Ao, 1, '; Virgil 9toffis, - - - - _ _ - _ Commioeioaer, Preoinoi Ho. S, ', wm. Eerger, - - - - - - - - - - Commis sioaer, Prsoinet No. S, T. J. Moore, - - - - - - - - - Commieaioaer, Preoiaot No. 4, ~~ A. F. Moors, Bheriff and Tno. H, heavell, County Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly ~: opened, the fallowing prooeedi nga Rare had, to-wit: ;. X890, PAYM6Rf OF ENOrINESAING PAY ROLL ON CENTER POINT LOOP. ' Thi^ 89th day of Tuae, 1981, same on to be oonsidered the engineering pq roll of ' G. M. Tellers, Resident 8tats Engineer amounting Le X88.98 inaarred on the proposed Center '~ Pein4 Pave6 Loop, which aooount or pay roll appeari~ wrreet is henDy approved anl~the County Clerk is hereby anthori and and di rested t• pay sam. by vouohar drawn against the ~, Centez Point Road fund is favor of eai6 6. M. Towess for Lhe cam of #8®.98. o-o-e-o-e-o-o ~~ ~ql, AWARD OF FENCING CONTRACT ON ffiCHWLY R0. 87 to EE18)ALL COIINTY Line. Thi^ 29th Qay of Duns, 1951, onus oa to be opened and taDUlaced bide filed for '!. teaoing along Highway No. 87 Detweea Eerrviils en6 Comfort, affi it appearing to the Court ~, that the bid of T. N. Curtis of Medina, Terns, is build euah feae• aooording to the Court~• ~' speeifieation for the mn of54.50 per mile, saw inoluding all labor aeeessary to remove ~, arose feaaes n~ oonatruoting new fenes, is the lowest sad beat bib offered to the Court, ~I name be sad 1^ hereby aooepted Dy the Court. ' 0-o-e-o-e-o-0 '~ ~H98. AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOA FENCING MATSHIAL OH ffi6HWAT R0. 87 YO BSNDALL COUNTY LINS. Thi• 29th day of June, 1951, oame on to Ds spanel and •oasidsred various bids ~' filed oovering oedar and wire to De used Dy SerTWwnty in feaoing the new Highway No, 89 i ' between Berrvills and the Eeniall County line, and it appearing to the Court Shat the bid offered Dy Hobt. 3aeager, 3r. of Eerrvilla oa cedar posts is tDs~best Did snDmittad on posts, same be and is hereby aaoep tad by the Court as f~llaws: ~~ 5• peeled heart posts, delivered, 21} oents each, 9}' 9^ k 8^ peeled, all heart cedar poata, delivered at 68 aenta snob. And said bidder is hereby inatrustad is deliver sash poets along the route at ~.~~ various plsoe• as needed by the fencing crew or •a dir sated by the Cemmi eat oust in whose preainat auoh fens Sag map be dom. And it further appearing to the Court that the Hid of 7sspar Moore of Ingram, Tezas, i~ 'i, Ss the Dest end loweaY bid submitted oa wire to De used in eoastraeLing snob feaoe, sate ba and is hareDq aoeep tad by the Court e^ follows: ~~; Eokomo Pioneer Woven lira So^ high, 12^ mesh, delivered, at (61.00 per mile, Eokomo Barb 5 spools per mile, at ~S,$d. i 9 All-heart oeder stays S seats each. And said bidder ie lareby direoted to tin tribute sa16 wire and stays oa the ground d, slang said proyoeed highway sa needed or at the planet designated by the oammisaioaer is whose precinct such fenoing Se dons.