.1''J5~ ~'~~ THE 8TAT6 OF TEIAB, 000'RPY OF SffiiA. ( BS IT AEMEMBSRED, that oa this,~the E911t day of Juste, A. D.1931, ~~~~ there Ras begun and holden a apeoiel farm of the Commiasionara~ Court of %err County, 4eza • ~~ at the Court House theroof, is the torn aS Serrville, Tezaa, OFFIOER9 PREBSNT: ! Chan. Aeal, - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - County judge, ~. P. 6. Barger, - - - - - - - - - C®mieaioaer, Preoiaet~No. 1, Virgil Btotms, - - - - - - - - Commiasiottez, Preeinet No. E, may. Earger, _ _ - - - _ - _ - _ Commisaionar, Preainet No. 3, ~. ?. J. Moare, - - _ _ - _ - - - Commdeaioaer, Preoiaet No. 4, '; A. F. Moors, Bhewiif and Jno. R. Conrail, Coaaty Clerk, an6 the Court having been regularly h opened, the felloring prooeedinge wero had, to-wit: '~, $E90,_PAYMERP OF ENGINEERING PAY ROLL ON CSNYSR POZNT LOOP. This E9th day a! June, 1931, ease on to bs oonsidersd the engineering pq roll sf III G. M. Jewers, Resident State Engineer emouatitg to E88.98 lnearred on the proposed Center I' point Paved Loop, whdeh aaownt or pay roll appearing Nrrset 1a hereby approved and'ths County Clerk U hereby authorised sad dl rooted t• pay neat by vouoher draws against the '. Center Point Road fund in fawr of eadd 6. M. Towers for ttu sum at #88.98• o-e-e-o-m-a-e !~i Cpl, AAAHD OF FENCING CONTRACT ON ffiCIi~-AY N0. E7 to ESNpALL COIINTi Liaa. Thin 29th day of Jute, 1931, Dome oa Eo be opened and tabulated bide filed for i fenodag along Highway No. L7 between EerrvilU and Comfort, affi it appear lag to the Court t ~~w that She bid et T. N. Curtin of Medina, Texas, to build such feaoe aooording to the Courts '~ apeeifiaatdon for the mn of56.30 per mile, name dnolud ing all labor none scary to remove i1 arose fenoea and oo natruotiag new fanee, is the lowest end Deat bid offered to the Court, li same be and is hereby aooepted Dy the Court. 0-o-e-0-o-0-0 ~', ~E9E. aWAAD OF CONTRACTS FOA FENCING MATERIAL ON ffi(Ai1fAY AD. E7 TO SffiA1ALL CODNTY LINE. This 29th day ad June, 1951, Dame on to be opened and eonai dared vaM one bids '!'~ tiled oovering oedar and wire to be used by Earr Ceaaty in tenoing the nee Highway No. E9 J ':' between %errvi lls end the Ee ndall County line, and it appearing to the Court that She bib offered by Hobt. Saengar, 3r. of %errvilU on oedaz posts 1s the best bid submitted en ~!I poses, rime De end Ss hereby aooep tad by She Oonrt as fellow: ' 8}' 6^ peeled heart poets, delivered, E6} amts eaoh, 7}+ 7^ k 8^ peeled, all heart eedar poste, delivered at 68 aeata each. And said bidder is irreby dnatrueted to deliver sueh poste along the routs at various please as needed by the fe noing Drew or as dir eat ad Dy the Cosmi saioaer Sn whose ' preeiaot auoh Pane deg m~ De done. 9 Aad it further appearing to the Court that ffie Hid et JYpas Moore of Ingram, Torus, ':'~ is the Dest and loweaY bid submitted oa wire to De used in oonatruetdng snob teaoe, axe !I be and la hereby aoeepted Dy the Coact ea fellawa: %okomo Pioneer Aoven wire 30• high, lE^ mesh, delivered, at ;61.00 per mile, it i %okomo Barb 3 spools per mile, at X3.30. p All-heart oedar stays S Dente esah. and said bidder is hereby dlreoted to distribute said wire and stays oa the ground p along acid proposed highway ac needed mr at the p1aNd designated by the eommiseioner is I~p~ whose pr ecittct such fenoing ie dom.