f~273, oHD~ evrHORlzIrrG • e0 Fool ADDITio~ To $IGS adfER BRIDGE e~ose RIV~H oa c. P. _ljopp. i ~?b Thia E9th day of Juno, 1931, it appearing to the Court that it Rould be to the bast ~~ ~lntereat of the.Commuaity and the public in general that berg Coun#y esareise it~• eptiea ~ graded by Contractor Speeos at the Limo he was awarded the contrast for the high water bridge aerosa the Guadalupe Hier en the Ceatar Point Paved Loop, to add an additional. ~ EO fact to said bridge for the atlm of X823.00, making the total coat of said bridgo 696 feet ', long, ~E9,826.00. It i• therefore ordered and dssreed that said eptlon bs accepted by the Court and Contraeter Spesoe Se hereby authoslsed and dlroetsd to add 20 feet o! brigs tv ae14 bridge for which $err Coua#y shall pay as additional sum od f6l66.00. o-O+Me-a-O-PO OF OOIIRTI EP6ITDlffit X274, PAYMER'P OF SILARY.AI3D EZ'PRA I.iBOAi ~Q01P1QZRT R2RTAL 919D MATERIAL t786A BY H'L[. Thir E9th day at Juno, 19311 epee regnsst of 4wn#y 8ngineer, A. a, 1loNeel, be and it is hereby ordered by the Court that the moa#hly salary of the Ow#y Engineer, 9. a. Ya$ool De paid by the County Clerk out of th• Oenter Paint $oad fund is. two semi-monthly payaenta of ~1.N5.00 each, and that all labor employed by, sr all materiels used aoT ezpease incurred Dy renting equipment shall also be paid to said County Engineer on# of acid fund upon the filing of itemised ewers aooeuats rith the County 61erk, duly approved by the Cauaty Judge. o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-e-o The foregoing minutes on pages 578 end 67d hereof, were read in open Oourt, sad farn4 correct, sad the same era hereby is all reapeats approved by the Court, thi• the R9th day of Joao, A. D. 1931. Attaa#:~ ~ yona#y Clerk Hy ~ Deyuty. ,~ y geu~ 0-OyG+l~6w0-®-0+9-o+C THE 3TAT8 OB TEZAS, 60IINT7f OF SERA. B8 IT R10~ER8D, that en this, the 18th Bay ad' ]uly, A. D. 1931, #here wen begun sad holden a regular term oy the ComaSasiomers' Court aT Serr County, Tofu, at the Court House thereof, in the tYan o; berrvills, Tema, Officers Present: Chas. Heal, - - + - - - - Oouaty JndBe, F. A. Sargsr, - - - - - ,• - - - Comaisaioaer, Precinct Ho. 1, Pirgil Storms, - + - - - - - - Cem~issioasr, Preoinet Ao. 8, am. Borger, - . + - - - - - .• T. 3. ]Were, - .. - .. - .. - Commisslansr, Precinct &o. E, Commissioner, Precinct Ho. 4, A. F. Moors} Sheriff and Jno. R. Leaved, 6onnty Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly opened, the ;ollowiag preoeedingc wars had, t0 Ri;: X295, P[JRCHASE OF AIOHT OF aAY FOR ffiOH-AY A0. 87 FROM JOE ~SI~IIt6.TH, JR. Thin 13th 8qy aS July, 1931, came into Court Mr. Joe Spensath, Jr, aa4 oftorad N rill unto Serr 6onaty a strip of lam 828.4 z 1b0 foot, containing 2.81 agree of land, morn or lase, out of Surveys 28, $. Calvan and R9, 0. P. Moose, sd~oining the Heilread right of wq on its south aids, being that porW.on as hie land ambreaed is the righ# of way of the new Highway Ro. 24, for tho price ed X210.95 plus an estra X7.00.00 damages So Pecan trees, etc., sad it appearing to the Conn that the proposition submitted 1e fair and reasonable, same be and is hereby aooep#ed by the Court and said right of way ordcrod purchased, and the County Clerk is hereby eathorlssd sad diivoted to pay ouS of tht Kerr County Lateral Rosa Pub upon peeper ezeeution of deed by •aid Jae 3penrath, Jr.