No. E62, PAYMENT OF FREIOHT~ON EB CARS OF ASPHALT 60AT8D $TON@ FOR INORAM-HIINT ROAD. ~~: S~ g 'Phis 14th day of July, 1981, Demo oa to be emmined by the Court the saooaat of T. J. Moore for the sum ad'~j2,088.89 oovering freight adveaoed or paid by him oa Es ears ' of Asphalt Coated Stone used on the Ingram-Hunt Paved Road, eaa it appearing that same is oorraet a~ is therefore appreted for pnyme~, and the 0onnty Clark is hereby anthoriaod ! and dirootod to pay same in 2u11 by voueher out of the Ingram-Hunt Raed Fnnd and shall further oharge ^aid ~2,088.9b against the appsopriatloa for the o metruotioa of said read. o-e-o-o-o-o-s No. E88, PQRCHASE OF AND PAYMENT FOH 89 oars of Asplelt Coated Biane far Ingram-Must Road• This 16th day of July, 1951, eeme oa to bs ooneidersd the aooounL of the Uvalde Aoek ~phalt Company far 29 ears of Asphalt Coated Stone shipped Kerr County and need by oontraotor, Brain & Hoot, Ina. is paving sail road from Ingram to Hunt. And it appearing to the Court that said eooarnt of X9,186.65 for said E9 ears of asphalt ooated atoar is oorraet and should De paid by Bsrr County immediately in order tv glue Lhe County advaataga of a 8~ dlaoonnt for paying same within 10 days of shipment. Sams acoount is therefore approved for the sum of 8,998.9E and the County Clark is authorises and requested to issue and deliver unto said Dvalde Rook Asphalt Oo., a vouohar against the Ingram-Hunt Aced fund far the enm of #8,998.9E in fall peymsat of said 29 Dare of asphalt ooated stone. o-o-o-o-o No. 284, PURCH6$B OF STRIP OF L9ND FROM J. i. MAULDIIQ H$TATE FOR CENTER POINT PAVED LOOP. Rhi• 14th day of Jnly, 1951, it is araered by the Oarrt that a strip of lead off a2 rem anroea the property of the J. A. Mauldin Ystats in Coster Point be and is hereby purohassd by Barr Oounty for the sum ed' ~E5.00, same to be resod in widening the right of way of the Canter Point Paved Loop. And the Carnly Clerk is hereby dlreeted to issue rend deliver unto E. A. Mealdin a voueher fez f8b.00 against the Center Point Hoad faced is full p~gmsnt for auoh strip of land. o-o-o-o-e-o No. 888, PORCAABB OF 80 foot RIGAT OF WAY ON LOWER END OF CENTEB POINT PAVED LOOP. Thi^ 14th day od' July, 1981, it is ordered by the Cann that a strip •f lead 80 fast in width over and eases the property belonging to Mrs. Martha A. Bnraey from the lower bM dge oa said loop to the east iiv at her pivparty, u surveyed am laid ant oa the gronad, be area is hereby purohased by Bsrr Carnty for the sum of X100.00, and the Carnty Clerk is hereby aathgized eat direotod t• Issas and deliver unto said Mrs. Martha A. Burney proper vouohar for Bald X100.00 against the Center Point Road land upon ezeoutioa affi delivery by her onto Barr Garnty of proper deed. we-a-o-s-o No. EBB, PURCH98E OP STRIP OF LAND FROM MRB. J'EtdI•TIE M. BR011N FOA CENTER POINT LOOP. This 14th day 6If Jhly, 1981, it is ordered py the Court that the aaeasaery strip of land off of end eoroso flu property belonging to Mrs. Jeanie M. Brows embraoea Sa the right oS way of the Center Point Loop as rear being laid out and under eonstrasiloa be and ~~ !i hereby purohasea Dy Eorr County for the sum of $100.00, rend the donnty Clerk is authosia..,; •d and direoted t• issue sad deliver unto said Mrs. d. M. Hrewa proper vouohar far said X100.00 against the Caster Point Aoad fund upon delivery by her Hato Esrr County of proper deed to said strip ad' lam tad release from the lien held thereon by the Federal Lead Bank of Houston, the ezpsns• aQ' obtaining sail releu• to be paid by Berr Gouaty. e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o