No. 882, PAYMENT OF FREIOIiT~ON 88 CARS OF ASPHALT COATED BTONE FOR IN4RAM-HONT ROAD. Thie 14th day of duly, 1931, Dame on to be e~minsd by the Court tht eooonaS of T. J. Moore for the aam of X2,038.37 eovertng freight ndvanoed or paid by him ea 2$ Darr of Asphalt Coated atone wed on the Ingram-Hua4 Paved Road, and it appearing that same is eorreat sad Sa therefore approved for paymeffi, and the County Clerk ii hereby authorised and direoted to pqV ^ams in full by vouohar out of the Ingram-Hunt Road HusB sad shall Yurther oharge snit X2,038.75 against the appropriatloa for the o matruotion of said read. o-o-o-o-e-o-e No. 883, PCRCHABE OF AND PAYMENT FOE 29 ears of Asphalt Coated $ten0 Yos Ingram-Hhat Road. Thin 14th day o! Tiny, 19b1, same oa to bs ooneidered the aooouat of tht IIvaldo Aoek ~phelt Company fos 29 oars of Asphalt Coated Stone shipped Eery County sad need by oontraotor, Brw-n & Root, Ina. is paving sail road from Ingram to Hunt. And it appearing to the Court that said aooouat of X9,138.65 for said 29 ears of asphalt Dented aton, i• oorreot and should be paid by Esrr Oouaty immediately in order to give the County advantage of a 298 disaou_nJt for paying same within 10 d~+s td ahipumat. SBm11 aooouat is therofore aplrovad for the sum of ~8,993.9S and the County Cierk is authorized and regwste8 to Sasue and daliv~ unto said IIvelde Rook Asphal4 60., e vouohar against the Ingram-Hunt Rend fend far the ram of $0,993.98 in full payment of said 29 oars of asphalt Dented ttoas. o-o-o-o-o No. 884, PIIRCHASE OF STRIP OF LAND FROM J, w. MdDLDIN EBTAT$ FOR CENTER POINT PAVED LOOP. Rhit 14th day of Tnly, 1931, it is ordered by the CarrC that a strip of load off of affi aoroea the property of tha T. R. Mauldin Estate in Center Point be and is hereby purohaaed by Eorr County fos the sum ~ 85.0$, terra to be ated in widening the right of way of the Oeatar Point Paved Loop. And 'tht County Clerk is heroby dirooted to issue affi deliver unto E. R. Mauldin a voueher toe X26,00 against the Center Point Road toad in full payment for suoh strip of land. o-o-a-o-e-e No. 88b, P[JACHABE 0$ BO fool MCAT OH 1fAY ON LOWER END OF OSNTER POINT PAVER LOOP. This 14th day of Tuly, 1981, it is ordered by the Court that a strip •f lead 80 feet in width over nod asross the property belonging to Mrs. Martha A. Barasy from the lower bridge on said loop to the east line of haF P1eBa'tY, as surveyed aaa laid eat ea the ground, be sad is lureby purohased by Eery County for the sum oP X100.00, and the Oounty Clerk is heroby enths8•i.zed and dlroeted t• issue and deliver wto said Mrt. Martha A. Burney proper vouohar foe said X100.00 against the Center Point Rsad Sand apes ezeoution ~I affi delivery by her auto Eerr Garnty ad propes deed. O•.e-•-O-O-O No. 886, PIJRCHABE OF STRIP OF LAI~ID FROM 30is. JENPIE M. BROIIN HOA CENTER POINT LOOP. Thin 14th day ed' July, 1981, it is order ad py the Court that the nesesaery strip of land off of and eoroas ttu property belonging to Mrs. Tennis M. Brown embraoed in the right of way of the Coster Point Loop ae now being laid out and uffiar ooattraetioa bs sad !i hereby parohaeed by Etrr County Yos the tom of $100.00, and the Qoaaty Clerk ie anthoris- •d and duetted b issue and de lives ante said Mrs. T. M. Hrtwa proper varohar far said X100.00 against the Canter Point Road Yuses upon aolivery by has unto Eery County of prepsr seal b said strip at land and release from the lien held the~rsoa by the Federal Lead Beak of Houttos, the ezpsase of obtainins sail ralew• to be pail by Eerr County. 898 o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o