s79 o9ry~31.1 As, sld. ORDER DESIGRATIN6 TAS LOCATIOA OH SLSOTRI6 LIGHT k POWER POLES OA 0. P. PAVED _ P~ This 14th day eT July, 1931, upon rsgaoet of 1~. Hansen, local manger for the Tszas Parer # Light Company, it is ordered sad adJudged by the Court that sa16 Tezae fewer # Light Compaey M end U lursby eni horiasd and imtruete4 to hereafter plane and loeate it~^ light end paver poise on and along the au4elde lins• of San 6atonlo Street in the tows of Center Point from the high water bridge to tho sonih line ed china Street, 25 feet frog the •enteZ line of x816 Street whieh street in a 60 foot street, e~ sell Oampany be end 1• furthez authsslasd end direeted to be reafter pl aaa and loeate e11 SS~a poets along the remaining portions of the Centez Point Paved Loop as nor Deing oonstrueted, adi staae• of SC fast from the oentez line of said loop or 'read, all other portions of said loop eaoepL along San Aaieaio Street having a width of 60 foot. o-•-o-o-o-e The ib regsing miaut e• on peg os 576 to 579 lureof, inoluaiva, ware read is open Court, and found oorreat, end the same are hereby 1a all zss~ssts appzo-ad ti7 tlu Cant, Shia the 14th day of July, A. D. 1951. Attest: i- sty Clerk By ty. one •. ' 0-9-0..0-d-0-o-®-9 THE SPATE OF TEEA3, COUNTY OF EERR. 1 BE IT AEM1~SBERED, that oa this, the 27th day of duly, A. D. 1931, there wsa begun and holden a special torn of the Comml saiomza~ Court of Eerr County, Tezas, at the Court House th exvoP, in the toem of Serrvi lie, Tezsa, OFFICERS PRESENT: Chas. Ie3a1, - - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Esrger, - - - - - Commie sinner, Precinct No, 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - Commiasloner, Preoinat No. 2, Wm. yarger, - - - - - Commieal onar, Precinct No. 3. , A. F, Moore, Sheriff and Jao. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having Deen regularly opened, the following prop eedinga sere had, to-wit: ,','-287, PURCHASE OF LATII1 FROM AIIG. PANRRATZ FOA HIGHWAY X27. This 29th day of July, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that 1,38 sores out of Sur. frem Aug Pankrata 28, A. Galven embraced in right of way of new State Highway Ao. 27 be porch eaed.Yor sum oP $103.50 plus $50,00 property damage, said eonei darati on of $15$.50 to be paid by the County Clerk out of the Eerr County Lateral Road Fund upon delivery of proper deed by said August PanlQata. to the State of Tezae. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 288, PURCHASE OF LAND FROM JOE SPII~IItATH, JR. FOR HIGHWAY $27. This 27th day of duly, 1981, it ie ordered by the Court that an additional ,16 of an sore out oP Surveys Nos. 28 end 29 embraced in right of way of new State Highway Ro. 27 be purchased by Earr County from Joe Spanrath, Jr. Por sum of $12,00, said considera- tion of $12.00 to be paid by the County Clark out of the Serr County Lateral Aoad Fund upon delivery of proper deed by said Jce Spenrath, Tr, to the State of Tessa, o-o-o-o-o-o-o 289, PURCHASE OF LAND FROM PECKHAM DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. FOR HIGHWAY N0. 27. This 27th day of July, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that 6,11 earea out of Sur. No. 29, 0. P. Moore embraced in right of way oP new State Highway No, 27 be purchased Dy