Road ~ Bridge Warrant Sinking Fund, Balance, Court House & Jail sinking Fund, " Road Dist. ~1 Sinking Fund, " Road Diat. ~2 Sinking Fund, " Road Dist. ~3 Sinking Fund, " Road & Bridge Refunding Warrant Sinking 'r}ynd, " The State of Texas, 4359,97 - y •- 2931.45 1591.39 95.03 13,70 340.,00 Total $240,522.33 County of %err. 1 Before me, the undersigned authority, on this dqy personally appeared A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of %srr County, who being by me duly agora, upon oath, says that the githin and foregoing report is true and oarreot, A. B, Williamson, County Treasurer Sgorn to and subscribed before ms, thin 11th day of August, 1931, ~S~) dno, R. Leavell By W, A. Loohte, Deputy. Clerk County Court, %err County, Texas. Filed gith the vouchers eacomparyying same, this Aug, 11, 1931. Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, %err County, Tezaa. By W, A. Loohte, Deputy, Eaemined and approved, and 9ouohera cancelled in open Commlasionsrs' Court, this 11 day of Aug., 1931, Chas. Reel, Presiding Officer Comr's. Court, %err County, Tazae, The State of Teaea, ~ In Commissioners' Court, County of %err. August Term, A. D. 1931. Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared the members of the Commis sionara' Court of %arr County, whose names nre bolos subscribed, Yho upon their oaths do say: That the requirements of Art. 867, Chapter 1, Title xEP, of the Ravi sad Statutes of Teaas, amended by the regular session of the 85th Legislators, have in all things been complied gith and that the cash and other assets mentioned in the quarterly report made axd filed in this Court Dy A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of said County for the quarter ending the 31 flay of Jhly, 1931, and held by him i'or said County, have Daen fully inspected anal counted by ua at this term of court and that th9 smount of money and other assets~in the hands of said Treasurer are ea foliose; Cash in the hands of the County Depository, $240,522.33 Other Asaeta, Total $240,522.33 Chsa. Reel, County Judge F, A, %argeP, Commissioner, Precinct No. One, Virgil Storms, Ccrosiesloner, Precinct No, Two, Wm. %arger, Commisaloner, Precinct No, Threo, T. J. Moore, Commissioner, Precinst No, Four, Subscribed and sworn to before ma, this the 11th dqq of Aug., 1931. Jno. A. Leavell Clerk, County Court, %arr County, !,'sass. (3$AL) By W. A. Looffite, Deputy. 0-0-0~0-0-0-0-0-0-0 v 328, PAYMPIJT OF FINAL 83TIMATE TO SHOWN k ROOT, INC. ON INGRAM-BUNT PAPING PROJPQT. sg~ This 1xRh day of August, 1931, came on to be oonaider~d by the Qoutt the fin{i.7. aoeouat or estimate of Brown & Hoot, Inc. covering the oonstruption and soy~platl9e of Ohs SS7 I Baved road Yrom Ingram to Huat, Toaae, in eooordanoe with oontraot between said oontrator and Kerr County. And it appearing from said final estimate that Brown & Root, Ino. ,- spent the sum of $39,879.89 on the conetruotion and oo mpletioa of said projeot, same being X5,629.89 over and above the guaranteed ooat oY said projeot, namely X34,250.00, anfl it further appearing to the Court that Brown & Root, Ino. hen reoeived from Kerr County oa said .p34,250,00 oontraot price a total sum of $E9 ,372.16, leaving a balanoe oY x,4877.81 owing by Karr County to said Coatraotor~ It is therefore ordered and deoreed by the Court that said balanoe oY x4877.81 be and Se hereby allowed and the County Clerk ie hereby authorized and direoted to lsau• and deliver unto Brower & Root, Ino. warrant for acid sum against the Ingram-Hunt Road Fund in cull and final payment of any and all oleima held by Brown & Root, Ino. against Kerr County ua&esror-#t-rFlYxeYor materiels and laDOr Iurniehei, equipment used and earvieea rendered under and Dy virtue oY its oontraot with Kerr County. And it is further ordered Dy the Court Bald oompleted paved road Yrom Ingram to I~ Hunt, Tema, be and ie hereby reoeived and eooapted b7 Yarr County as having Deea etrio tly _ i1 oonatruotad anfl oompleted aooording to the terms of the oontraot between the County and ~, Brown & Hoot, Ina, and said oontraotor is hereby diseharged Yrom Ynrther liability under Cfl said oontraot. /329, CLAIMS APID ACCOUNTS ALLOWED. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o These 10th, 11th and 12th days of Iugust, 1931, oame on to be examined the various al aims and aooounta Yilad against Kerr County and its reepeotive Commisaionere* prealaoLe sines last term of thin Court, all of whioh ale Sma and aeoounta were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reapeative fun der, ere shown in 701. 6, pages 159 to 162, inoluelve, 01 the Minutes oY Acoounte Allowed Yor Kerr County, whioh are made a part of this order. b g o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 9 {330, TEI~ORARY ALLOWARCE TO PARTIES IN FIHAECIAL DISTR$SS. Th16 11th day of August, 1931, it Se ordered by the Court that eaoh oY the following named parties be~and..i~e~ hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Ad valorem,Yund of Kerr County, ere ^h-t~ ie or her name, Yor eaoh oY the months designated, to-wit: Mra. A. d. Reyaolda $2b.00 per month Yor August, September 6 Oot Ober, 1931, gayable in two semi-monthly payment• of $12.b0 eaoh. g J. B. Clamant $5.00 per month for eaoh of said three months. C Jim Tuttle $4.00 per month Yor eaoh of said three months. WI! G. W. ani. Etta Moody jointly, $14.00 per month for eaoh oY said three months. John Yates, sum of $10.00 per month for eaah oY said three months, Mra. W. M. Smith, $10.00 per month for eaoh of said three months, same to be paid to Roy Ke; Dr. Wm. Lee Seoor, $4.00 per month for eaoh of said three months, for G W & Etta Moody rent Eaoh and all oY said ello ware ea to be paid Dy proper warrants lasued by the County Clerk against the Ad 7alorem Yund eaoh month when dva. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #381, PAYMENT OF FZRST ESTIMATE OII CENTER POINT~LOOP CONTRACT TO NGEC&S CONST. CO. This 11th day of August, 1931, oame on to be azamined by the Court the first estimate oY Rueoea Conetruotioa Company for work pelYormad on the Center Point Loop under it's oon- traot, amounting to $1346.80, and same being in proper Yore and appearing oorreot, 1^ hereby approval Yor payment, and the County Clark ie hereby authorised and direoted to pay oame by warrant against the Center Point Hoad fund actor deduoting 10~ to be detained