Sy7 ~ paved road from Ingram to Hunt, Teae, in eooordanoe with oontraot betwesa Bald oontrator and Kerr County. And 1t appearing Yrom said final eatlmate that Brown & Root, Ino. apeat the sum oY X39,879.89 on the conetruotion and completion oY said pro~eot, same being ,"T5,629.89 over and above the guaranteed ooat of said pro~eot, namely ~34,Eb0.00, anfl it further appearing to the Court that Brown & Root, 2nD, has reoeived from Kerr County on said j~34,250.00 ˘ontraot price a Lotal sum of ~E9 ,372.16, leaving a balanoe of X4877.81 owing by Kerr County to said Contractor r It ie therefore ordered and deoreed by the Court that eald balanoe oY X4877.81 be N and ie hereby allowed and the County Clerk ie hereby authorized and direoted to lsaue and deliver unto Brown & Hoot, Ino. warrant Yor acid sum against the Ingram-Hunt Road Fund in full and final paymart of any and all olaime held by Broom & Hoot, Ino. against Kerr County ua&error-i~ro#rYxeYor materials and laDOr iuraiehsd, squlpment used sad eerviaea rendered under and Dy virtue oY its oont rant with Kerr County. And it is further ordered by the Court said oompleted paved road Yrom Ingram to Hunt, Teas, be and is hereby reoeived and aoosptsQ DT =err County as having Deen striotly _ oonatruotad anfl oompleted sooording to the terms of the oontraot between the County and Brows & Hoot, Ino, and said oontraotor is hereby dlsoharged Yrom further liability under said oontraot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X329, CLAIMS APID ACCOUNTS ALLOWED. Thaee 10th, 11th and 12th days of August, 1931, Dame on to be eamined tho various of aims and aooounta filed against Barr County and its Hepeotivs Commie e3 oasts' preoinota sinoe last term oY this Court, all oY whioh ola ima and aaoounts were approved Yor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oY aeapeotive Yunda, ae shown Ln Vol. 6, page^ 159 to 162, Snoluaive, oY the Minut ee oY Acoounte Allowed Yor Kerr County, whioh are made a part of thin order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #330, TEMPORARY ALLOWANCE TO PARTIES IN FINANCIAL DISTHBSS. This 11th day of August, 1931, it ie ordered Dy the Court that eaoh of the following named parties b~ey~anwd..~See,hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Afl Valorem ,fund of Kerr County, ae ^ht- ie or her name, Yor eaoh oY the months designated, to-wit: Mre. A. J. Reyaolda ~2b.00 par month Yor August, September 8e Ootober, 1931, ysyable Sn two semi-monthly payments of $12..50 eaoh. J. B. Clement ~b.00 per month Yor eaoh of eaiQ three months. Jim Tuttl• X4.00 per month for eaoh oY said three months. G. W. sad Etta Moody jointly, $14.00 per month Yor eaoh of said three months. r John Yates, sum oY X10.00 per month Yor eaoh oY said three months, Mrs. W. M. Smith, $10.00 per month Yor eaoh oY said three months, same to be paid to Roy Ke Dr. Wm. Lee Seoor, $4.00 per month Yor eaoh oY said three months, Yor G W 8, Etta Moody rant Eaoh and ell oY said ellowam~ea to be paid by proper warrants Sesued by the County Clerk against the Ad Valorem Yund eaoh month when due. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #331, PAYMERT OF FIRST ESTIMATE OH CE9TER POINT~LOOP CONTRACT TO EUECES CONST. CO. Thie 11th day oY August, 1931, creme on to be ezamined by the Court the fir at estimate of Rueoee Conatruotion Company Yor work perYOamsfl on the Genter Point Loop under it's oon- traot, amounting to $1346.80, and same being in proper Yore affi appearing aorrsot, is hereby approved Yor payment, and the County Clerk is hereby authorised and direoted to pay same by warrant against the Center Point Rsad Fund after dedueting 10',~ to be detained