by gerr Cea~tty until the oompletioa of said pro~eot by said aontraetor eooording to lts ,:. . oontraot with the County. o-o-o-®-o-o-o X332, TSJLY REPORT OF COURTY HEALTH NURSE. This 12th day of August, 1931, Dame on to be heard the duly report of Mies Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse, whieh report was aooepted by the Court and ordered filed. o-o-o-o-o-o #333, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERSI9TABULAR QUARTERLY REPORT. This 12th day of August, 1931, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the tabular gvar- terly statement of gerr County*e iadsbtedneae, ezpendituree and reoeipta Yor quarter ending July 31st, 1931, filed by dno. $. Leavell, County Clerk whioh report npp eating aorroot is hereby approved in oven Court. o-o-o-o-o-o #334, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLffiRg'S QUARTERLY REPORT OH COLLECTIONS. This 18th day of August, 1931, Dame on to be oonaidered the report filed by dno. R, Leavell, County Clerk, covering fines imposed and oolleoted and ~udgmente renderefl and oolleoted in County Court Yor quarter ending July 31st, 1931, whioh report appearing oorreot ie hereby approved in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X335, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF dIISTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRffiCINCT H0. ONE. This 18th day of August, 1931, Dame on to be ooneidered by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Justine of the Peaoe of Preoinot Ho. 1 of Barr County, Tee, for the month of July, 1981, of eriminal oases ailed, anfl sines, judgment and jury tees eolleeted, total- ing X149.60, entitling him to X99.00 in Ease, and it appearing that said report is true and oorreot, same is hereby approved, and the County Glark ie direoted to issue two warrants in payment of said Ease in savor of ffi. H. Turner, one Yor $36.00 out of $. ~ B. toad and the other for X63.00 out o! Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o {'536, APP80VAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THffi PEACE OF PR~INCT N0. This 12th day of August, 1931, Dame on to be s~minad by the Court the report of ~d. Smith, Justine oY the Peaoe of Preainot No. 4 of gerr County, Tsxae, for period from Hebruary to June, ineluaive, 1931, of criminal oases filed, and fine e, judgment and fury feel oolleoted, totaling $4.8b, entitling him to $9.00 in Yeee, and it appearing that eald report is t7oae and oorreot, acme is hereby appaoced, and the County Clerk ie directed to pay said $9.00 by warrant ouE of the Ad Valorem innd to Ed. 6m1th in full payment of the fees tp which he ie entitled under said raporx. o-o-o-ono-o-o X337, TRANSFIyR OF 1.800.00 FROM[ PERMANENT IMPROVgISH'IT FUND TO AD VALOREM FOND. Thla 12th day of August, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the Boutt Hbnaa Janitor' salary ie properly chargeable agalnat the Pormenent Improvement fund but hoe bean for severe] years been paid out of the Ad Valorem fund, it ie therefore ordered Dy the Court that the County Tresaurer transfer the sum of $1,800.00 covering two yearn' of said Janitor's salary from said Permanent Improvement Fund to the Ad Valorem Fund. o-o-o-o-o-e #338, FIJRCHA5E OF LAND FROM H, J. HEZHEN EST-TE FOR HIGHWAY HO„ E7. Th1. 12th day of August, 1931, it ie ordered by the Court that 4.43 sores of lens out of A. Calvan Svr-ey $o, 88, embraesd in the right of way of new State Highway Ho. E7 be