#343, PURCHASE OF LAND FROM 60TTFRIED BOHNERT .AND CHILDR;IP FOR HIGHWAY $0. 27• ~ o 0 This 18th Qay oY August, 1931, it is ordere4 by trio Court that 3~44;aoree of land_,out oY the Geo. T. Howarfl Survey No. 33, embreaed in the right oY way of new.Statp Highway $o. 29 ~ be purchased by Kerr County from Gottfried Bohnert and ohildren Yor sum of $258.00 plus property damage in sum of $317.00, total~~8?5.00, and the piping of water aaroes new highway and R. 8. right of way by Kerr County at it!a own expense. Said sum of $575.00 to be paid by the County Clerk out of the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund upon delivery of proper deed to said 3.44 sore strip by said Gottfried Bohnert and ehil0.reti to the State of Tp~s. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #344, PURCHA9R OF STRIP OF LA$D BpTWESL'I $HW HIGHWAX X27 and RAILROAD PROPERTY FROM H~yH1[. S This 12th day of August, 1931, it is prdpred by the Court that a long and narrow strip oY land oontalning 2.1k sofas out oY Vim. Batt Survey $o. 69, lying between the new Stat• Highway $o. E7 and trio 8ailroad property be purohaaed by Karr County Yrom Horn. Sohulsp Yor the sum oY $100.00. Said sum of $100.00 to De paid by6,the County Clerk out oY the Korn County Lateral Road Fund upon exeoution and delivery by said Herman Sahulae to Kerr County of proper deed thereto. ao-o-o-o-o X345, PUROHASE OF LAND F80M BIRDIE W$AY FOR CENTER POINT LOOP. Thia 12th day of August, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that 2.3 aarea of land out of Survey No. b0, A. Jones, embaaoad in the right oY way of Center Point Paved Loop b• pur- ohaped by Karr County Yrom Birdio Wray for sum of ~12b.00, vamp to be paid by the County Clerk out of trio Cantor Point Road Fund upon delivery oY pro par deed thereto by said Birdie Wray to the County oY Kerr. o-o-o-O-O-O X346, PIIRCHASS OF LAND FROM WM. A. ALBRSCHT FOR CENTER POINT LOOP. This 12th day of August, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that one sore oY land out oY Survey No. b0, A. Jones, ambraoed in the r1$~t oY wav oY Center Point Paved Loop be purohae Dy Kerr County from Bm. A. A1Draoht for the sum oY $x00,00 vamp including property damages. Said X300.00 shall ba Baid by the County Clerk out of trio Center Point Road Fund upon delivery by said Wm. 6. Albrecht and wife of proper decd thereto to the County of Korr. o-o-o-o-o }347. DONATIO$ OF LAND BY E. R. LEACH FOR CENTER POINT 7AOP. Thia 12th day oY August, 1931, it is or derefl by the Court that the donation by E. R. Lesoh of 36/100 of an sore of land out oY Survey 49, Wm. L. Halley, embraced in the right of way of Center Point Paved Loo~r to the County oY Korr be grstipftally sooopted by the Court, said donation to be furtbea pvldenoad by dean to said 35100 oY an sore irom 8. R. Leash & wife to the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-o #348. DONATION OF LAND BY B. J. MATTINGLY FOR CENTER POINT LOOP. ` This 12th day of August, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that the donation by B. J. Mattingly to. the County oY Karr of .4 of an sore of land out oY Survey No. 49, W, L. Halley embraces in the right oY way oY Canter Point Paved Loop, be anfl ie hereby grateYully aoaspte by the Court, Baia donation to b• Yurther evidenced by prover sass ezeouted by sai$ B. d. Mattingly and wife in Yavor oY Kerr County. o-o-a-o-o-o #349. DOIIATIO$ OF LA$D BY J. L. KEITH FOR CENTER POINT' LOOP. This 12th day of Augwt, 1931, it ip 4r4pypd. by trio Court that the donation by J. Li