f343, PURCHASE CF LAND FROM GOTTFRIED BOHNERT AND CHIyDR$3P FOR HIGHWAY N0, 24. _ ¢ 0 0 Thia 88th Qay of August, 1931, it is ordered by trio Court that 3~44.aoree of land.ovt of the Geo. T. Howard Survey No. 33, embraeed in the right of way of new State Highway Bo, 2T ~ be purohased by Kerr County from Gottfried Bohnert and ahildran for sum of $256.00 plus property damage in sum of x"314.00, totsl~~~b45.00, and the piping of water aorose new highway and R. 8. right of way by Kerr County at it!a own expense. Said sum of x5?5.00 to ba paid by the County Clark out of the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund upon delivery of proper deed to said 3.44 aore strip by said Gottfried Bohnert and childrsd to the State of Taass. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #344, PURCHASE OF STRIP OF LAND B$TWE$N NEW HIGRWAY X27 and RAILROAD PROP$RTY FROM HEBM. S This 18th day of August, 1931, it i® orderei Dy trio Gourt that a long and narrow strip of land nontalning 8.16 sores out Oi ~. Watt Survey No, 69, lying between the new Stets Highway No. E9 and the Railroad property ba purabased by Kerr County from Harm. Sohulss Yor the sum of x100.00. Said sum of X100.00 to be paid byathe County C1erY out o1 the Kan County Lateral Road Fund upon ezeoutioa and delivery by said Herman Soriulze to Kerr County of proper deed thereto. o-o-o-o-o-o #345, PURCHASE OF LAND FROM BIRDIE WRAY FOR CENTER POIBT LOOP. Thia 18th day of August, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that 2.3 sores of land out oY Survey No. 50, A. donee, ambraoed in the right of way of Center Point Paved Loop. be pur- ohaaed by Kerr County from Birflie Wray for evm of X125,00, same to be paid by the County Clerk out of the Center Point Road Hued upon delivery of proper deed thereto by said Birdie Wray to the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-o-o X346, PURCHASE OF L&ND FROM WM. A. ALBRECHT FO8 CENTER POINT LOOP. This 18th day of August, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that one aore of land out of Survey No. 50, A. Jonas, embraeed in the rift of way of Center Point Paved Loop ba purohae by Kerr County from Wm. A. A1Draoht for the sum of ~p300,00 same including property damages. Said X300,00 shall ba paid by the County Clerk out of trio Center Point Road Fund upon aelivery by said Wm. A. Albrecht anfl wife of proper decd thereto to the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-o #344. DONATION OF LAND BY E. R. L$ACH FOR CENTER POINT LOOP. Th1e 12th day of August, 1931, it is or derail by the Court that trio donation by E. R. Leash of 36{100 of an sore of land out of Svrvay 49, Wm. L• Hailey, embraced in the r18ht 03 way of Center Point Paved Loop to the County of Kerr be grstsEnlly aoaepted by the Court, said dogatioa to be furtbea esidanaed by deed to said 36100 of an sere from $. 8. Laach & wife to the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-o #348. DONATION OF LAND BY B. d. MATTINGLY FO8 CENT92 POINT LOOP. - This 1$th day of August, 1931, it ie ordered by the Court that the flonatioa by B, J. 3attingly to~the County of Kerr of .4 of an aore of land out of Survey No. 49, W, L. Halley embraces is the right of way of Center Poiat Paved Loot', be and ie heroby gratefully accept by the Court, said donation to be further evidenced by proper desa wouted by said B, J. Mattingly and wile in favor of Kerr County. o-o-a-o-o-o #349. DONATION OF LASD BY J. L. KITH FOB CEBTTER POIBT LOOP. This 18th day of August, 1981, it ie 4rf1aF®4 by trio Court that the donation by J. Li God Keith to the County of Kerr of 9/10 of as sore of land out of Survey Bo, 49, R. L. Hailey, embraeed is the right of way of the Center Point Paved Loop, be aad ie hereby gratefully r"' seoepted by the Court, esifl donation to be further eviflenoed by proper deed ezeouted by said J,L. Keith and wife in favor of the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-o-o #390, DONATION OF LEND BY FRARK DONALD FOR CIDHTER POINT LOOP. This lEth day of August, 1931, it Ss ordere6 by the Court that the donttioa by Frank Donald to the County of Kerr of 87/100 of an sore of land out of Survey Ro, 49, W. L. Bsliey, emDraoed is the right of xay of the Center Point Paved Loop, be and is here- by Brat efully sooepted by the Court, said donation to be further evidenced by proper deed eseentsd Dy said Freak Donald and wife in savor of the County of Kerr, o-o-o-o-o-o X361, DOMATIOB OF LABD BY MOBTY HROTHSHS FOR CKNTSR POIBT LOOP, Shia 12th bay of Avgoat, 1931, it is ordere6 by the Court that the Qoastloo by Loe and Harvey Hoaty to the County of Ksrr of two stripe ei lend embraced in the right of way of the Center Point Paved Loop, be and ie hereby gratefully soosytsd by the Court, said donation to be further evidenced by proper deefl ezeeuta6 by ea id Yoety Brothers to the County of Kerr. , o-o-o-o-o-a f3b2, PUHOIUSH OF LAND FHOY D. D. BEAHD & wIFS FOH CHNTER POINT LOOP. This 12th day of August, 1931, it is ordered Dy the Court that 8/10 of an sore out of Survey No. 47, B. B. B. 8e C. $Y. Co, emDraoefl 1n the right of way of the Center Point Paved Loap be purchased by the County of Kerr from D. D. Beard and wife for the sum of $100,00 plea $lEb.00 property damages. Said ~E25.00 shall be paid by the County Clerk out of the Canter Point Hoad Fond upon delivery by Mr. k la's. D. D, Beard of proper deed thereto to the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-e-o-o THS:[STATE OF TSZ-S, a Za CommieeionereT Court, Ksrr County, Tezae. ai No. 393. QOAHTY OF KSHB. August Tars, A. D. 1931,- This 12th day of [nguet, 1931, same on to ba aonsiaered Dy the Court that portion of the report oP the Jury oY Yiew bated ltey 16th, 1931, relatiag to the danegu assessed sad allowed S. F. Sturges by esifl Jury On the beater Poi Loop, torwit: aS. F. Sturges: Center Point Loop:- we appraise sad value the land embraced in the r new Highway survey on the Center Point Loop at Z2b.00 inelnding damegea.° It appearing to the Court that a strip of land of the average width of about lE feet 1s bsing out off the front and south portion of the property owned Dy said S. F. Sturges in the town oY Center Point, Texas, sad that the sum of $E6,00 allowed Nr. Sturges by said Jury for land taken sad damages should be increased Pros $29.00 to $60,00 which ie hereby done by the Court.. Said sum of $60.00 shall De paid Dy the County Clerk out of the Center Point Road Pvnd npen delivery of proper deed thereto by Ba1fl S, F. Sturges Sn favor of the County of Zp event said S. F. Sturges Pails or refuse to deliver said deed Yor the ooasidera- tioa stated, then esifl sum oY X60.00 shall De pieced to the credit of S. F. Sturges with the Oennty Treasurer ^ub~eat to his order, and it is herby orflered and adJudged that said strip of land shall be opened sa a partof said Center Point Paved Loop. o-o-o-o-o-0 4