Ho. 354, P.ttleCliASB OF. LAND FO8 WITT ROAD FROM CHAS. APELT. This 12th day of duguat, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that 61/100 of an Borswnt of the Geo. T. Howard Surrey No. 33, embraced 1n right of way of road leading from W1tt OrQae on Guadalupe River to Highway Ho. $? in Commissioner's preolnet Ho.~, be purchased by $err County from Chae. Apelt for the sum of $88.?b. Said sum of $48.7b to bo paid by the County Clerk out of the Karr Gouuty Lateral Bead upon eaeoution and delivery by said ChAS. Apalt to the County of Kerr oP proper deed to said 61/100 sore strip. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 35b. PURCHASH CF LARD FROM MRS. CHAS. BIERMARH AND CHILDREN ARD AHDREAS BIERMAI6N. a This I2th day of August, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that b/10 oY an aoreof land out of the L. Shotwsll Survey Ho. 30,.embraoed in right of way of 20 foot road leading from the Boerner creasing on the Guadalupe River to new State Highway Ho. 27 in Commissioners by 8err County Precinct Ho. 3, be acquired„partly by purchase an8 partly by trade as follows: ', 2/10 of said b/10 of an sore oY land embraced in said lateral road to ba pvrohasad I by Karr County from Mrs. Chas. Biermana and children for the sum of +j1b.00, and I' the remaining 3/10th oY an sore shall be acquired by Korr County from Andreae BSesmpAa in eaehange for the right of way of the old Higmrray No. 27 or San Antonio Roafl across Bald Andreae Biermann's land, said old highway right of way to be convoyed to Andreae Bieneana I, by Quit-claim deed when sai8 018 highway has been abandoned and released by the Stets. It is further ordered by the Court that Eerr County furnish e11 necessary fencing material for aa1A new road frq River to sew Highway, xith whieh Mrs. Chas, Biormaan and Andreae Biermana hsv agreed to erect their own fence. Said $15.00 to ba paid by the County Clerk out of tla H, d, B. /3 Funs to Mrs. Ches. Biermann upon eseoution and delivery of proper deed covering all of said 'a/lOth of an sore by Mrs. Chao. Biermann end her ehil8rea and Andreae Biermann b wife in favor of the County of $err. o-o-o-o-o #3b6, PCRCHASE 4F LAND FROM FRITZ BPEOTRATH FOR CHERRY CRESK ROAD. This 12th day of August,. 1931,. it ie ordered by the Court that S/lOthe of an sore of lava out of the W. S. Long Survey Ho. 31, embraced in the 30 foot right of way of Cherry Creak Rosa in Goasissionere' preainot 1(0. 3 from the river arosaing on said road to the new Stets Highway Ho. 2?, b• purchased by Ksrr County fro~a 5'rite Speareth f.or the sum of $60.00 plus $$60.00 property damages. Said sum oY X310,00 to be paid by the County ClerY out of the $err County Lateral Road Fund upon salivary by aaiQ ]hits Bpenrath and trifs to the County of Kerr of proper deed covering aaia $/l0of an sore of right of xay. o-e-o-o-o-o }357, DAMAGHS ALLOWED FRITZ SPHR&-TH FO$ $EIHHARD & MOLTER OUTLET OR ROAD. This 12th day of Baguet, 1831, it appearing to the Court that Frits Speareth ie and 1• hereby`allowed damages in the sum of $50.00 in oonaideratioa of which said Frite 3penrath in open Court agrees to furnish $err County with an outlet or neighborhood road over and through a certain lane se now faneed slang the east property line or hie upper place, for the nee of T. P. Reinhard, Chsa. Molter and the general public forever, Said lane or entlet shell remain open and unobstrugtsa at all times osoapt for a gate at it's south sad, and shal furnish said Reinhard, Molter and othepa free paesagexay Prom the Guadalupe HiveF to nex Stets Highway Ho. 87. Tha $50,00 herein allowed shall be paid by the County Glsrk note said H'rits Spearath .out of the Ksrr Gopnty Lateral Yoad Fund. Goi o-o-o-ow-o