30. 354, PU{tC,HAS& OF, LARD 808 WITT 80AD FROM CHAS. dPELT. ~ GoZ This 18th day of August, 1931, St is orflered by the Court that 61/100 of an spas aLLt the Geo. T. Howard Survey No. 33, embraoed 1n right of way of road leading from Witt or4ae on Guadalupe River to Highway Bo. $7 1n Commissioner's praoinet Ho.~, be purehasad bl Kerr County from Chas. Apelt for the sum of $4b.75. Said sum of $3b.7b to be paifl by the County Clerk out of the gerr County Lateral Bvnd upon ezeeution and delivery by said Chas. Apalt to the County of gerr of proper deed to said 61/100 sore strip. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Io. 35b. PUBCHASE OF LAHD FROM MRS. CHAS. BIERYANW AND CHILDREN AND ANDREAS BIERYAA~R. Thi• IBth day of August, 1931, it 1s ordered by the Court that 5/10 eY an sore of lanfl out of the L. 5hotwell Survey No. 30, embraoed in right of way of 20 foot roafl leading from the Boerner orosaing on the Guadalupe 81vsa to new State Highway No. 27 in Commissioners by Kerr County Preoinot No. 3, be soquired,.partly by purohnsa and partly by trado ae follows: 2/10 of said b/10 of an sore oY land embraoe4 in eaiQ lateral roafl to be gurohaeed by Kerr County from Yre. Chas. Biarmann and ehildren for the sum of X15.00, and the remaining 3/i0th of an aors shall be enquired by Karr County from Andreae Biermsaa in aruhange for the r18ht of way of the old Higlaxay No. 27 or San Antonlo Eoad soroea sa1A Andreae Biermann's land, said old highway right of way to be convayeA tv Andreae Biermana by Cuit-olaim deed when said old highway has been abandoned and released by tho State. It is further ordered by the Court that Kerr County fvrnlah all neoessary fenoing materiel for said new road Prep 81ver to new Highway, with whieh Yrs. Chao, Biarmana and Andreae Blermann have agreed to erect their own Penna. Said $1b.00 to be paid by the County Clerk out of the R. d, B. ~3 P1ind to 1[re. Chas. Biermann upon e~eution and delivery of proper deed oovaring el,l of eaiQ ~/lOth of an aors by Yrs. Chas. Biermann end her children and AaAresa Biermann b wife in favor of the County of Kerr. o-o-o-o-a ~iSb, PURCHASE OF LAND BROM SRITZ BPENRATH FOR OHERRY CBE ROAD. This 12th day of Avguat,.1931,.it is orflered by the Court that 8/lOthe of an sore of lani out of the W. B. Long Survey Ho. 31, embraoed in the 30 foot right of way of Cherry Crest Hoaa in Coaaoisaionars' precinot. Ho. 3 from the river aroasing on said road to the new Stets Highway No. 87, be purchased by Karr County from Yrits Spearath far the sum of $60.00 plus $250.00 proyarty damages. Said sum of $3310.00 to be paid by the County Clerk out of the Karr County Lateral Sped Fund.yyon delivery by said Yrita Bpsnrath and ;ifs to the County of Kerr of proper deaf covering aeii 8/10 of an aors of right of way. o-o-o-o-o-• /~d67, DANAGHS ALLOWED FBITZ BPEHRATH F08 REINHARD b YOI~ER OUTLET 08 80AD. Thi• 18th day oS August, 1831, 1t appearing to the Court that Arita Spsnrath bs and is hereby"allowei damages in the sum of $b0.00 in ooneideratioa of whieh eaiQ Prit$ Spenrath in open Court agrees to furnish Kerr County with an outlet or neighborhoofl road over and through a pertain lane ae now Penned along the east property lino of hie upper plane, for the use of J. P. Reinhard, Chao. Molter and the general publio forever. Said lane or cutlet shall romain open and unobetruoted at all times e~ooept for a gate at it'e south eni, and aha] furnish said ReinharA, Molter and otheaa Tres passageway from the Guadalupe Biver to new State Highway Ho. 8?. The $50,OO,haroin allowed shall be paid by the County Clerk ants said Frits Spsnraih .out of the Barr Gounty Enteral Road Innd. o-o-o-pro-o