~a? r" r 63b8, FENCING CLAIPJS OF FRIT2 SPENRATH, CSiAS. SCHLIDOEH, JOE BOHNHRT, H1E BIEHIfANH AHD EDGAR PANK$CFZ OH HEW STATE HIGHIPAY B0. 89. This 18th HaY Of August, 1931, same on to be ooneidered the following of aims against Kerr County for Yenning on new State Highway Ho. 27, to-wit: Fritz 9penrath, laDOr Yor 4b81} Vest oY highway Yenae at 1.076 per loot, $49.02, Chas. Snhladoer, labor & material Yor 286.7 Yt. oY fenoe at 4.Ob6 per Soot, 11.61, Joe Bohaort, labor and material Yor 1674 ft. of fenoe at 4.Ob6 per foot, 67.80, Maz Biermann, labor Yor 1913.6 feet of fenoe at 1.076 per foot, 20.48, Edgar Psakrata, labor Yor 1603.8 feet of G. Bohnert'e Yenoa and 198 feet of Joe Bohnert'e fesme, at 1.076 Ber Soot,. 18.E1. And it appearing to the Court that eaoh of said olaime is eorreot and unpaid, same and eaoh of them are hereby allowed by the Court, and the Covffiy Clerk is hereby direoted to pay eaoh of said olaime out oY the Kerr County Lateral Hoad Fund by proper warrants. o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pagsa 69i to 603 hereof inclusive, were read in open Court, and found norreot and the same ors hereby in all reapeota approved by the Court, this the 12th day of August, A. D. 1931. • Attest: / 6 lark .... ~tY• ~ y 6e .~. 0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TELB, COIIHd'Y OF KEHH. 0 BE IT REI[E1(BERED, that oa thie~8ith day oi~AUgnet, 1931, there waa begun anfl holden a apaelal term oY the Commiaeioners' Court ot•Berr County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Te=as, OFFIC EH9 PHESERT: Chat. Heal, - - - - - CovntY Judge, 7. •. Barger, - - - - -Commissioner, Preolnot Ho. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - Commisaionar, Preoinot Ho. 8, Ym. Barger, - - - - - Comeie sinner, Freoinot Ho. 3, T. d. Poore, - - - - - Conaaisaioaer, Yrsoinet Ho. 4. A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having Daen regularl7 opened, the following. proaeedinga were had, bo-wit: ~'3b9, FENCIIQG CLAIES OF HICHAHD BOEHNEH OH HIGHWIY H0. 27. This 25th day oY August, 1931, same on to be eoneidwred the fending elslm of Hiohard Boomer aerosa hie own land on new State Highway Ho. 87, se Yollowa: material and labor Yurniahed in the oonetruetion of fenoe along said highway at pride of X207.00 per mile plus $3.b0 Yor eaoh gate placed in said fenoe. Aal it appearing to the Court that ole.im Se just and should be paid when fenoe hoe Dean completed, same be and is hereby allowed anfl the•Connty Clerk shall yay same out of the Berr County Lateral Hoad Fund upon approval-of County Judge of sworn itemlaed acooant to be presented DY said Boarnar upon nomplation of sold fenoe. o-o-o-o 6'660, FENDING CLAIM OF ALBHHT PESOHEL ON HIGHNAY H0. 29. This 26th day of August, 1931, same on to be ooneidered the proposal of Albert Pesohel to furnish the material and labor Yor the oonatruotion of Yeno ee along new State Higbway H0. SR sorosa hie own land, at the pride oY X807.00 per mile to the County plus $3.b0 Yor eaoh gate plsosd in said Yeaoe.