(. O {3b8, FF,NCING CLAII6S OF FRITZ SPSNRATH, CHES. SCHLlDOEH, TOB BOHNERT, MAZ BISHNANH dffi1 EDGAH PAflBBiSZ ON NSRf 3TATB HIGH6AY N0. 87. This 18th day of Angna t, 1931, name on to be considered the following of aims against 8srr County for fencing on new State Highway No Fritz Spenrath, labor Yor 4581}. feet oY highway ienoe at 1.076 per loot, Chas. Sohladoer, labor & material Yor E86,7 ft. oY fence at 4,Ob6 per foot, Joe Bohaert, labor and material Yor 1674 ft. of ienoe at 4.Ob6 per toot, Hex Biermsan, labor Yor 1913.6 teat of ienoe at 1.076 per toot, Edgar Pankrats, labor Yor 1b03.8 feet of G. Bohnert'e ienoe and 198 feet of doe 8ohnort'a Yeaae, at 1.076 Ber toot, Anfl it appearing to the Court that eaoh of said oleims is oorreet anfl unpaid, same sad eaoh oY them are hereby allowed by the Court, and the County Clerk ie hereby directed to pay eaoh of said claims out oY the 8srr County Lateral Hoad Fund by proper warrants. Tha foregoing minutes on pages 691 to 603 hereof inclusive, were read in open Court, and found correct and the same are hereby in all respects approved Dy the Court, 12th day oY August, A, D. 1931. Attest: __ Lerk ~~. - / uoa41'~y 7u e. BT ~ty• THE STATE OF TE7A8, COIIHTY OF KSHH. 0 BE IT REI[EI®ERED, that on this 2ith day oY•AVgueL, 1931, was begun and holden a special term oY the Cemmleaioners' Covrt of•Berr County, Tszas, at the Court House thereof, in the town oY Kerrville, Reese, - - - - - County Judge, F. •. Barger, - - - - -Commissioner, Preainot ao. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 8, Wm. Barger, - - - - - Commleaioaer, Preoinet so. 3, 4. J. Poore, - - - - - Com~issloasr, prsoinet Bo. t. Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having Deea regularlT the following proaeedings were had, j3b9, FENCING CLAIM OF RICHARD BOEHNSH ON HIGHIfAY H0. 27. Thie 85th day oY puguet, 1931, same on to be eoneid~red the Yenning elaim of Hiohard Koerner across his own land oa new State Highway No, 87, sa follows: ](aterial and labor furnished in the conetrvntioa of Yenoe along said hlghwag at prioe of $207.00 per mile plus $3.b0 Yor eaoh gate plaoei in said Yenoe. Anl it appearing to the Oourt the; olelm is 'uat and should be pall when Senoe has been completed, same~be and ie hereby allowed anfl the•County Clerk shall pay same out of the 8srr County Lateral Hoad Fund upon apyroval~of Covaty Judge of sworn itemised account to be presented Dy said Boarnar upon completion of said Yenoe. ,}840, FENCING CLAM[ OF ALBERT PSSCHSL ON HIOHNAY 90. 84. This 85th day of August, 1931, same on to be oonei dsred the prapoaal of Albert Peaohal to furnish the material and labor Yor the none truation of fees es along new State Highway 90 87 across his own land, at the prioe of $807.00 per mile to the County Blun ffi3.b0 for sash gate placed 1n said Yenoe.