(.O 3 ~3b8, FF,BCIBG CLAIIiS OF FRITS SPERRATH, CHAS. SCHL6DOER, JOH BOHHERR, MAS BIERMliHH L10) EDGAR PAHKR;RZ OH HEW 3TATR HIGHWAY B0. E7. Rhin lEth day of August, 1931, Dame on to be considered the following claims against Kerr County for fencing on new State Highway Bo. E7, to-wit: Fritz 9penrath, labor for 4b81~i feet of highway fenae at 1.076 per loot, $49.OE, Chaa. Sahladoer, labor & material for E86,7 St, of fence at 4.Ob6 per foot, 11.61, Joe Bohnert, labor and material for 1674 it. of fenae at 4.066 per foot, 67.80, Mss Hies'mena, labor for 1913.6 feet of fence at 1.076 per loot, E0.48, Edgar Pankrats, labor Yor 1b03.8 feet of G. Bohnsrt'e fence and 198 feet of doe Bohnert'a fenae, at 1.076 pax Soot, 18.E1. And iL appearing to the Court that each of said claims is eorreet and unpaid, same and each of them are hereby allowefl by the Covrt, and the County Clerk is hereby dlreoted to pay each of said olaima out of the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund by proper versants. o-o-o-o-o The foregoing miautsa on pagsa 691 to 603 hereof inolvaive, were road in open Court, and found correct and the same are hereby in all rsa M Ots approves Dy the Court, this the 12th day of August, A, D. 1931. Attsat: lark ~= ~ty • IIo~ y t ga. 0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF THIGH, COIIHRY OF KEBH. BE IT RSI[EYBERHD, that on thle Eath Qay si~luguet, 1931, there was begun anfl holden a speoiel,term of the Cemmieaionars' Court oi~Sers County, Resae, at the Court Hous• thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Reiae, OFFIC SE9 PRESERT: Chat. Real, - - - - - County Juxigs, 1. A. Yarger, - - - - -Commissioner, Preminot Ho. 1, 91rgi1 Storms, - - - - Commissioner. Precinct Ho. E, Wm. Karger, - - - - - Cotssieeioaar, Preolnat Ho. 3, 4. J. Moore, - - - - - Ooaiaisslonsr, Yreolnet Ha, 4. A. F. Moore, Sherlii and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, ana the Court having bean regularly opened, tho following. prooeedinga were had, to-wit: 6'bbY, FENC IIIG CLAIM OF RICHARD BO EQHER OH HIGHWAY H0. 24. Rhin S6ih day of August, 1931, same on to bs eonaldsred the feao ing elalm of Richard 4 Boeraer aarosa hie own lava on new State Highway Ho. E7, as follows: . Material and labor furnished in the eoaetrmtioa of fenae along said highway at prise of $207.00 per mile plus $3.60 for each gate plaosa in said fend e. Aaa it appearing to the Oourt that claim ie dust ea0. ahoula be pain when ienoe has De en completed, same~be anfl ie hereby elioved aaa the~County Ciark shall yay same out of the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund upon apparoval-of County Judge of sworn Stemised aeoonnt to be presentee by said Boaraar upon completion of said fence. o-o-o-o j860, FHHCZHG CLAI1[ OF ALBERT PESCHHL OB HIGHWAY W0. E7. Rhin Ebth say of Iuguet, 1931, same on t0 be oonaiesrsa the proDOSal of 1lbert Peaohel to furnish the material ane labor Yor the oonetruotion of fenaee along new State Bigbray H0. 87 across hie own lane, at the pride of $E07.00 per mile to the County plus $3.60 for each gat• plaosa 1a said Yeaoe. Said proyosal being duet and reasonable, same be and is hsreby aaoeptel and saib ~ (soy Albers Peeahel Se hereby authorised and directed to oonetruet said Ponce, and having is Yeot,i already done more than $100.00 worth of work on said fenoe, said Albert Peaohel is hereby i allowed as advance of $100.00 to De paid Dy the County Clerk out of the gerr County Lateral ~ Road Funfl. And the Couaty Clerk is Yurthar authorissl sad direotel to pay the balance oP said tl3ailr gor material anfl labor need in oonstruoting said Peaoe upon completion thereof, and upon the Piling oP sa itemised sworn account thereof duly approved by the County Jud$a, eaid.balanoe to be also paid out oY said %arr County Lateral Road Fund, o-o-a-o-o-o Ths foregoing miautee on pages 603 and 604 hereof were road in open Court, and Pound aorreet and the same are hereby in all neapeete approved by the Court, this the 85th day of August, A• D. 1931. Attaet: ounty Clerk, By -u-- Deputy. sun y 9. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEBAS,~ 0 COUNTY OF SERR.~ HE IT REMEMBBRBD, that on this lot day of September, A. D. 1831, there sea begun end holden s..apeoial term of the Commiseloaera Court of Bert County, Tozas, at the Court House thereof, in the torn of %arrville, Tessa, OYYieers present: Ches. Real, - - - ~ - - - -County Judge, F. A. Barger, - - ~ _ _ _ _ Commie ai oa er, Preoi not No. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - - - pommiasio~r, Preolnot No. 2, Wm. %argar, - - - - - - - - Oommisaioner, Preainet No. 3, T. T. Moore, - -. - - - - _ Commiasionsr, Precinct No. 8, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavall, County Clerk, and the Court having bean regularly opened, the following pnaoeedinga were had, to-wit; X361, CLAIM OF ERNEST HEINEN FOR BUILDING FENCE ON HIGHWAY N0. 29. This lot day of September, 1931, it appearing to yhe Cou;t that $rn at Hainan ie entitled to reoeiva from Barr County the sum of $63.00 oovaring the oonatruation of 6116. feet oP Peaoe along Highway No. 27 at $54.50 per mile, as Pollowa: One line of fenoe acros@ Rud. Hainan pr op~ty, 1659.8 fe@t, One line of fenoe across August Pankratz property, 603,7 feet, Two lines of fenoe eoroas H. T. Heinea. Estate pr ope;ty, 38b5.2 feet, 9ota1 6,116.9 feet. It is therefore ordered thst said fencing claim b@ and is hereby alloiad and the County Clerk ie dineated tm isaus enA deli;er unto saib Bra at Heinen aarrant against the Bert Couaty Lateral Road Fund for $63.00 in full payment of said oleim. 0-0-0-0-0-p 362, CROP DAMAGE CLAIM OF MA% BIERMANN. This lst day of September, 1931, it is ordesed by the Court that Mss Biormann be and ie hsreby allowed damages to hie crop in the sum of $7.00 on eooount of the o m strustign of State Highway No. 27, which sum shall be paid by the County Clark out oP the Bert County Lateral Hoed Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o $365, CROP DAtdAGB CLAIM OF FRITZ SPENRATH. This lot day of September, 1831, it is ordered Court that Fritz be and V.., l .......:........~ _,