Said proposal being 'uet and reasonable, same be and is hereby accepted and sa18 Alberti Peeahel ie hereby authorised and directed to construct said fenoe~ and havln6 in fact, already dons more than $100,00 worth of work on said fanoe, said A1berE Peeahel is hereby allowed an advance of $100.00 to be paid by the County Clerk out of the Kerr County lateral 8oad Punfl. Aad the County Clerk is further authorised and directed to pay the balaneeof said ftiaile gor material and labor need in oonetruoting said fanoe upon completion thereof, and uyoa the filing of an itemised sworn account thereof duly approved by the County Judge, Bald balance to be elan pall out oY said Kerr County Lateral Road Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o Ths foregoing miautee on pages 603 and 604 hereof were read is open Court, anti Pound correct and the same era hereby in all reepeate approved by the Court, this the SSth day of August, A' D. 1931. Attaet: ouaty Clerk, a'-~~~/~~1 "-"Zro~y T e. By Deputy. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEEAS,~ COUNIR OF SERR.~ BE IT REAOi6ffiER$D, that on this let day of September, A. D, 1931, there sae begun and holden a_apeaial term of the Commisatoaera Court oY Kerr County, Tema, at the Court House thereof, in the tarn of Berrvilla, Teaas, Officers present: Ohsa. Real, - - - - - - - -County dredge, F. A. ~.ger, _ _ ,. - - _ - Consei.eal.oner, Preoin~t No, 1, Virgil Sto nns, - - - - - - Qommiasioner, Precinct No. 2, Wm. Barger, - - - - - - - - Commis eloner, Presinet No. 3, T. J. Moore, - - - - - - - Coamiasioner, Prooinct No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff end Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following pmoeedinga ware had, to-wit: X361, CLAIb; DF ERNEST HEINEN FOR BUILDING FENCE ON HICRWAY N0. 29. This 1st day of September, 1831, it appearing to the Court that Brno at Hainan is entitled to receive from Barr County the cam of $63.00 covering the oonstruotlon of 6116. feet of fence along Highway No. 27 at $54,50 per mile, as follows: One line of fence aerosq Rua. Hainan property, 1659.8 feet, One line of fangs aorpas August Penkratz property, 803.9 feet, Two lines of fanoe across H. J. Helne~.Hecate property, 3$65e2+ feet. 9ota1 6,116.7 feet. It is therefore ordered that said fencing olalm be and is hereby allo•ed and the County Clerk is dirented to issue and deliTer unto sai8 Ernest Heinen warrant against the Barr County Lateral Ho ad Farad for $63.00 in Yull payment of said olalm. 0-0-0-0-0-0 x`382, CROP DAMLGE CLAIM OF MAX BIERMANAT. This let day of September, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that 9iez Biermann be and is hereby allowed damages to his crop in the sum of $9.00 on account of the o m stnietion of State Higbway No. 29, which sum shell be paid by the County Clerk out of the Berr Oounty Lateral Hoad Fund. p-o-o-o-o-o X385, CROP DAMAGE CLAIBC OF FRITZ SPENAATH. This 1st day a1' September, 1831, it is ordered Court that Frita ba (e o'( L.. r._..u ..._._ ~.... ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 604 and 605 her eoP were read in open Court and Pound a~ tir I is hereby allowed damages to his crop in sum oP $7.00 on sooouat of the constraotion of state Highway Ro. 27, which aim shall be paid by the County Clerk out eP•the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o ,y"364. PAYI~~NT OF COUt~THOUSE JANIT@i`S SAL6RY OUT OF PER67ANBNT IMPROPEMENT FUND. Thin let day of September, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the salary of Irvin Parka is properly chargeable against the Permanent Improvement fund of %err County, it is therefore ordered and adjudged that said Irvin Park`s salary as Oourt House rani for oP $75,( par month, payable in equal semi-monthly payments De hereafter paid by the County Clerk out oP the Permanent Improvement rand of %err County instead oP~out of the Ad Valorem Pund. i~365, CLAIMS AND ACCCUNT3 ALLOWID. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o This let day oP September, 1931, came on to be examined the various claims affi account riled agai net %err County and its respective Commiasionars~ preci nc to sinoe last term oP this Court, ell of which olaime and sooounte were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respective Panda, as shown in Vol. 8, pages 164 and 185, oP the Minutes of Acoouats Allowed Por %err County, whi oh are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEAS, In Commissi opera' Court %err County, Tema, No. 366 September let, 1931. COUNTY OF KERB. Speoi el -September Term, A. D. 1931. The Court having had submitted to i4 Per aoceptanoe or re~eotion. the tentative agree- ment in writing between Mr. and Mrs. George P, Walker and the County Judge, Chao, Real, oP date August 26th, 1931, does hereby reject said prspeai tl on and the Court deeming it to the beat interest and safety of the traveling public that the Center point Loop where it interaeota with State Higknay No, 27 near the Center Point Depot should approsoh and intersect with said Highegy with two prongs, the Court does now order that said Loop shall interseot wish said Highway No. 27 and shall be opened and oonstruoted with two prongs as originally planned, and said State Highway No. 27-aeroea the la nde oP Mr. and Mrs. George P. Walker shall be conatnio tad sa surveyed and laid out. And the Court does hereby instruct the Clerk of this Court to plane to credit oP George P. Walker anfl Mrs. Charlotte T. Balker with the County Treasurer, the sum oP money allowed each oP them by the Court Pox lands taken end damages assessed (iP any) under and by virtue of this Court`s or darn passed at its Spa ai sl July Team, 1931, recorded in Vol. H, pages 586, 587 and b88, oP the Minutes of this Court. torrent and the same are hereby is all respects approved Dy the Court, this the 1st flay aP September, A. D. 1831. Atteet• n 1n p E er (.[/J-'Z~/ou y t ge ~o Dy v- eputy. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0