SERVICE ON DErENDANTS, in Cause styled H. Ben Mosel, et. al. 4a. Charles Real,. et. sl. This 22nd day oŁ September, 1931, came on to be oonaidered the waiver of aervioe on members of the Commissioners' Court of Rarr County in suit Drought to prevent re-locating of Highway No. 27 roost oŁ Korrville and Łor writ of in]unotion, Piled in the Distriot Court of Rerr County, Te~cas, and styled H. Ben Moae1, at. a1. Vs Charles Real, et, sl., and the Court deeming it to the best interest of all concerned, $uly signed a waiver of service in said cause, same having already been signed by Commissloner Moore. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 809 and 610 hereof were read in open Court an$ Pound oorreot and the same era hereby in all respeots approved by the Court, this the 22nd day of September, A. D. 1931, Attest: ~` o oua y t ge By t~~Depu'ty. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEYAS, COUNTY OF KSHR. BE IT RN9CffidRFRED, that on this tad day of October, A. D. 1931, there rose begun and holden a sprolal term of the Commissionere' Court of KoM County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezas, offioere present: Chas. Heal, - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Kargor, Commissioner, Preoinot No. 1, Virgil Stones, Commissioner, Preoinot No. E, Ym. Karger, Commissioner, Preoiaot No. 8, A. F. Poore, Sheriff and Jno. 8. Leaven, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeadings were had, to-wit: lfo. 383, TRANSFSB FROM 80AD & BRIDGE TO R. D. ~1 SIN;IYG FUND. This End day of Ootober, 1931, it appearing to the Court that there are insuŁfioient funds in R. D. ~f]. 3lnking Fund to pay ofY and dieoharge the interest maturing October 10th, 1931, on the outatandiag bonds oY' Road Distriot No. 1 of Kerr County, it is therefore ordorod by the Court that the sum of $856.00 from Road 8: Bridge ~ tun$ and the sum of $p500.00 from H. & B. #3 fund be and era hereby transferred to the 5lnking Fund of Road Diatrlot No. One. Suoh transfers to be made by the County Treasurer and Covnty Clerk upon their respective books. ~t}d said sums of money so transferred shall le hsturned to the funds from whioh same are herein transferred by the Sinking Fuad of Bos$ Distriot Bo. 1 out of the first avallable money derived from 1931 tasee eolleotsd. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes oa page 610 hereof were read in open Court and Pound oorreot, and ~eame are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 2n.d day of Ootobsr, •. D. 1931. Attest: ~~rk putt'. puny 8~-- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Goo