6 ~ 3 I No. 39Z, PURCHASE OP RO FOOT STRId+ OF LABTD FROM 1[RS. T. F. ALLSUP FOH CENTH&t POINT IAOP. Th1a 12th Qay OY Ootober, 1931, St is ordered by the Court that Kerr County purohaes ~^ a 20 YOOt RtriB OYY of SIrB• T. F. Allenp'e property is Can teT Point, Tezea, (oYY South aide oY said property) uasd !n widening the Canter point Loop Yor the sum oY $b0.00, same to be paid unto Mra. T. F. Allaup by the County Clerk out of the Center Point Road Fund upon dellVery oY deed ezeouted by her to said strip of land Sn Yavor of the County oY Kerr and release Yrom Dr. J. P. Fraser relsaai~ said strip oY land Yrom the lien held by him t hereon. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 393, LOAN RY T. J. MOORS TO COMMISSIONHRS~ PRECINCT N0. 4. This 12th day oY Ootober, 1931, 1t appearing to the Court that R. & B. #4 Yund Sa overdrawn "741.07 and the Ingram-Hunt Road Fund ie overdrawn ~p233.34, making a total deYioisnoy in said two Yunda oY ^p974.41~ and It Yurt her appearing to the Court that T. T. Moore retiring oommis si oner oY' Preoiaot No. 4 prepense to loan said sum oY 974.41 unto Kerr County to oo ver said defioienoiee until February lbth, 1932, without intereatr; t,h ert3tora, Be it ordered by the Covrt that the proposal oY said R. J. Moore b• an6 1e hereby soospted by the Court, and the Clerk is hereby dir0oted to deyoait unto the orsdit of said Yunds Yrom the prooeada aY eai6 loan the sum oY mWiey eaoh font appears deYloient, and said County Clerk is Ytathar authorised and direeted to deliver ante eai6 T. d. Moore proper aorip payable on FeD. lb, 1932 Yor the sum oY $9?4.41 drawn against the R. & B. ~4 Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 394, COUYl~H HiCBSS, Thi^ 1$th day, oY Ooto bar, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that raoeea be taken by thin Court until wednea nay, oatober 14th, 1931. COIIRT RH-CONVENED. This 14th day of Oetober, 1931, the Court re-aonv seed in pursuance oY reoesa taken on Ooto bar 12th, 1931, all members prase nt am opt a ao romie si oner oY Preoinot No. 4, fled Lhe Yellowing prooeedinga were had, to-wit: No. 396, APPOIRTMENT OF COMMI 5SZ ONES OF PRECINOT H0. 4. AND APPROVAL OF HIS OFFICIAL LO?PLS. This 14th day oY Ooto bar, 1931, it ap goer ing to the Court that Commi ealonera Preainot No. 4 oY Ksrr County ie without the earviaea of a eommdaaioner due to the resignation oY Commlenion er T. J. Moore, and it appearing to the Court tffit Hr. d. A. Peril is quel lYl ad to :Pill said oYYloe in every reepeat ., r ( ThoreYora, Bald J. A. Peril be and is hereby appointed by County dodge, Chas. Real sa Commissioner oY Preo inat Ho. 4 oY Kerr County Sn open Court, to Y111 the uaszpired term oS T. J. Moore, anfl said d. A. Peril having taken the required oath and submitted hie oYYioial bonds to the Court, whioh bonds having been found good and auYYi of ant and in proper Yorm, same were duly approved 1a open Court,. and Commissioner Peril immediately took oharge oY the aYYeire oY hie preoinot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 39 G, eCOSPTBHCS OF RjSH'WLTER BRIDGE 1CR059 HITBN A! CIIfTNH POINT. --- Thin 14th day of Ootober, 1931, the Court in ao118 bony sooompanied by County Eegieeer ]6oHee1 and Nx-oommisaioaer, T. J. Moore trawelad to Center Point sad enmin ed and fnepeotsd the oomplated high. water bridge aeroas the 6vadalupa Hiver on the Csn ter Poi Lip and it appearing to the Court that said bridge has bean oonatruotod and eomplatad atriatly