6 ~ 3 No. 39Z, Y08CNAS$ OP 20 FOOT STRIP.gF LEND FROM ffiR3. T. F, 6LLBUP FOB CDBTDR POINT LOOP. This lEth bey of Ootober, 1931, St is ordered by tDe Court that Kerr County purohaes a 20 toot ptrlp otf of ]trs. T. F. 611~~p'~ prop arty Sn Center Point, Texee, (oiY South aids oY as id pa operty) used in widening the Center Yoint Loop Yor the sum oS $60.00, same to be paid unto Mrs. T. F. 611aup by the County Clerk Out oY the Ceat er Point Road Fund upon dellvery oY deed exeouted by her to said at rip of land in favor of the Covnty oY Kerr and release from Dr. J. P. Fraser releasing said etrlp of land Yrom the lien held by him t hereon. o-o-a-o-o-o No. 393, L06N BY T. d. MOOAD TO COMMI5SIONDAS' PRECINCT N0. 9. This 12th day oY October, 1931, it appearing to the Court that A. & B. #4 Yund is overdrawn741.04 and the Ingram-HVnt Road Fund ie overdrawn `{p'233.34, making a total detloienoy in said two Yunde oY ~9?4.41, end It Yurt her appearing to the Court that T. J. Moore retlring oommia ei oner oY" Prealnot No, 4 proposes to loan said sum oY X974.41 unto &srr Cauaty to ao ver said defioianoiee until February lbth, 1932, without interest; t,h er4$ose, Bo it ordered by the Court tDnt the proposal oY said T.. J. ffioors bs sad is hereby eooepted by the Court, and the Clerk 18 hereby dirdetsd to deposit unto the arsdlt oY said Yuada Yr¢m the prooesde oY said loan tDe sum of mgney saoh Yuan- appears detioient, and said County Clark is Y~urther authoriasd and directed to deliver ante said T. d. Moors pro par sorlp payable on FeD, lb, 1932 Yor the sum oY ~9?4,41 drawn agaiaat the R. & B. ~4 FunB, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 394, COUYT'B R$C866, This 1$th.day,oY Oetob~r, 1931, 1t is or dared Dy the Court that raoeae be taken Dy this Court until wedneaday, October 14th, 1931. COQRT RE-CONY$BSD. This 14th day of Oetober, 1931, tDe Court re-oonv sued is purauanoe of reoesa taken on Ooto bar 12th, 1931, all members present exo~pt a ao ramie ei onor oY Preolnat No. 4, and the Yollowing prooeedinga were Dad, to-wit: No, 39b, OPPOINTffiDNT OF COMMISSIONER 07 PRECINOT N0. ~, 6ND 6PFRO4JZ OF RIS OFFIC I6L BONDS. This 14th day oY Ootober, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Comml saloners Preo Snot No. 4 oY Ksrr County ie without the eervioee of a oommi~aioaer due to the resignation oY Commie aion er T. J. Moore, and it appearing to the Court tDat ffir. J. A. Peril ie qual lYl ad ts:.Yill said oYYioe in every reepeat.. ThereYOre, avid J. 6. Peril be and ie hereby appointed by County Judge, CDa e. Real ae Commleaioner of Praoinot No. 4 oY Kerr County in opoa Court, to Y111 the unexpired term oY T. J. Moore, and said J. 6. Peril having taken the required oath and submitted hie o£fioial bonds to the Court, whloh bonds having boon found good and au3Yioieat and in proper Yorm, same.wero duly approved in open Court,. and Commissioner Peril immediately took oharge of the eYYaire oY hie preoiaot. o-O-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 386, 6CCSPTANCS OF HIB$~iPATDR BRID6D 16ROBS BIT$R A4 CHS•T&H POINT. - Thie 14th day of October, 1931, the Court in solid body eooompanied by County IDegirtesr ffioHeel and $x-oommiesionar, T. d. Moors traveled to Center Point and a~min ed and 3nepeotsd the oompleted high water bridge aero sa the Cvsdalupe Eiv dr on the Csn ter Point L«P and it agpearing to the Court that said bridge hsa bean oonetruoted and oompletnd strlaEly sooording to the apaoifioationa and plan in oontraot entered into by and between the°Court ~~/ affi R. 1Y. Speeoa, oontraetor, and within the time limit epeoified, and iC Purth er app Baring to the Court that said ooniraotor in order to strengthen said bridge hsa at hie own srpenae given Kerr County the benefit of about ~1.b00.00 worth of eats materiel and work put into said etruoturs. It Sa therefore oi~dsred and daoreed by the Gourt that Bald bridge bs and is hereby received and aooepted by the Gourt, and ea id oontraotor, R. W. Spaeoe ie hereby ralsaeod and flieoharged from further liability and obligation under hie bonfl on said project, and the Court hereby eatende Hr. Speeoa its appreciation of the splendid eervioes rendered is the matter. .And the County Clerk i• hereby ani horised affi dl rested to issue and deliver Hato R. W. Speeoa a warrant on theCounty lreaaarsr against the Center Poixrt Yoad Pund in the sum of $4,500.00 covering the balano• and final payment du• hfm on the original oontraot price aC $29,625.00 ton said bridge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 397, CROP DAMAGE TO R. L. LOCg ON HIWHAY N0. 29. This 14th day of Ooto bar, 1931, St is orflered by the Court that R. L. Look be and 1a hereby ellovnd damages in the sum of $10.00 to his corn Drop by reason of the oomtrnotion of State Highway Ho. 27, whloh Bum of $10,00 shall ba paid by the County C1orY unto him by proper warrant against the Berr County Lateral Yo ad &und. o-o-o-a-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on ~gea 611 to fl4 hereof inoluaive, ware road in open Court and found oorreot and same arc hereby in all reapeota appr ~~ad by the Court, this the 14th day of October, A. D. 1931. Attest: y ark By nty. -'-doun gs 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OP TEZAS, COUNTY OF EERR. ~ SE IT RLMEMBERED, that oa this 9th day of November, A. D. 1931, there was oegun and holden a regular term of the Co~iasionara Court of Eerr County, Texan, at the Court Houea thereof, in the town of %errvills, Tazes, offioess present: Ches. Real, - . - - - - - - Oouaty Judge, F. •. Sanger, - ... - - - _ Commiaeioner, Preoinot No. 1, 41rgi1 Stomms, - •+ - - - - -Comalseioner, Preoinot No. 2, Wm. Barger, - - - - - - - 6amaiseionar, Preoinot No. 3, J. A. Peril, - - - .. - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No. 4, A. F. Yooiw, Sheriff Had Jno. R. Cassell, County Clark, and the Court having lean regularly opened, the following proaeedin~ ware had, to-wi t: No. 898, PAYNEN2 OF CLAIIB OF SAN ANTONIO do ASANSA9 PASS RAILAOAD COIAPANY, $10,950.00. This 9th day of November, A, D. 1931, Dame on to be eonsidarsd by the Court the olnlm of the San Antonio & Aransas Peas Railroad CompeRy against Barr Oouaty 1n the sum gd' $10,750 for moving its track aeroea the lands of lira. )Bettie Harris elod Albert Peaohal in gerT Count in order to proride sufficient right e! wa1 for State High*ay No. 87 along the sough ad~ap of said new track, ell aoooeding to oontraot entered into by and between said RailroeQ Compo the Tesae & New Orlsana 8eilroad (:.pmpeAy and Earr County of data, June 13th, 1951. And it appearing to the Oourt that said claim is ~uat and oorreot, same is hereby appro-e ... ..... ~....ai@u...1:SZ .[.~. v:. a u.:...~.r.. .. .....a...,.. ..l:t.....ms...... ... ~~. ,.. a.... J.a.......