aaoording to the speoifioationa anfl plan in aontraot entered into Dy and between the Court and R. 1Y, Speeoe, oontraotor, and within the time limit apeoified, and it Purther appearing to the .Court that said oontraotor in order to strengthen esifl bridge has at hie own expense given gerr County the benefit of about $1600.00 worth of extra materlsl and wort put into said atruoturs. It le therefore oPdsrad sad deoraed by the Court that said bridge bs and is hereby reoeired and aaoepted Dy Lhs Court, anfl said oontraotor, R. W. Speeoe is hereby released and diaoharged Prom Purl her liability and obligation under his Donfl oa said pro~eot, and the Court hereby eatende Mr. Speeoe its appreoiation of the splendid earvioae ledflered Sn the matter. And the County Clerk is hereby autherissd and ilreoted to tenon and deliver unto R. W. 3peeoo a warrant on the County 4leasure! against the Ceatsr Point toad Y'und in the avm et ~4,b00.00 covering the balano• and final payment du• him on the original eontraot prigs aE $29,62b.00 for said brldga. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 397, CROP DAMAGE TO R. L. LOCS ON HIWHAY N0. 27. This 14th day o1 Ooto bar, 1931, it is orflered by the Court that H. L. Look be and ie horsby allowed damages in the sum of x`10.00 to his corn crop by reason of the oonetruation of State Highway So. 27, whioh sum of X10,00 shall De paid by the County Clerk unto him by proper warrant against thv gerr Oovaty 7.ateral Yo ad &und. o-O-o-O-e-O-O The foregoing minutes on pages 611 to 614 hereof inclusive, wore read in open Court and found oorreot and same aro hereby in all reapeota approved by the Court, this the 14th day of October, A. D. 1931. Attsat: y lark By ._ synty. ova i s 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OP TSSAS, COUNTY OF EEE?R. ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, that oa this 9th day of November, A. D. 1931, there was begun and holden a regular term of the Commissioners Court of Eerr County, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the town of gerrville, Tazas, offioesa presents Chen. Real, - ... _ - - - .. County Judge, F. •. 8slgor, ~ - - - - - - Oommisaloner, Precinct No. 1, Visgtl Stoffis, - + - - - - -COmmisaionor, Precinct No. 2, Wm. Barger, - - - - - - + .. Comaiseionar, Preainet No. 3, J. A, porn, - - + - - - - Commisaianer, Precinct No. 4, A. F. Yoora, Sheriff aid Jno. R. Leaven, County Clerk, and the Court having~imeen ragulnrly opened, the following proaee8inge were had, to-wi t: No. 5598, PAY2~NT OP OLAiM OP 3AN rNTON10 & AA9AISA9 PASS $1SLROAD COMPANY, $10,750.00. Thin 9th day of November, A. D. 1931, came on to be considered by the Court the claim of the San Antonio & erenssa peas Railroad Compmy a6ainat gerr Oounty In the sum of .~ip,75 for moving its track aerosa the lands of Itrs. Mattis Morris and Albert Paschal is gerr Coon in erdo! to prorida sufficient right d wsy for State Highway No. 27 along the south sL$e of esid now track, ell sooording to ooatlaot entered into by ana betsean said Railroad Camp the Texan R New Orlsana Railroad GOmpasy and Ssrr County of date, June 13th, 1931. And it appearing to the Court that said claim is dust and eorreet, same 1s hereby appro- 4/f ..w. _ ..,..._ ~.. ........ _,. ...,...W. _.. _._. _ ...~