No, 406, REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH NORSE. I Thin 10th day Of November, 1931, same on to be heard t1{W written report of Mlse Ruth Sane Moore,~~iWUnty Heal#h Idurae, for month of Ootober, 1931, whioh report is hereby aosepted by the Court end ordered filod. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 607, QOUNTY'CLER$~3 Q,IIARTERLY,~ABUL,AR STAT~Nf OF COUNTY FINANOES. This 10th day of November, 1931, name an to ba esaminad by the Court the Tabular Statement of the indebtedness, Expenditurep W.n4 Reoeipts of Serr County, Texas, for quarter ending Oot, 31st, 1931, Piled by Jno, R. Leavell, County Clark, which report wen found " oorreot and approved in open Court. o-e-a-o-o-o Ro. 108, QUARTERLY RSpOAT OY TB8 CDUDFfY T8E4SUBER. This 10th flay of November, 1931, 48a1e on ~o be audited and examined by the Court the quarterly report of A. B. Williamson, County Traaeurer of iwaeipta and disbursamenta for quarter ending Oot. 31st, 1931, whioh rapost having been found true and oorreot wen approved in open Court and ordered spread on the minutes of thW Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 409, TEOEPOAARY ALLOWANCE TO PARTIES IN FINANCIAL DISTRESS. Thin 10th day of Rovember, 1961, it is ordered by the Court that saoh of Lhe following:! named parties be and is hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Ad Valorem fund of Stars County, net opposite his or her name, for ssah of the months designated, to-wit: ~ Mrs. •. J, Reynolds, $25.00 per month for November, December, 1931 and January, 1832, to be paid'eaoh month in two equal semi-monthly payments of $12.50 saoh. J. B. Clamant $6.00 per month for ssah o1 said three months. Tim Tuttle $4.00 per month for saoh of said three months. G. W."dc Etta Moody jointly, $14.00 per month for saoh of said three months. John Yntes $10.00 per month for saoh of said 3 months. Mrs. W. M. Smith $10.00 per month for saoh of said 3 months, name to ba paid to Roy Sey. Dr. W, L. Senor, $4.00 per month for each of said 3 months, for G W & Etta Moody house sent. John R. Furman, Agent, $10,00 per month for saoh of said 3 months, for DdTa. Prioe~e house rex aped $COa00 more oovaring eoorusd and unpaid house rent for two months from Sept. 8th tW November Bth, 19b1, whieh $20.00 shell be paid now by the County Clssk. All of acid ellowanaes shall be paid by proper earrante Sasued by the County Clerk against the Ad valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o=o-o No. 410, REDUCTION IN WILD OAT BOURTX. Gr8 r 1. C, This 10th day of November, 19i1, it appearing t0 the Court that Serr County is ao "~ longer able to pay a bounty of $8.00 for saoh rild eat k111ed in Serr County hereafter, ~~ it 1e therefore ordered and adjudged by the Coust that said bounty be deareaeed from $5.00 ii to $3.00 for saoh sild ast killed in Barr County hereafter, whioh $3.00 bounty will be paid ! I on ssah eat killed upon proper affidavit made by land owner killing same or by peony killing it same naambpamied by statement fraot land owner, ae required heretofore. o-o-e-o-o-e-o Ro, 411, TRANSFER OF $1800.00 from Permanent Improvement Fund to Ad Valorem Fund. II This 10th icy of Roveuabes, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that the County Troaaurer! transfer the sum of $1600.00 from the Permanent pnprovement fund to the Ad Valorem fund, ~u same to be restored and paid book to said Permanent Improvement fund by the Ad Valorem fund wham Ad Valorem fuadsh-ason hand suffioient f~mds. O-e-a-D-Q-D-e