619 No. 412, TAANSFEB FA OM R. do B. ~.} FUND TO INGRAM-HUNT AOAD FUSID, This 10th day of November, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the Ingram-Hunt Road Fund is overdrsah in amount of $110,96, it 1a therefore ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer and County Clerk tran afar the sum of $110.96 from Road & Bridge ~4 fnad to said Ingram-Hunt Hoad Pond. o-o-o-o-o=o-o-o-o No. 413, PAYMENT INTEREST CHARGED ON OVERDRAFT INGAAM+'HUNT ROAD FONp, Thin 10th dqy of November, 1931, d. B. Williamson, County Treasurer is hereby authorized and di reo tad by the Court to ohargs the Ingram-Hunt Road Fund rith $8,80 oovering interest on daily over-draft oharged by the County Depoai Cory against chid fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 414, TAANSFER FROM COUNTY TREAS. E%CBSB COM. ACCOUNT TO A. B. Wmeoa. Co. Treas. A/C. This 10th day of November, 1931, it appearing to the Court that fQ some time the aooount rith the County mepoeitory of A', B. Williamson, County Treasurer has bean out of baian oe 1n the aam of $98.05 for nave r8l years through error end that said Treasurer nor the Auditors auditing the County books and reoords during the last four years have been unable to to Date the error. And the Court being convinoed that snid di sorepenoy was caused by an error end that the Treasurer did not receive the benefit of said amount direotly or indireo fly, it ie hereby ordered by the Court that the elmt of $98,06 be transferred by the County Treasurer from the County Treasurer~a Szoeas Oomniasl on sooouat to the A. B. W111iemaon, County Treasurer eaoount rith the County Depository. o-o-o-o-o No. 415, A.-_?LI CATI OPI FOR COU P'+TY TEST STATI OPTS. Tliis 10th day of November, 1931, came on to be considered the following applications r Por designation as County Test Stations in charge :'o~ the lie xe inaf ter Haim d official county representatives Por one year, to-wit: No. of Stet ion: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Name of Station: OPfiei al Co. Representative Conn Car Co. Inc., Kerrville, B. C. Neal Pe ter sons Garage, Kerrville, T.E. Webb Fc FJ.R.Framberg, 0. S. T. Garage, Ingram, B. J. Sublett, T. L. Coa, Center Point, T, L. Coa, I P1 Zumwalt Servias Station, Ingram, I. Z4. Zumwalt, H N Luther & Soa, Kerrville, H. N. Luther. A11 of which applications be and are hereby conditionally granted Dy the Court, k and the official oounty representatives in charge of eaoh station are hereby directed to make proper bond in sum of y500.00 as pro vidad by law, Said bonds to be approved and said designations to be made final at nezt term of this court, O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O No, 416, REDUCTION IN SALARY OF GRADERNASi OF COL~AQISSI OSIERS PRECIP?CT N0. ONE. This 10th day of November, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Henry Eckstein is drawing a monthly salary oP y110,00 as Graderman and Road Foramen Por Commission ers~ Precinct tio. 1 of Kerr County and that same should be reduced, it is therefore ordered by the Court that said Henry Eckstein shall beginning December 1st, 1931, receive a monthly salary of $90,00 as gra derman and road foreman of Precinct No. 1, same to be paid unto him in equal semi-moist hly installments of $45,00 each, payable on the 1st and 15th days of each month by proper vouchers drawn against the R'. & B. f~l Fund of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 614 to 619 hereof final usiv e, were read in open Court and found correct and same are he raby in all respeots approved by the Court, this the oP November. A. D