4i9 I No. 412, TRANSFER FA OM R. & B. ~ FUND TO INGR1lS-HURT ROAD F(A~, This 10th day o! November, 1851, St appearing to the Court that the Ingram-Hunt I0. Road Faad ie overdraim in amount of $110,98, it is therefore ordered Dy the Court that the County Treasurer and County Clark trna afar the sum of $110,96 Prom Road & Bridge $4 Pend to said Ingram-Hunt Road Fnnd. o-o-o-o-o=o-o-o-o No. 413, PAYMENT INTEREST OHARGED ON OVERDRAF'P IBGBAN+?HUNT ROAD FU[ID. This 10th day of November, 1931, A. B. 111111amaon, County Treasurer is hereby authorized and di rooted by the Court to ohaige the Ingram-Hunt Road Fnnd wlth $8.80 covering interest on daily over-draft charged by the County Depository egalnst baid fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 414, TRANSFER FROM COUNTY TREAS. E%CES9 COM. ACCOUNT TC A, B. Wmson.CO. Trees, AJC. This 10th day of November, 1931, it appeasing to the Court that far some time the account with the County Depository of A, B. 81111emsoa, County Treasurer hna bean out of balan oe in the sum oY $90.05 Yor ae7eral years through erroi and that s91d Treasurer nor the Auditors auditing the bounty books affi records Buring the lest foul years have bean unable to locate the error. And the Court being mavinaed that said di aerepenoy wen caused by an error cad that the Treasurer did not receive the benefit of Bald amount directly or indirectly, it is hereby ordered by the Court that the sum o1 $98.05 be transferred i ' by the County Treasurer from the County Tresaurer'a Bzoeae Comtal sai on account to the A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer account with the County Deposi Cosy. o-o-o-o-o No. 415, A'pLICATI OSI FOR COIIP;TY TEST STATI OA:S. ~~ I This 10th day oP November, 1931, came on to be considered the following applications f1 for designation as County Test Stations 1n charge ic~~ the lie reinaf ter Haired oEfi ci al county representatives Por one year, to-wit: ' ' Pdo. of Station: Naim3 of Station: Official Co. Representative ~ 1, Cone Car Co. Inc., Kerrville, B. C. Neal - ~ 2, Peterson's Garage, Re rrvillo, T.E. Webb Pc W.R.Framberg, 3, 0. S. T. Garage, Ingram, B. J. :able tt, 4, T. L. Coz, Center Point, T. L. Coa, ' 5, I W Zumwalt Service Station, Ingram, I. W. Zumwalt, ' 6, H N Luther & Son, Kerrville, H. N. Luther. All of which applia ati ens be and are hereby oonditi onally granted by the Court, and the ofl'iaiel county representatives in charge oP each station are hereby di iectad to make proper bond in sum of X500.00 as pm vided by law. Said bonds to be approved and said dead gnati one to be made Final at nezt term oP this court. r o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 416, REDUCTION IN SALAAY OF GRADERMAPI ~OF COtdlHISSI OPIERS' PRECINCT N0. ONE. Thin 10th day of November, 1931, it appearing to the Court that Henry Eckstein is drawing a monthly salary of $110,00 as Gradermen and Road r^or amen for Commissioners' Preci Hat t7o. 1 oP Kerr County and that same should be reduced, 1t is therefore ordered by the Court that said Henry Eckstein shall begirming December 1'st, 1931, receive s monthly salary of $90,00 as gra Berman and road Foreman oY Precinct No. 1, same to be paid unto him in equal semi-monthly installments oP $45.00 each, payable on the let and 15th days of each month by proper vouchers drawn against the R. & B, j~l Fund of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o Tho foregoing minutes on pages 614 to 619 hereof inolvs ive, waz•e read in open Court and found correct and same are hereby in all respeota approved by the Court, this the 10th day of November. A. D. 1931. - __